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Black-Bottom Cupcakes The Great Book of Chocolate, David Lebovitz Yield: 12 full-size or appro i!atel" #$ !

i%i cupcakes &or the filli%': ( ou%ces crea! cheese, re'ular or reduced fat, at roo! te!perature 1)# cup 'ra%ulated su'ar 1 lar'e e'', at roo! te!perature 2 ou%ces bitters*eet or se!is*eet chocolate, coarsel" chopped &or the cupcakes: 1 1)2 cups all-purpose flour 1 cup fir!l" packed li'ht bro*% su'ar + tablespoo%s %atural u%s*eete%ed cocoa po*der ,%ot Dutch-process1 teaspoo% baki%' soda 1). teaspoo% salt 1 cup *ater 1)# cup u%flavored ve'etable oil 1 tablespoo% *hite or cider vi%e'ar 1 teaspoo% va%illa e tract /ake the filli%': Beat to'ether the crea! cheese, 'ra%ulated su'ar, a%d e'' u%til s!ooth0 1tir i% the chopped chocolate pieces0 1et aside0 /ake the cupcakes: 10 2d3ust the rack to the ce%ter of the ove% a%d preheat to #+$4& ,15+4C-0 Butter a 12-cup !uffi% ti%, or li%e the ti% *ith paper !uffi% cups0 20 6% a !ediu! bo*l sift to'ether the flour, bro*% su'ar, cocoa po*der, baki%' soda, a%d salt0 6% a separate bo*l, !i to'ether the *ater, oil, vi%e'ar, a%d va%illa0 #0 /ake a *ell i% the ce%ter of the dr" i%'redie%ts a%d stir i% the *et i%'redie%ts, stirri%' u%til 3ust s!ooth0 1tir a%" lo%'er a%d "ou *ill over !i the batter a%d e%d up *ith lesstha%-te%der cupcakes0 .0 Divide the batter a!o%' the !uffi% cups0 1poo% a fe* tablespoo%s7 of the filli%' i%to the ce%ter of each cupcake, dividi%' the filli%' eve%l"0 This *ill fill the cups al!ost co!pletel",77 *hich is fi%e0 +0 Bake for 2+ !i%utes, or u%til the tops are sli'htl" 'olde% bro*% a%d the cupcakes feel spri%'" *he% 'e%tl" pressed0 These !oist treats *ill keep *ell u%refri'erated for 2 to # da"s if stored i% a% airti'ht co%tai%er0 T*o %otes: 7 6f "ou choose to 'o !i%i for these, keep the filli%' at a tablespoo% or less, lest "ou ru% out, as, ahe!, so!eo%e else !a" have0 77 Thou'h 68ve o%l" !ade this recipe o%e, a%d therefore do%8t thi%k "ou should take !" i%put as absolute authorit", 68ve 'ot to advise a'ai%st actuall" letti%' these 'u"s fill up0 9ot a% issue if "ou8re 'oi%' full-size, but if "ou 'o !i%i, ai! for :$ perce%t full0

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