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Chicken Kiev Recipe courtesy Alton Brown, 2004 Show: Good Eats Episode: Flat is Beautiful II 8 t !

lespoons "# stick$ uns lted !utter, roo% te%per ture # te spoon dried p rsley # te spoon dried t rr &on # te spoon kosher s lt, plus e'tr (or se sonin& chicken #)4 te spoon (reshly &round !l ck pepper, plus e'tr (or se sonin& chicken 4 !oneless, skinless chicken !re st h lves 2 l r&e whole e&&s, !e ten with # te spoon w ter 2 cups * p nese !re d cru%!s "p nko$, plus #)4 cup (or (illin& +e&et !le oil, (or (ryin& Co%!ine !utter, p rsley, t rr &on, # te spoon s lt, nd #)4 te spoon !l ck pepper in the !owl o( st nd %i'er, -l ce %i'ture on pl stic wr p or w 'ed p per nd roll into s% ll lo&. pl ce in (ree/er, -l ce chicken !re sts, # t ti%e, !etween 2 pieces o( pl stic wr p, S0uirt chicken li&htly with w ter nd s0uirt the top o( the pl stic wr p s well, -ound to no less th n #)81inch thickness, Se son e ch piece o( chicken with s lt nd pepper, 2 y # chicken !re st on new piece o( pl stic wr p nd pl ce #)4 o( the co%pound !utter nd # t !lespoon !re d cru%!s in the center o( e ch !re st, 3sin& the pl stic wr p to ssist, (old in ends o( !re st nd roll !re st into lo&, co%pletely enclosin& the !utter. roll very ti&htly, Repe t with e ch !re st, -l ce chicken in re(ri&er tor (or 2 hours, or up to overni&ht, -l ce e&& nd w ter %i'ture in # pie p n nd 2 cups !re d cru%!s in di((erent pie p n, 4e t #)21inch o( ve&et !le oil in #21inch s ute p n over %ediu%1hi&h he t until oil re ches 567 de&rees 8, 9ip e ch !re st in the e&& %i'ture nd then roll in the !re d cru%!s, :ently pl ce e ch !re st in oil, se led1side down, nd cook until &olden !rown, ppro'i% tely 4 to 7 %inutes on e ch side, until the intern l te%per ture re ches #;7 de&rees 8, Re%ove to coolin& r ck set in sheet p n nd llow to dr in (or 7 to #0 %inutes !e(ore servin&,

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