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Springfield College Daily Lesson Plan

Name: Meghan Flanagan Date: 9/3/13 Time: 84 minutes Lesson #: 6 of 8 Grade: 11/12 School: East Longmeadow High School Facilities: Gymnasium Unit/Theme: Pickle Ball Class Size: 26

Generic Level: Utilization/Proficiency 2. Pickle Ball Paddles (26) 3. Pickleballs (30)

Equipment: 1. Nets/Courts (6)

Focus and Purpose of Lesson: Overhead smash and learn appropriate usage in a game setting Student Performance Objectives (SPO): (NASPE #___; MA CF #___ ; Task/Activity #___)
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

(P) Perform an overhead smash in the practice activity effectively four out of five turns (NASPE # 1; MA CF # 2.17; Activity #1). (P) Perform the overhead smash effectively in game play at least three times (NASPE # 1; MA CF # 2.17; Activity #2, and #3). (C) Identify when the overhead smash would be effective in game play when asked by the teacher (NASPE # 2; MA CF #2.17; Closure). (C) Identify a game sequence in which the overhead smash could be used when asked by the teacher (NASPE # 2; MA CF #2.17; Closure). (A) Students will be respectful to peers and teachers 100% of the time (NASPE # 5; MA CF # 2.26; Entire lesson). (A) Students will respect the provided equipment throughout the entire lesson by using it for its intended purpose (NASPE # 5; MA CF #2.26; Activity #1, #2, and #3). Check each objective is it specific? Is it achievable? Is it developmentally appropriate? Teacher Performance Objectives During the lesson the teacher will: 1. 2. 3. 4. Explain safety and rules of all activities. Check for understanding of the overhead smash and reinforce the use of it in the game. Address off-task behavior right away without losing flow of the class. Give specific skill related feedback to the students.

Special Considerations Remind Ss to stay engaged and on task in the activity and during instruction.

Give clear and concise instructions to avoid off task behavior. Be aware of surroundings including other players, and equipment. Walk around nets, NOT over or under.

References: Darst, P. W., Pangrazi, R. P., Sariscsany, M., & Brusseau, T. A. (2012). Dynamic physical education for secondary school students (7th ed.). New York: Benjamin Cummings (pp. 166-167).


SEQUENCE OF LESSON Attendance: Ss will enter the gym and will go directly to their attendance spot. Attendance will be taken and then Ss will go into the locker room to change for class. Transition: Ss will go into the locker rooms and change, and then re-enter the gym. Warm-Up: Ss will run/jog five laps around the gym. Once they have completed this they will do 2 sets of 20 crunches. T will cue each set. T or chosen S will lead the class in stretches. During stretches T will go over focus of the day and review start and stop signals, and safety. Focus of the day: PickleballOverhead Smash Start and stop signals: Start- ready, go. Stop- two whistles (attention on teacher, and equipment at feet) Safety: Be aware of other teams/groups on neighboring courts. Stay away from nets/poles. Walk around nets, NOT over/under! Transition: Ss will move from warmup and sit against the wall facing the T who will be standing on the court with a Pickleball paddle and ball.







Informing: Pickleball SmashThe overhead smash shot is a power shot that is used when the ball is overhead and the player wants to challenge their opponent with a powerful shot. The overhead smash is typically hit towards the opponents feet, so it would be difficult for them to return. Use the smash when you are close to the non-volley zone line to guarantee the Pickleball will make it over the net. Refining: Skill Cues for Overhead Smash: -

___________Wall_______________ SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS

No Volley Zone

Shake hands grip Opposite shoulder facing target (body sideways) Raise paddle back and up above head Strike ball overhead with paddle facing downwards Follow through down and across towards your target

___________Wall_______________ Demonstration: T and chosen S will demonstrate for the rest of the class. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS S will hit a lob shot to the T. The T will return the lob with an overhead smash. *Be sure to demonstrate difference in No S hitting the ball with the paddle facing Volley down and paddle facing forwards. Zone 25-27 Transition: Split class into eight groups of 3 and one group of 2. Have one S in each group be the server (they will rotate after 3 turns), and the others will move to the opposite side of the court. One S will step up to practice first, and the other will wait behind the baseline. There will be 3 courts with two groups on each. Activity 1: Overhead Smash PracticeServing S will be on the opposite side of the court from the Ss waiting in


line. Serving Ss will have the pickle balls. Serving S will lob the ball to the first S in line so it is above their head. The S will use the overhead smash to hit the ball back towards the ground in bounds on the serving side. Instruct Ss to hit the ball forcefully in order to guarantee a follow through. Ss will get three turns each and then rotate (Server will move to end of line, receiver will move up to be server, and S in line will move up to be receiver). Motivational Objective: Challenge Ss to 1. Hit the ball inbounds; and 2. Try to hit the ball as close to the servers feet as possible to make a return difficult. Transition: Ss will have 20 sec. to choose a partner and move to a court and set up doubles style play. There will be two groups with 3 Ss. These Ss will rotate the third player in every point. 35-60 Activity 2: Game Play They will play using the rules and techniques learned in previous classes. *CFU: review of doubles Two players per team, Must let serve and return bounce before hitting, Cannot volley in non-volley zone, One bounce allowed per side Baseline/sidelines are in play. Ss will focus on using the overhead smash appropriately for todays game time. T will keep time. 5minute games then rotate Ss clockwise to a different court to play a different team each time. Motivational Objective: If an

S (pickle balls)

S S (in line)


overhead smash is used and it is successful that team will receive two points instead of one. The team with the most points scored using the smash will get to choose warm-up activity for the next class. Transition: Ss will have 20 sec. to choose a partner, and two other groups and then set up for doubles style play plus an extra pair (waiting at baseline) on the courts. There will be three courts with 6 Ss, one court with 5 Ss and one court with 3 Ss. T 60-70 Activity 3: Royals of Court Royals side Ss who are not playing will wait by the end line on the bleachers side of the S S gym. Ss will begin play, following the rules and regulations stated before. The first team to score wins. If a team wins, they will continue to play, and move up to the next side of the court (Royal side). If a team loses they will S S go back to the bleacher side of the gym behind the baseline wait for another team to lose, so they can move back on. S S (in line) While waiting to go back on, Ss will officiate for the game on their court. If Bleacher side you continue to win, you will continue to play. Ss will work on using the overhead smash during this game. Motivational Objective: Which team can remain on the Royal side the longest? Transition: Ss will walk to put equipment back in appropriate boxes. Ss will move to the corner of the gym for a closure.



Closure: T will review the purpose and cues of the overhead smash. When is the best time to use the overhead smash? Create a sequence of events


that could happen in a game where you would use the overhead smash at least once. 74-84 Transition: Ss will help T take down Pickleball nets, then go into the locker room to change, and then return to the gym to wait for the bell.

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