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Braised Leeks Yields 6 servings 6 large leeks kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 1/2 cup

olive oil 1 cup sliced shallots 1 tbsp thyme leaves 1/2 cup dry white wine 1 1/2 to 2 cups chicken stock 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. 2. Peel any bruised outer layers from leeks. rim roots! leaving root end intact. rim off tops on diagonal! leaving two inches of green. "ut in half lengthwise. "lean very well in water to remove internal grit. Pat dry with towel. #. $ith cut sides up! season with salt and black pepper. 4. %eat pan over medium&high heat for 2 minutes. Pour in 1/4 cup oil and wait 1 minute. Place leeks! cut side down! in pan with crowding them. 'ake in two batches and use more oil! if necessary. (ear them 4 to ) minutes! until golden brown. (eason with salt and pepper and turn over to cook # to 4 minutes. ransfer them! cut side up! to a gratin dish. ). Pour 1/4 cup oil into pan and heat over medium heat. *dd shallots! thyme! 1/4 teaspoon salt and a pinch of pepper. "ook about ) minutes! until +ust beginning to color. *dd wind and reduce by half. *dd 1 1/2 cups stock and bring to a boil over high heat. Pour over leeks! without ,uite covering them. -. .raise in oven #0 minutes! until tender.

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