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Romeo and Juliet

By William Shakespeare

Verona, Italy 1590's, July RO !O"""""""""""""""""""""""""""Son o# O$%&'(! B!$VO)IO""""""""""""""""""""" onta*ue +ousin o# RO !O &BR& """"""""""""""""""""""""""" onta*ue )OR, O$%&'(!"""""""-ather o# RO !O )&,. O$%&'(!""""""" other o# RO !O J()I!%"""""""""""""""""""""""""""",au*hter o# /&0()!% %.B&)%""""""""""""""""""""""""""/apulet +ousin o# J()I!% S& 0SO$"""""""""""""""""""""""/apulet 'R!'OR.""""""""""""""""""""""/apulet )OR, /&0()!%""""""""""""-ather o# J()I!% )&,. /&0()!%"""""""""""" other o# J()I!% $(RS!""""""""""""""""""""""""""""/apulet ser1ant to J()I!% !R/(%IO"""""""""""""""""""""-rien2 o# RO !O 0&RIS""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""%o 3e2 J()I!% 0RI$/!"""""""""""""""""""""""""""0rin+e o# Verona -RI&R )&WR!$/!""""""" arries RO !O 4 J()I!% JO5$"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""/arries messa*e #or -RI&R )&WR!$/! &0O%5!/&R."""""""""""""""Sells poison to RO !O /I%I6!$S, S!RV&$%S, (SI/I&$S, '(&R,S, et+"

Edited and adapted by David Hundsness, 2008. This adaptation may be used for free in part or whole for performance, even for profit; as! only that you contact me at scripts"hundsness.com to let me !now who is usin# it, and #ive credit to David Hundsness and www.hundsness.com where appropriate. This adaptation retains $ha!espeare%s ori#inal lan#ua#e. t has been shortened to under two hours, cuttin# scenes that are typically slow to modern audiences. Dated references are minimi&ed so the story may be set anytime and anywhere. ' (eddin# )eremony and *uliet+s ,uneral are created from cut-and-pasted lines, and some scenes are altered for dramatic impact .all from the ori#inal script, of course/. To see all lines that were cut, see the unabrid#ed version at www.hundsness.com0plays. The ori#inal play was first performed around 1232. This te4t is based on the $econd 5uarto of 1233, with corrections and alternate te4t from the ,irst 5uarto of 1236, $econd 5uarto of 1233, Third 5uarto of 1703, ,ourth 5uarto of 1722, ,irst ,olio of 1728, and later editions. $pellin# and punctuation are moderni&ed .'merican/ with some indications of pronunciation. $ta#e directions are clarified. $ide notes are #iven for vocabulary, fi#urative lan#ua#e, and allusions.

INDEX 9onday 1 1"1a 8 1"19 : 1"8a ; 1"1+ 1"89 5 1": < 1"; @ 1"5 A 9 8"1 8"8 0rolo*ue /apulets an2 onta*ues *et into a #i*ht7 0rin+e stops them Romeo's parents ask Ben1olio a9out Romeo's sa2 moo2 /apulet in1ites 0aris to 3oo Juliet Romeo tells Ben1olio he is 9rokenhearte2 Ben1olio persua2es Romeo to *o to /apulet's 9all Juliet's mother an2 $urse 2is+uss marria*e 3ith her Romeo an2 #rien2s talk 9e#ore the 9all7 er+utio talks o# 2reams =>ueen a9? &t /apulet 9all, Romeo an2 Juliet #all in lo1e at #irst si*ht %y9alt 3ants to kill Romeo #or +rashin* the party7 /apulet stops him Romeo 4 Juliet talk an2 kiss, then learn they are enemies Romeo slips a3ay7 his #rien2s look #or him Romeo 4 Juliet eB+han*e 1o3s o# lo1e an2 plan to marry =9al+ony s+ene?

Tuesday 10 8": 11 8"; 18 8"5 1: 8"< 1; :"1a

-riar a*rees to marry Romeo 4 Juliet er+utio, Ben1olio, an2 Romeo Coke aroun27 Romeo meets $urse $urse tells Juliet the 3e22in* plans -riar marries Romeo 4 Juliet %y9alt +hallen*es Romeo7 Romeo re#uses7 er+utio #i*hts %y9alt an2 2ies7 Romeo kills %y9alt 15 :"19 )a2y /apulet 2eman2s Custi+e7 0rin+e 9anishes Romeo I$%!R ISSIO$ 1< :"8 1@ :": 1A :"; Juliet anti+ipates her 3e22in* ni*ht7 $urse tells her a9out %y9alt 4 Romeo -riar +onsoles Romeo7 they plan #or Romeo to 1isit Juliet an2 #lee /apulet plans #or Juliet to marry 0aris on %hurs2ay

(ednesday 19 :"5a Romeo 4 Juliet 3ake as he must lea1e #or antua 80 :"59 Juliet's mother tells her she'll 3e2 0aris7 she re#uses7 her #ather is enra*e27 $urse a21ises her to marry 0aris 81 ;"1 Juliet e1a2es 0aris at +hur+h7 -riar plans #or her to #ake her 2eath 88 ;": Juliet takes the sleepin* potion7 Thursday 8: ;"5 8; 5"1a 85 5"8 8< 5"19 5":a 8@ 5":9 -riar 2eli1ers Juliet's eulo*y Romeo hears Juliet is 2ea27 he plans to 2ie 9y her si2e -riar realiDes Romeo 2i2n't *et his messa*e 5e 9uys poison #rom an apothe+ary 'uar2s #i*ht Romeo7 he es+apes Romeo #in2s Juliet an2 2rinks the poison7 Juliet 3akes an2 kills hersel# onta*ue an2 /apulet

,riday mornin# 8A 5":+ 0rin+e +on2emns

PROLOGUE /5OR(S %3o househol2s, 9oth alike in 2i*nity, In #air Verona, 3here 3e lay our s+ene, -rom an+ient *ru2*e 9reak to ne3 mutiny, Where +i1il 9loo2 makes +i1il han2s un+lean" -rom #orth the #atal loins o# these t3o #oes & pair o# starE+ross'2 lo1ers take their li#e, Whose misa21enture2 piteous o1erthro3s ,oth 3ith their 2eath 9ury their parents' stri#e" %he #ear#ul passa*e o# their 2eathEmark'2 lo1e, &n2 the +ontinuan+e o# their parents' ra*e, Whi+h, 9ut their +hil2ren's en2, nau*ht +oul2 remo1e, Is no3 the t3o hours' tra##i+ o# our sta*e" SCENE 1 :;erona, a street, mornin#. $'9<$=> ? @AE@=AB, armedC 'R!'OR. %he Fuarrel is 9et3een our masters an2 us their men" S& 0SO$ I strike Fui+kly, 9ein* mo1e2" 'R!'OR. But thou art not Fui+kly mo1e2 to strike" S& 0SO$ & 2o* o# the house o# onta*ue mo1es me" 'R!'OR. %o mo1e is to stir, an2 to 9e 1aliant is to stan2" %here#ore i# thou art mo1e2, thou runn'st a3ayG S& 0SO$ & 2o* o# that house shall mo1e me to stan2" &n2 'tis kno3n I am a pretty pie+e o# #lesh" :'DA'9 ? another 9onta#ue enter, armedC 'R!'OR. ,ra3 thy toolG S& 0SO$ )et us take the la3 on our si2e7 let them 9e*in" I 3ill 9ite my thum9 at them, 3hi+h is a 2is*ra+e to them i# they 9ear it" :bites his thumbC &BR& ,o you 9ite your thum9 at us, sirH S& 0SO$ I 2o 9ite my thum9, sir" &BR& ,o you 9ite your thum9 at us, sirH S& 0SO$ :to @re#oryC Is the la3 on our si2e i# I say IayIH 'R!'OR. $oG S& 0SO$ :to 'bramC $o, sir, I 2o not 9ite my thum9 at you, sir, 9ut I 9ite my thum9, sir" 'R!'OR. :to 'bramC ,o you Fuarrel, sirH &BR& >uarrel sirH $o, sirG S& 0SO$ menservants attac!, an#ered families, ran! rivalry, outbrea!s, fi#htin# civilian fateful, children doomed unfortunate, pitiful, downfall end, fi#htin# doomed e4cept for, nothin# performance


.bawdy/ sword #ive the fin#er ta!e it without a fi#ht


challen#e us

But i# you 2o, sir, I am #or youG I ser1e as *oo2 a man as you" will fi#ht you, master &BR& $o 9etterH S& 0SO$ Well, sir 'R!'OR. :sees Tybalt comin#; to $ampsonC Say I9etterIG 5ere +omes one o# our kinsmen" relatives S& 0SO$ .es, 9etter" &BR& .ou lieG S& 0SO$ ,ra3, i# you 9e menG :They fi#htC B!$VO)IO :enters, sword drawnC 0art, #oolsG .ou kno3 not 3hat you 2oG separate %.B&)% :enters, to DenvolioC What, art thou 2ra3n amon* these heartless hin2sH deer0servants %urn thee, Ben1olio" )ook upon thy 2eathG :draws his swordC face your death B!$VO)IO I 2o 9ut keep the pea+e" Eust %.B&)% What, 2ra3n, an2 talk o# pea+eH I hate the 3or2, your sword drawn &s I hate hell, all onta*ues, an2 theeG :They fi#htC 0RI$/! :enters with 'ttendantsC Re9ellious su9Ce+ts, enemies to pea+e, On pain o# torture, #rom those 9loo2y han2s %hro3 your mistempere2 3eapons to the *roun2" hostile %hree +i1il 9ra3ls, 9re2 o# an airy 3or2 public, started by few words By thee, /apulet, an2 onta*ue, 5a1e thri+e 2istur9e2 the Fuiet o# our streets" three times I# e1er you 2istur9 our streets a*ain, .our li1es shall pay the #or#eit o# the pea+eG you+ll be e4ecuted for On+e more, on pain o# 2eath, all men 2epartG :'ll e4itC SCENE 2 :9onta#ue house, or a street. F=AD ? F'DB 9=>T'@GE, DE>;=F =C )&,. O$%&'(! O, 3here is RomeoH Sa3 you him to2ayH Ri*ht *la2 I am he 3as not at this #ray" B!$VO)IO a2am, an hour 9e#ore the 3orshippe2 sun 0eere2 #orth the *ol2en 3in2o3 o# the east, (n2erneath the *ro1e o# sy+amore So early 3alkin* 2i2 I see your son" )&,. O$%&'(! any a mornin* hath he there 9een seen, With tears au*mentin* the #resh mornin* 2e3, &22in* to +lou2s more +lou2s 3ith his 2eep si*hs" But all so soon as the allE+heerin* sun Shoul2 in the #urthest east 9e*in to 2ra3 %he sha2y +urtains #rom &urora's 9e2, &3ay #rom the li*ht steals home my hea1y son, &n2 pri1ate in his +ham9er pens himsel#, Shuts up his 3in2o3s, lo+ks #air 2ayli*ht out,

fi#ht from

addin# to as soon as #od of dawn comes home, sad bedroom, loc!s

&n2 makes himsel# an arti#i+ial ni*ht" O$%&'(! Bla+k an2 portentous must this humor pro1e, (nless *oo2 +ounsel may the +ause remo1e" B!$VO)IO So please you, step asi2e" I'll kno3 his *rie1an+e or 9e mu+h 2enie2" :They e4itC SCENE 3 :)apulet house, or a street. )'<GFET, <'A $C

forebodin#, mood advice, remove the cause the cause of his distress

/&0()!% But onta*ue is 9oun2 as 3ell as I reHuired by law In penalty alike, an2 'tis not har2, I think, -or men so ol2 as 3e to keep the pea+e" 0&RIS O# honora9le re+konin* are you 9oth, reputation &n2 pity 'tis you li1e2 at o22s so lon*" But no3, my lor2, 3hat say you to my suitH courtship of your dau#hter /&0()!% But sayin* o'er 3hat I ha1e sai2 9e#oreJ Eust sayin# over a#ain y +hil2 is yet a stran*er in the 3orl2, )et t3o more summers 3ither in their pri2e, pass by !re 3e may think her ripe to 9e a 9ri2e" before, ready 0&RIS .oun*er than she are happy mothers ma2e" /&0()!% &n2 too soon marre2 are those so early ma2e" harmed %he earth hath s3allo3e2 all my hopes 9ut she7 #rave, other children She is the hope#ul la2y o# my earth" of my earthly body .my offsprin#/ But 3oo her, *entle 0aris, *et her heart" y 3ill to her +onsent is 9ut a part" my wishes are less important than hers &n2, she a*ree2, 3ithin her s+ope o# +hoi+e if she a#rees )ies my +onsent an2 #air a++or2in* 1oi+e" a#reein# %his ni*ht I hol2 an ol2 a++ustome2 #east, customary Whereto I ha1e in1ite2 many a *uest Su+h as I lo1e, not o# the house o# onta*ues, whom &n2 you, most 3el+ome" )ook to 9ehol2 this ni*ht see !arthEtrea2in* stars that make 2ark hea1en li*ht" beautiful women Su+h +om#ort as 2o lusty youn* men #eel &mon* #resh #emale 9u2s" 5ear all, all see, see all the women &n2 like her most" /ome, *o 3ith me" then li!e the best one :They e4itC SCENE 4 :' street. DE>;=F = ? A=9E=C B!$VO)IO 'oo2 morro3, +ousin" RO !O Is the 2ay so youn*H B!$VO)IO But ne3 stru+k nine" RO !O &y me, sa2 hours seem lon*" Was that my #ather that 3ent hen+e so #astH #ood mornin#

Eust now away

B!$VO)IO It 3as" What sa2ness len*thens Romeo's hoursH RO !O $ot ha1in* that, 3hi+h ha1in*, makes them short" B!$VO)IO In lo1eH RO !O Out B!$VO)IO O# lo1eH RO !O Out o# her #a1or 3here I am in lo1e" B!$VO)IO &las, that )o1e, so *entle in his 1ie3, too bad )upid who loo!s #entle Shoul2 9e so tyrannous an2 rou*h in proo#G is actually rou#h RO !O &las, this lo1e #eel I, that #eel no lo1e in this" love one who does not love me :sees si#ns of the fi#htC What #ray 3as hereH .et tell me not, #or I ha1e hear2 it all" 5ere's mu+h to 2o 3ith hate, 9ut more 3ith lo1e" it+s all about Why, then, O 9ra3lin* lo1e, O lo1in* hate, O anythin* o# nothin* #irst +reateG created of nothin# O hea1y li*htness, serious 1anity, foolishness isshapen +haos o# 3ellEseemin* #orms, attractive ,ost thou not lau*hH B!$VO)IO $o +oD, I rather 3eep" cousin RO !O 'oo2 heart, at 3hatH friend B!$VO)IO &t thy *oo2 heart's oppression" RO !O Why, su+h is lo1e's trans*ression" love+s ways )o1e is a smoke ma2e 3ith the #ume o# si*hs7 Bein* pur*e2, a #ire sparklin* in lo1ers' eyes7 love bein# e4chan#ed Bein* 1eBe2, a sea ra*in* 3ith lo1ers' tears7 love bein# denied & ma2ness most 2is+reet" B!$VO)IO Why, Romeo, art thou ma2H #oin# mad RO !O $ot ma2, 9ut 9oun2 more than a ma2man is, confined Shut up in prison, kept 3ithout my #oo2, Whippe2 an2 tormente2, an2 B!$VO)IO %ell me in sa2ness, 3ho is that you lo1eH seriously RO !O In sa2ness, +oD, I 2o lo1e Rosaline" B!$VO)IO & ri*ht #air mark, #air +oD, is soonest hit" tar#et in plain si#ht RO !O Well in that hit you missG She'll not 9e hit 3ith /upi2's arro3" &n2 in stron* proo# o# +hastity 3ell arme2, armor, vir#inity -rom )o1e's 3eak 9o3 she li1es un+harme2" )upid+s, unaffected She 3ill not stay the sie*e o# lo1in* terms, won+t be won by sweet tal! $or 9i2e th'en+ounter o# assailin* eyes, lovin# loo!s $or ope her lap to saintEse2u+in* *ol2" open .bawdy/, riches B!$VO)IO %hen she hath s3orn that she 3ill still li1e +hasteH always stay a vir#in RO !O

She hath, an2 in that sparin* makes hu*e 3aste, She is too #air, too 3ise, 3isely too #air %o merit 9liss 9y makin* me 2espair" She hath #ors3orn to lo1e, an2 in that 1o3 ,o I li1e 2ea2, that li1e to tell it no3" B!$VO)IO Be rule2 9y me7 #or*et to think o# her" RO !O O, tea+h me ho3 I shoul2 #or*et to thinkG B!$VO)IO By *i1in* li9erty unto thine eyes" !Bamine other 9eautiesG RO !O One #airer than my lo1eG %he allEseein* sun $e'er sa3 her mat+h sin+e #irst the 3orl2 9e*un" 5e that is stru+ken 9lin2 +annot #or*et %he pre+ious treasure o# his eyesi*ht lost" %hou +anst not tea+h me to #or*et" B!$VO)IO I'll pay that 2o+trine, or else 2ie in 2e9t" &t this ni*ht's an+ient #east o# /apulet's Sups the #air Rosaline, 3hom thou so lo1es, With all the a2mire2 9eauties o# Verona" 'o thither, an2 3ith unattainte2 eye /ompare her #a+e 3ith some that I shall sho3, &n2 I 3ill make thee think thy s3an a +ro3" RO !O When the 2e1out reli*ion o# mine eye aintains su+h #alsehoo2, then turn tears to #ires" B!$VO)IO %ut, man, one #ire 9urns out another's 9urnin*" &n2 i# you lea1e me so, you 2o me 3ron*G RO !O I'll *o alon*, no su+h si*ht to 9e sho3n, But to reCoi+e in splen2or o# mine o3n" :They e4itC SCENE 5 :)apulet house. F'DB )'<GFET ? >GA$EC )&,. /&0()!% $urse, 3here's my 2au*hterH /all her #orth to me" $(RS! I 9a2e her +ome" 'o2 #or9i2G Where's this *irlH JulietG JulietG J()I!% a2am, I am here" What is your 3illH )&,. /&0()!% %his is the matter"$urse, *i1e lea1e a3hile, We must talk in se+ret" :>urse starts to leaveC $urse, +ome 9a+k a*ainG I ha1e remem9ere2 me" %hou kno3'st my 2au*hter's o# a pretty a*e" $(RS! %hou 3ast the prettiest 9a9e that e'er I nurse2" &n2 I mi*ht li1e to see thee marrie2 on+e, I ha1e my 3ish" )&,. /&0()!% arry, that ImarryI is the 1ery theme I +ame to talk o#" %ell me, 2au*hter Juliet,

withholdin# beautiful, Eust win a place in heaven sworn not to love listen to me

anyone as beautiful

teach you that lesson, failure traditional dines there, unbiased

accepts such a lie nonsense not to see whom you show the beauty of Aosaline

told what do you want leave us you shall, conversation


5o3 stan2s your 2isposition to 9e marrie2H J()I!% It is an honor that I 2ream not o#" $(RS! &n honorH Were not I thine only nurse, I 3oul2 say thou ha2st su+ke2 3is2om #rom thy teat" )&,. /&0()!% !nou*h o# this" 5ol2 thy pea+eG Well, think o# marria*e no3" .oun*er than you, 5ere in Verona, la2ies o# esteem &re ma2e alrea2y mothers" By my +ount I 3as your mother mu+h upon these years %hat you are no3 a mai2" %hus then in 9rie#J %he 1aliant 0aris seeks you #or his lo1e" $(RS! & man, youn* la2yG )a2y, su+h a man as all the 3orl2" )&,. /&0()!% Verona's summer hath not su+h a #lo3er" $(RS! $ay, he's a #lo3er, in #aith, a 1ery #lo3er" )&,. /&0()!% What say youH /an you lo1e the *entlemanH %his ni*ht you shall 9ehol2 him at our #east" Rea2 o'er the 1olume o# youn* 0aris' #a+e, &n2 #in2 2eli*ht 3rit there 3ith 9eauty's pen" %his pre+ious 9ook o# lo1e, this un9oun2 lo1er, %o 9eauti#y him, only la+ks a +o1er" %hat 9ook in many's eyes 2oth share the *lory %hat in *ol2 +lasps lo+ks in the *ol2en story" So shall you share all that he 2oth possess By ha1in* him, makin* yoursel# no less" $(RS! $o lessH $ay, 9i**er" Women *ro3 9y men" )&,. /&0()!% Speak 9rie#ly" /an you like o# 0aris' lo1eH J()I!% I'll look to like, i# lookin* likin* mo1e, But no more 2eep 3ill I en*a*e mine eye %han your +onsent *i1es stren*th to make it #ly" S!RV&$% :entersC a2am, the *uests are +ome" )&,. /&0()!% We #ollo3 thee" :$ervant e4itsC Juliet" $(RS! 'o, *irl, seek happy ni*hts to happy 2ays" :They e4itC SCENE 6 :' street, that ni#ht. A=9E=, 9EA)GT =, DE>;=F =C RO !O What shall this spee+h 9e spoke #or our eB+useH Or shall 3e on 3ithout apolo*yH B!$VO)IO )et them measure us 9y 3hat they 3ill" We'll measure them a measure an2 9e *one"

how do you feel about marria#e

if weren+t your only wet-nurse the breast as! you, be Huiet hi#h-breedin# at the same a#e

indeed see read li!e a boo! written uncovered0unmarried he only needs a cover a boo! cover is made beautiful by a beautiful tale all his wealth and status marryin# him #et pre#nant

if loo!s will ma!e me li!e him won+t loo! any deeper than you want me to have come will follow

to ma!e

apolo#y for intrudin# #o on into the party Eud#e how they want dance a dance

RO !O I am not #or this am9lin*" !R/(%IO $ay, *entle Romeo, 3e must ha1e you 2an+e" RO !O $ot I, 9elie1e me" .ou ha1e 2an+in* shoes With nim9le soles" I ha1e a soul o# lea2" !R/(%IO .ou are a lo1er" Borro3 /upi2's 3in*s &n2 soar 3ith them a9o1e a +ommon 9oun2" RO !O I am too sore enpier+K2 3ith his sha#t %o soar 3ith his li*ht #eathers, (n2er lo1e's hea1y 9ur2en 2o I sink" !R/(%IO &n2 to sink in it, you 9ur2en lo1e, %oo *reat oppression #or a ten2er thin*" RO !O Is lo1e a ten2er thin*H It is too rou*h, %oo ru2e, too 9oisterous, an2 it pri+ks like thorn" !R/(%IO I# lo1e 9e rou*h 3ith you, 9e rou*h 3ith lo1eG 0ri+k lo1e #or pri+kin*, an2 you 9eat lo1e 2o3n" B!$VO)IO /ome, kno+k an2 enter, an2 no sooner in, But e1ery man 9etake him to his le*s" RO !O I'll look on" %he *ame 3as ne'er so #air, an2 I am 2one" !R/(%IO I# thou art ,un, 3e'll 2ra3 thee #rom the mire O# lo1e, 3herein thou sti+k'st up to the ears" /ome, hoG RO !O &n2 3e mean 3ell in *oin* to this mask, But 'tis no 3it to *o" !R/(%IO Why, may one askH RO !O I 2reamt a 2ream toni*ht" !R/(%IO &n2 so 2i2 I" RO !O Well, 3hat 3as yoursH !R/(%IO %hat 2reamers o#ten lieG RO !O In 9e2 asleep, 3hile they 2o 2ream thin*s trueG !R/(%IO O, then I see >ueen a9 hath 9een 3ith youG B!$VO)IO >ueen a9H What's sheH !R/(%IO She is the #airies' mi23i#e, an2 she +omes In shape no 9i**er than an a*ateEstone On the #ore#in*er o# an al2erman, ,ra3n 3ith a team o# little atomies O1er men's noses as they lie asleep" 5er +hariot is an empty haDelnut, 5er 3a*onEspokes ma2e o# lon* spinners' le*s, %he +o1er o# the 3in*s o# *rasshoppers,


in love leap0limit wounded, arrow

you+d burden love by sin!in# in it

Huarrelsome pric!in# you, .bawdy/ as soon as we+re inside start dancin# party, bri#ht .proverb/ a horse named Dun, pull, mud pardon me, are stuc! masHuerade party not wise

last ni#ht


#em-stone officer pulled by, tiny creatures


%he tra+es o# the moonshine's 3atery 9eams, harnesses, moonbeams &n2 in this state she *allops ni*ht 9y ni*ht %hrou*h lo1ers' 9rains, an2 then they 2ream o# lo1e7 O'er la3yers' #in*ers, 3ho strai*ht 2ream on #ees7 ri#ht away O'er la2ies' lips, 3ho strai*ht on kisses 2ream, ri#ht away dream of !isses Whi+h o#t the an*ry a9 3ith 9listers pla*ues often, #ives them blisters .herpes/ Be+ause their 9reaths 3ith s3eetmeats tainte2 are" smell of sweet foods .bawdy/ Sometime she 2ri1eth o'er a sol2ier's ne+k, &n2 then 2reams he o# +uttin* #orei*n throats, O# 9rea+hes, am9us+a2oes, an2 then anon crossin# enemy lines, ambushes, soon ,rums in his ear, at 3hi+h he starts an2 3akes, is startled &n2 9ein* thus #ri*hte2 s3ears a prayer or t3o &n2 sleeps a*ain" %his is that 1ery 5a*, 3hen mai2s lie on their 9a+ks, %hat presses them an2 learns them #irst to 9ear, teaches, bear children .bawdy/ akin* them 3omen o# *oo2 +arria*e" %his is she IrepeatJ RO !O 0ea+e, pea+e, er+utio, pea+eG %hou talk'st o# nothin*" !R/(%IO %rue, I talk o# 2reams, Whi+h are the +hil2ren o# an i2le 9rain, Be*ot o# nothin* 9ut 1ain #antasy, born, foolish Whi+h is as thin o# su9stan+e as the air &n2 more in+onstant than the 3in2" chan#eable B!$VO)IO %his 3in2 you talk o# 9lo3s us #rom oursel1esG plans Supper is 2one, an2 3e shall +ome too lateG RO !O I #ear too early, #or my min2 mis*i1es fears Some +onseFuen+e yet han*in* in the stars still Shall 9itterly 9e*in his #ear#ul 2ate With this ni*ht's re1els, an2 eBpire my term party, end the life By some 1ile #or#eit o# untimely 2eath" evil, early death But 5e that hath the steera*e o# my +ourse ,ire+t my sailG B!$VO)IO On, lusty *entlemenG let+s #o, merry :'ll e4itC SCENE 7 :)apulet house. $EA;'>T$, 9usicians ? @uests, F=AD ? F'DB )'<GFET, )=G$ > )'<GFET, >GA$E, *GF ET, TBD'FT, and more @uests enterC /&0()!% Wel+ome, *entlemen" &h ha, my mistressesG ladies Whi+h o# you all 3ill no3 2eny to 2an+eH refuse Wel+ome, *entlemen" I ha1e seen the 2ay that I +oul2 tell & 3hisperin* tale in a #air la2y's ear, su+h as 3oul2 please" beautiful, deli#ht her .ou are 3el+ome, *entlemenG :A=9E=, 9EA)GT = ? DE>;=F = enter in mas!sC RO !O :seein# *ulietC ,i2 my heart lo1e till no3H -ors3ear it, si*ht, before, deny it, eyes -or I ne'er sa3 true 9eauty till this ni*ht" %.B&)% :asideC What, 2ares a onta*ue +ome hither here %o #leer an2 s+orn at our solemnityH sneer, festivity $o3, 9y the sto+k an2 honor o# my kin, family %o strike him 2ea2, I hol2 it not a sinG :starts to #oC

/&0()!% Why, ho3 no3, nephe3G Where#ore storm you soH %.B&)% (n+le, this is a onta*ue, our #oe, & 1illain that is hither +ome in spite %o s+orn at our solemnity this ni*htG /&0()!% .oun* Romeo is itH %.B&)% '%is he" /&0()!% /ontent thee" )et him alone" 5e 9ears him like a portly *entleman, &n2, to say truth, Verona 9ra*s o# him %o 9e a 1irtuous an2 3ellE*o1erne2 youth" I 3oul2 not #or the 3ealth o# all the to3n 5ere in my house 2o him 2ispara*ement" %.B&)% I'll not en2ure himG /&0()!% 5e shall 9e en2ure2G I say, he shallG 'o toG .ou'll not en2ure himG 'o2 shall men2 my soulG .ou'll make a mutiny amon* my *uestsH %.B&)% Why, un+le, 'tis a shameG /&0()!% .ou must +ontrary meH 'o, 9e Fuiet, or #or shame, I'll make you FuietG

hello, why so an#ry came here, to spite and festivity

calm down behaves li!e, di#nified well-behaved disrespect him

#o away save my soul riot

you+ll cross me

RO !O :ta!in# *uliet+s handC I# I pro#ane 3ith my un3orthy han2 defile %his holy shrine, the *entle sin is thisJ y lips, t3o 9lushin* pil*rims, rea2y stan2 %o smooth that rou*h tou+h 3ith a ten2er kiss" J()I!% 'oo2 pil*rim, you 2o 3ron* your han2 too mu+h, Whi+h mannerly 2e1otion sho3s in this, -or saints ha1e han2s that pil*rims' han2s 2o tou+h, statues of saints &n2 palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss" sha!in# hands, pil#rims+ RO !O 5a1e not saints lips, an2 holy palmers tooH pil#rims J()I!% &y, pil*rim, lips that they must use in prayer" RO !O O, then 2ear saint, let lips 2o 3hat han2s 2o7 %hey prayJ 'rant thou, lest #aith turn to 2espair" #rant me a !iss, else J()I!% Saints 2o not mo1e, thou*h *rant #or prayers' sake" they do #rant prayers RO !O %hen mo1e not 3hile my prayer's e##e+t I take" :!isses herC %hus #rom my lips, 9y thine, my sin is pur*e2" washed away J()I!% %hen ha1e my lips the sin that they ha1e took" my lips now have your sin RO !O Sin #rom my lipsH O, trespass s3eetly ur*e2G so sweetly you tell me sinned 'i1e me my sin a*ain" :!isses herC #ive bac! J()I!% .ou kiss 9y th' 9ook" properly $(RS!

a2am, your mother +ra1es a 3or2 3ith you" :*uliet #oesC RO !O :asideC Is she a /apuletH B!$VO)IO :comes to AomeoC &3ay, 9e *oneG %he sport is at the 9estG let+s #o, party, its pea! .proverb/ RO !O &y, so I #ear" %he more is my unrest" uneasiness :'ll start to e4it but *uliet ? >urseC J()I!% $urse" What is yon2 *entlemanH who is that :asideC I# he 9e marrie2, my *ra1e is like to 9e my 3e22in* 9e2G $(RS! 5is name is Romeo, an2 a onta*ue, %he only son o# your *reat enemyG J()I!% :asideC y only lo1e sprun* #rom my only hateG %oo early seen unkno3n, an2 kno3n too lateG 0ro2i*ious 9irth o# lo1e it is to me, wonderful and ominous %hat I must lo1e a loathe2 enemy" )&,. /&0()!% :offsta#eC JulietG $(RS! /ome, let's a3ay" let+s #o %.B&)% :asideC I 3ill 3ith2ra3, 9ut this intrusion shall, #o $o3 seemin* s3eet, +on1ert to 9itt'rest *all" o!ay, bitterness :They e4itC SCENE 8 :=utside the )apulet house, same ni#ht. A=9E=C RO !O /an I *o #or3ar2 3hen my heart is hereH %urn 9a+k, 2ull earth, an2 #in2 thy +enter out" :e4itsC :DE>;=F = ? 9EA)GT = enterC B!$VO)IO RomeoG y +ousin RomeoG RomeoG !R/(%IO 5e is 3ise, an2, on my li#e, hath stol'n him home to 9e2" B!$VO)IO 5e ran this 3ay an2 leape2 this 3all" !R/(%IO RomeoG 5umorsG a2manG 0assionG )o1erG &ppear thou in the likeness o# a si*hG Speak 9ut one rhyme an2 I am satis#ie2" /ry 9ut I&y meGI 0ronoun+e 9ut Ilo1eI an2 I2o1eI" 5e heareth not, he stirreth not, he mo1eth not" %he ape is 2ea2, an2 I must +onCure him" I +onCure thee 9y Rosaline's 9ri*ht eyes, By her hi*h #orehea2 an2 her s+arlet lip, By her #ine #oot, strai*ht le*, an2 Fui1erin* thi*h, %hat in thy likeness thou appear to usG B!$VO)IO &n2 i# he hear thee, thou 3ilt an*er himG !R/(%IO %his +annot an*er him" '%3oul2 an*er him wal! away weary body, follow your heart

#arden fence moody one form

mon!ey is playin# dead

flesh and blood

%o raise a spirit in his mistress' +ir+le O# some stran*e nature, lettin* it there stan2 %ill she ha2 lai2 it an2 +onCure2 it 2o3n" %hat 3ere some spiteG y in1o+ation Is #air an2 honest" In his mistress' name, I +onCure only 9ut to raise up him" B!$VO)IO /ome, he hath hi2 himsel# to 9e +onsorte2 3ith the ni*ht" Blin2 is his lo1e an2 9est 9e#its the 2ark" !R/(%IO I# lo1e 9e 9lin2, lo1e +annot hit the mark" O, Romeo, that she 3ere, O, that she 3ere &n openEarse an2 thou a pop'rin pearG Romeo, *oo2 ni*ht"I'll to my 9e2" %his is too +ol2 #or me to sleep" B!$VO)IO '%is in 1ain to seek him here that means not to 9e #oun2" :They e4itC SCENE 9 :=utside *uliet+s balcony. A=9E=C RO !O 5e Cests at s+ars that ne1er #elt a 3oun2" :*GF ET enters at windowC But so#t, 3hat li*ht throu*h yon2er 3in2o3 9reaksH It is the east, an2 Juliet is the sun" &rise, #air sun, an2 kill the en1ious moon, Who is alrea2y si+k an2 pale 3ith *rie# %hat thou her mai2 art #ar more #air than she" Be not her mai2, sin+e she is en1ious, It is my la2y" O, it is my lo1eG O, that she kne3 she 3ereG J()I!% &y meG RO !O She speaks" O, speak a*ain, 9ri*ht an*el, J()I!% O Romeo, Romeo, 3here#ore art thou RomeoH ,eny thy #ather an2 re#use thy name" Or, i# thou 3ilt not, 9e 9ut s3orn my lo1e, &n2 I'll no lon*er 9e a /apulet" '%is 9ut thy name that is my enemy" %hou art thysel#, thou*h not a onta*ue" What's onta*ueH It is nor han2, nor #oot, $or arm, nor #a+e, nor any other part Belon*in* to a man" O, 9e some other nameG What's in a nameH %hat 3hi+h 3e +all a rose By any other name 3oul2 smell as s3eet" So Romeo 3oul2, 3ere he not Romeo +alle2, Retain that 2ear per#e+tion 3hi+h he o3es Without that title" Romeo, 2o## thy name, &n2 #or that name, 3hi+h is no part o# thee, %ake all mysel#" RO !O :to herC I take thee at they 3or2" /all me 9ut )o1e, an2 I'll 9e ne3 9aptiDe27 5en+e#orth I ne1er 3ill 9e Romeo"

.bawdy/ cast a spell and laid it down would provo!e him, spell .bawdy/ commune tar#et medlar, lon# pear


teases me for pains he+s never felt wait, that, shines beautiful servant if only she !new

why must you be KAomeoK Eust swear to be my love only you would still be yourself if

owns discard in e4chan#e for ta!e all of me re-bapti&ed with a new name from now on

J()I!% What man art thouH RO !O By a name I kno3 not ho3 to tell thee 3ho I am" y name, 2ear saint, is hate#ul to mysel#, Be+ause it is an enemy to thee" J()I!% &rt thou not Romeo an2 a onta*ueH RO !O $either, #air saint, i# either thee 2islike" J()I!% 5o3 +ame'st thou hither, tell me, an2 3here#oreH %he 3alls are hi*h an2 har2 to +lim9, &n2 the pla+e 2eath, +onsi2erin* 3ho thou art, I# any o# my kinsmen #in2 thee here" RO !O With lo1e's li*ht 3in*s 2i2 I o'erEper+h these 3alls, -or stony limits +annot hol2 lo1e out, &n2 3hat lo1e +an 2o, that 2ares lo1e attempt" %here#ore thy kinsmen are no stop to me" J()I!% I# they 2o see thee, they 3ill mur2er theeG RO !O )ook thou 9ut s3eet, &n2 I am proo# a*ainst their enmity" J()I!% I 3oul2 not #or the 3orl2 they sa3 thee here" RO !O I ha1e ni*ht's +loak to hi2e me #rom their eyes, &n2 9ut thou lo1e me, let them #in2 me here" y li#e 3ere 9etter en2e2 9y their hate %han 2eath proro*uK2, 3antin* o# thy lo1e" J()I!% By 3hose 2ire+tion #oun2'st thou out this pla+eH RO !O By lo1e, 3ho #irst 2i2 prompt me to inFuire" 5e lent me +ounsel an2 I lent him eyes" J()I!% %hou kno3'st the mask o# ni*ht is on my #a+e, !lse 3oul2 a mai2en 9lush 9epaint my +heek -or that 3hi+h thou hast hear2 me speak toni*ht" -ain 3oul2 I 23ell on #orm7 #ain, #ain 2eny What I ha1e spoke" But #are3ell +omplimentG ,ost thou lo1e meH RO !O )a2y J()I!% I kno3 thou 3ilt say I&y,I &n2 I 3ill take thy 3or2" .et i# thou s3ear'st, %hou mayst pro1e #alse" O *entle Romeo, I# thou 2ost lo1e, pronoun+e it #aith#ully" RO !O By yon2er 9lessK2 moon I s3ear J()I!% O, s3ear not 9y the moon, the in+onstant moon, %hat monthly +han*es in her +ir+le2 or9, )est that thy lo1e pro1e like3ise 1aria9le" RO !O What shall I s3ear 9yH

here, why family fly over love will do what it dares family

upon me sweetly armored, hostility want them to see you here if you do not love me postponed, without your love

see! you advice #irlish, color #ladly, follow formalities etiHuette

that ever-chan#in# orbit unless, inconsistent

J()I!% ,o not s3ear at all" Or, i# thou 3ilt, s3ear 9y thy *ra+ious sel#, Whi+h is the *o2 o# my i2olatry, an2 I'll 9elie1e thee" RO !O I# my heart's 2ear lo1e J()I!% Or i# thou think'st I am too Fui+kly 3on, I'll #ro3n an2 9e per1erse an2 say thee nay So thou 3ilt 3oo7 9ut else not #or the 3orl2" In truth, #air onta*ue, I am too #on2, &n2 there#ore thou mayst think my 9'ha1ior li*ht, But trust me, *entleman, I'll pro1e more true %han those that ha1e more +oyin*" %here#ore par2on me, &n2 not impute this yiel2in* to li*ht lo1e, Whi+h the 2ark ni*ht hath so 2is+o1erK2" RO !O y 2earest J()I!% Well, 2o not s3ear" &lthou*h I Coy in thee, I ha1e no Coy o# this +ontra+t toni*ht" It is too rash, too una21ise2, too su22en, %oo like the li*htnin*, 3hi+h 2oth +ease to 9e !re one +an say IIt li*htens"I S3eet, *oo2 ni*htG %his 9u2 o# lo1e, 9y summer's ripenin* 9reath, ay pro1e a 9eauteous #lo3er 3hen neBt 3e meet" 'oo2 ni*ht, *oo2 ni*htG &s s3eet repose an2 rest /ome to thy heart as that 3ithin my 9reastG RO !O O, 3ilt thou lea1e me so unsatis#ie2H J()I!% What satis#a+tion +anst thou ha1e toni*htH RO !O %h' eB+han*e o# thy lo1e's #aith#ul 1o3 #or mine" J()I!% I *a1e thee mine 9e#ore thou 2i2st reFuest it, &n2 yet I 3oul2 it 3ere to *i1e a*ain" RO !O Woul2st thou 3ith2ra3 itH -or 3hat purpose, lo1eH J()I!% But to 9e #rank an2 *i1e it thee a*ain" &n2 yet I 3ish 9ut #or the thin* I ha1e" y 9ounty is as 9oun2less as the sea, y lo1e as 2eep" %he more I *i1e to thee, %he more I ha1e, #or 9oth are in#inite" $(RS! :insideC JulietG J()I!% :to herC &non, *oo2 $urseG :to himC S3eet onta*ue, 9e true" Stay 9ut a little7 I 3ill +ome a*ain" :#oes inC RO !O O 9lessK2, 9lessK2 ni*htG I am a#ear2, Bein* in ni*ht, all this is 9ut a 2ream, %oo #latterin*Es3eet to 9e su9stantial" J()I!% :comes out a#ainC %hree 3or2s, 2ear Romeo, an2 *oo2 ni*ht in2ee2" I# that thy 9ent o# lo1e 9e honora9le, %hy purpose marria*e, sen2 me 3or2 tomorro3


stubborn, tell you no pursue me, otherwise too affectionate +m not serious faithful who play hard-to-#et misinterpret, shallow0unchaste

enEoy seein# you these vows before, sweetheart become sleep heart

wish it were still mine

Eust to be lavish #ifts

in a minute wait, Eust, bac! afraid wonderfully, real your intentions

&n2 all my #ortunes at thy #oot I'll lay &n2 #ollo3 thee my lor2 throu*hout the 3orl2" $(RS! :insideC a2amG J()I!% :to herC I +ome, anonG :to himC But i# thou mean'st not 3ell, I 2o 9esee+h thee $(RS! :insideC a2amG J()I!% :to herC By an2 9y I +omeG :to himC %o +ease thy suit an2 lea1e me to my *rie#" RO !O So thri1e my soul J()I!% & thousan2 times *oo2 ni*htG :#oes inC RO !O & thousan2 times the 3orse to 3ant thy li*ht" )o1e *oes to3ar2 lo1e as s+hool9oys #rom their 9ooks, But lo1e #rom lo1e, to3ar2 s+hool 3ith hea1y looks" J()I!% :comes out a#ainC 5istG Romeo, histG RO !O y 2earH J()I!% I ha1e #or*ot 3hy I 2i2 +all thee 9a+k" RO !O )et me stan2 here till thou remem9er it" J()I!% I shall #or*et, to ha1e thee still stan2 there, Remem9erin* ho3 I lo1e thy +ompany" RO !O &n2 I'll still stay, to ha1e thee still #or*et, -or*ettin* any other home 9ut this" J()I!% '%is almost mornin*" I 3oul2 ha1e thee *one, 'oo2 ni*ht, *oo2 ni*htG 0artin* is su+h s3eet sorro3 %hat I shall say *oo2 ni*ht till it 9e morro3" :e4itsC SCENE 10 :$t. <eter+s )hurch, dawn. ,A 'A F'(AE>)E with bas!etC -RI&R %he *reyEeye2 morn smiles on the #ro3nin* ni*ht, /he+k'rin* the eastern +lou2s 3ith streaks o# li*ht, O, mi+kle is the po3er#ul *ra+e that lies In plants, her9s, stones, an2 their true Fualities" :e4aminin# a flowerC Within the in#ant rin2 o# this 3eak #lo3er 0oison hath resi2en+e an2 me2i+ine po3erJ -or this, 9ein* smelt, 3ith that part +heers ea+h part7 Bein* taste2, slays all senses 3ith the heart" -or nau*ht so 1ile that on the earth 2oth li1e But to the earth some spe+ial *oo2 2oth *i1e, $or au*ht so *oo2 9ut, straine2 #rom that #air use, Re1olts #rom true 9irth, stum9lin* on a9use" Virtue itsel# turns 1i+e, 9ein* misapplie2,

life husband


soon courtship upon my soul

without reluctant psst, psst


#reat, healin# power e4tracts frail ma!es you feel better !ills you nothin# is so evil human!ind anythin#, that cannot be abused for harm becomes vice when misapplied

&n2 1i+e sometimes 9y a+tion 2i*ni#ie2" RO !O :enterC 'oo2 morro3, -ather" -RI&R Bene2i+itLG What early ton*ue so s3eet saluteth meH .oun* son, it ar*ues a 2istempere2 hea2 So soon to 9i2 *oo2 morro3 to thy 9e2" Or i# not so, then here I hit it ri*htJ Our Romeo hath not 9een in 9e2 toni*ht" RO !O %hat last is true" %he s3eeter rest 3as mine" -RI&R 'o2 par2on sinG Wast thou 3ith RosalineH RO !O With Rosaline, my *hostly -atherH $oG I ha1e #or*ot that name an2 that name's 3oe" -RI&R %hat's my *oo2 son" But 3here hast thou 9een thenH RO !O I ha1e 9een #eastin* 3ith mine enemy, Where on a su22en one hath 3oun2e2 me %hat's 9y me 3oun2e2" Both our reme2ies Within thy help an2 holy physi+ lies" -RI&R Be plain, *oo2 son, an2 homely in thy 2ri#t" Ri22lin* +on#ession #in2s 9ut ri22lin* shri#t" RO !O %hen plainly kno3 my heart's 2ear lo1e is set On the #air 2au*hter o# ri+h /apulet" We met, 3e 3ooe2 an2 ma2e eB+han*e o# 1o3, I'll tell thee as 3e pass, 9ut this I pray, %hat thou +onsent to marry us to2ay" -RI&R 5oly Saint -ran+is, 3hat a +han*e is hereG Is Rosaline, 3hom thou 2i2st lo1e so 2ear, So soon #orsakenH .oun* men's lo1e then lies $ot truly in their hearts, 9ut in their eyes" RO !O %hou +hi2e'st me o#t #or lo1in* Rosaline" -RI&R -or 2otin*, not #or lo1in*, pupil mine" RO !O &n2 9a2e'st me 9ury lo1e" -RI&R $ot in a *ra1e to lay one in, another out to ha1e" RO !O I pray thee, +hi2e me not" 5er I lo1e no3 ,oth *ra+e #or *ra+e an2 lo1e #or lo1e allo3" %he other 2i2 not so" -RI&R O, she kne3 3ell %hy lo1e 2i2 rea2 9y rote an2 +oul2 not spell" But +ome, youn* 3a1erer, +ome, *o 3ith me" In one respe+t I'll thy assistant 9e, -or this allian+e may so happy pro1e %o turn your househol2s' ran+or to pure lo1e" RO !O O, let us hen+eG I stan2 on su22en hasteG

can be #ood if the result is #ood mornin# bless you hails su##ests, disturbed mind leavin# your bed so early last ni#ht had an even sweeter rest


suddenly who had wounded, cures spiritual remedy simple, speech confessin# in riddles, absolution


for#otten scolded me often

told and ta!e another out please don+t scold me, the #irl returns my Eoy and love

recite from memory, read for one reason +ll help you marria#e families+ hatred #o, cannot wait

-RI&R Wisely an2 slo3" %hey stum9le that run #ast" :They e4itC SCENE 11 :' street, noon. DE>;=F = ? 9EA)GT =C !R/(%IO Where the 2e1il shoul2 this Romeo 9eH /ame he not home toni*htH last ni#ht B!$VO)IO $ot to his #ather's" !R/(%IO &h, that same pale har2Ehearte2 3en+h, that Rosaline, %orments him so, that he 3ill sure run ma2" B!$VO)IO %y9alt, hath sent a +hallen*e" challen#e to fi#ht !R/(%IO &las poor Romeo, he is alrea2y 2ea2, sta99e2 3ith a 3hite 3en+h's 9la+k eye, shot throu*h the ear 3ith woman+s, stabbed a lo1eEson*, the 1ery pin o# his heart +le#t 3ith bull+s-eye, cut the 9lin2 9o3E9oy's 9uttEsha#t" &n2 is he a man )upid+s arrow .bawdy pun/ to en+ounter %y9altH fi#ht B!$VO)IO Why, 3hat is %y9altH what+s so scary about Tybalt !R/(%IO ore than 0rin+e o# /ats I +an tell you" .a cat named Tybalt in a popular story/ O, he's the +oura*eous +aptain o# +ompliments" fencin# etiHuette 5e #i*hts as you sin* pri+kEson*, keeps time, harmony in a duet 2istan+e, an2 proportion" 5e rests his minim rests, short one, t3o, an2 the thir2 in your 9osom7 the 1ery thrust in your chest 9ut+her" &h, the immortal passa2oG forward thrust %he punto re1ersoG %he hayG bac!hand, hit B!$VO)IO %he 3hatH :A=9E= entersC B!$VO)IO 5ere +omes Romeo" !R/(%IO Si*nor Romeo, 9onCourG %here's a -ren+h salutation to your -ren+h slop" pants .ou *a1e us the +ounter#eit #airly last ni*ht" a fa!e RO !O 'oo2 morro3 to you 9oth" What +ounter#eit 2i2 I *i1e youH day !R/(%IO %he slip, sir, the slip" /an you not +on+ei1eH counterfeit money, follow me RO !O 0ar2on, *oo2 er+utio, my 9usiness 3as *reat, an2 important in su+h a +ase as mine a man may strain +ourtesy" bend the rules of !R/(%IO $ay, I am the 1ery pink o# +ourtesy" perfect e4ample RO !O I0inkI #or #lo3erH pin! li!e a flower !R/(%IO Sure 3itG %hou hast most kin2ly hit it" #ood, now you #ot it /ome 9et3een us, *oo2 Ben1olio" y 3its #aint" stop us, my wit is tired Why, is not this 9etter no3 than *roanin* #or lo1eH $o3 art well thou so+ia9le, no3 art thou Romeo, no3 art thou 3hat thou

art, #or this 2ri1ellin* lo1e is like a *reat natural stupid-tal!in#, idiot that runs lollin* up an2 2o3n with his ton#ue out to hi2e his 9au9le in a holeG loo!in# for a hole to hide his toy in :>GA$E entersC $(RS! 'oo2 morro3, *entlemen" mornin# I 2esire some +on#eren+e 3ith you" to spea! !R/(%IO So hoG .a huntin# call/ Romeo, 3ill you +ome to your #ather'sH We'll to 2inner thither" #o to, there RO !O I 3ill #ollo3 you" !R/(%IO -are3ell an+ient la2y, #are3ell" :9ercutio ? Denvolio e4itC $(RS! :to AomeoC 0ray you, sir, a 3or2" y youn* la2y 9a2e me inFuire you out" What she as!ed me to find you 9a2e me say, I 3ill keep to mysel#" But #irst let me tell as!ed me to say ye, i# you shoul2 lea2 her into a #ool's para2ise, as they say, it 3ere a 1ery *ross kin2 o# 9eha1ior, as they say, -or the *entle3oman is youn*, an2 there#ore, i# you shoul2 2eal 2ou9le 3ith her, truly it 3ere an ill thin* cheat on, horrible an2 1ery 3eak 2ealin*G mean tric! RO !O $urse, +ommen2 me to thy la2y an2 mistress" #ive my re#ards Bi2 her 2e1ise as! her to find Some means to +ome to -riar )a3ren+e' +ell this a#ternoon, some way, confession &n2 there she shall 9e marrie2" $(RS! %his a#ternoon, sirH Well, she shall 9e there" $o3 'o2 in hea1en 9less theeG RO !O /ommen2 me to thy la2y" my re#ards $(RS! &y, a thousan2 times" :They e4itC SCENE 12 :)apulet house. *GF ETC J()I!% %he +lo+k stru+k nine 3hen I 2i2 sen2 the $urse" In hal# an hour she promise2 to return" 0er+han+e she +annot meet him" O, she is lameG $o3 is the sun upon the hi*hmost hill O# this 2ay's Courney, an2 #rom nine till t3el1e Is three lon* hours, yet she is not +ome" 5a2 she a##e+tions an2 3arm youth#ul 9loo2, She 3oul2 9e as s3i#t in motion as a 9all" y 3or2s 3oul2 9an2y her to my s3eet lo1e, &n2 his to me" But ol2 #olks, many #ei*n as they 3ere 2ea2, (n3iel2y, slo3, hea1y an2 pale as lea2" :>GA$E entersC O honey $urse, 3hat ne3sH 5ast thou met 3ith himH $o3, *oo2 s3eet $urseO )or2, 3hy look'st thou sa2H

perhaps, find, slow hi#hest point feelin#s toss toss her bac! to me act li!e

%hou*h ne3s 9e sa2, yet tell them merrily" if the news is sad, tell it merrily $(RS! I am a3eary, *i1e me lea1e a3hile" tired, leave me alone -ie, ho3 my 9ones a+heG What a Caunt ha2 IG oh, lon# trip J()I!% I 3oul2 thou ha2st my 9ones, an2 I thy ne3s" wish $ay, +ome, I pray thee, speakG 'oo2, *oo2 $urse, speakG $(RS! Jesu, 3hat hasteG /an you not stay a3hileH wait ,o you not see that I am out o# 9reathH J()I!% 5o3 art thou out o# 9reath, 3hen thou hast 9reath %o say to me that thou art out o# 9reathH %he eB+use that thou 2ost make in this 2elay Is lon*er than the tale thou 2ost eB+use" you aren+t tellin# Is thy ne3s *oo2, or 9a2H &ns3er to thatG Say either, an2 I'll stay the +ir+umstan+eG wait for the details )et me 9e satis#ie2J is't *oo2 or 9a2H $(RS! Well, you ha1e ma2e a simple +hoi+eG .ou kno3 not foolish ho3 to +hoose a man" RomeoH $o, not heG %hou*h his #a+e 9e 9etter than any man's, yet his le* eB+els all men's, an2 #or a han2 an2 a #oot an2 a 9o2y, thou*h they 9e not to 9e talke2 on, yet they are nothin# to tal! about past +ompare" 5e is not the #lo3er o# +ourtesy, beyond comparison, model 9ut I'll 3arrant him as *entle as a lam9" bet he+s J()I!% But all this 2i2 I kno3 9e#ore" What says he o# our marria*eH What o# thatH $(RS! )or2, ho3 my hea2 a+hesG What a hea2 ha1e IG headache It 9eats as it 3oul2 #all in t3enty pie+es" brea! y 9a+k, o' th' other si2eG O, my 9a+k, my 9a+kG J()I!% I' #aith, I am sorry that thou art not 3ell" S3eet, s3eet, s3eet $urse, tell me, 3hat says my lo1eH $(RS! .our lo1e says, like an honest *entleman, an2 a +ourteous, an2 a kin2, an2 a han2some, an2, I 3arrant, a 1irtuous believe Where is your motherH J()I!% Where is my motherH 5o3 o22ly thou repliestG what an odd reply I.our lo1e says, like an honest *entleman, 'Where is your motherH'I $(RS! O 'o2's la2y 2earG &re you so hotH impatient 5en+e#or3ar2 2o your messa*es yoursel#" from now on J()I!% 5ere's su+h a +oilG /ome, 3hat says RomeoH such a fuss $(RS! 5a1e you *ot lea1e to *o to +hur+h to2ayH permission J()I!% I ha1e" $(RS! %hen hie you hen+e to -riar )a3ren+e' +ell" hurry, away, chamber %here stays a hus9an2 to make you a 3i#eG waits J()I!% 5ie to hi*h #ortune, honest $urse" -are3ellG bless you with #ood fortune :They e4itC

SCENE 13 :)hurch, afternoon. ,A 'A weds A=9E= ? *GF ETC -RI&R So smile the hea1ens upon this holy a+t, %hat a#terEhours 3ith sorro3 +hi2e us notG %hese 1iolent 2eli*hts ha1e 1iolent en2s &n2 in their triumph 2ie, like #ire an2 po32er, Whi+h, as they kiss, +onsume" %he s3eetest honey Is loathsome in his o3n 2eli+iousness, %here#ore lo1e mo2erately7 lon* lo1e 2oth so" 'o2 Coine2 your hearts an2 I your han2s7 2o then Seal 3ith a ri*hteous kiss your #aith in hea1en" :They !issC $o3 5oly /hur+h in+orporate t3o in one" :They e4itC SCENE 14 :' street. 9EA)GT =, DE>;=F =C B!$VO)IO I pray thee, *oo2 er+utio, let's retire" %he 2ay is hot, the /apulets a9roa2, &n2 i# 3e meet 3e shall not 's+ape a 9ra3l, -or no3 these hot 2ays is the ma2 9loo2 stirrin*" !R/(%IO /ome, +ome, thou art as hot a Ca+k in thy moo2 as any in Verona, an2 as soon mo1e2 to 9e moo2y, an2 as soon moo2y to 9e mo1e2" %hy hea2 is as #ull o# Fuarrels as an e** is #ull o# meat, an2 yet thy hea2 hath 9een 9eaten as a22le as an e** #or Fuarrelin*" &n2 yet thou 3ilt tutor me #rom Fuarrelin*H :TBD'FT ? other )apulets enterC B!$VO)IO By my hea2, here +ome the /apulets" !R/(%IO By my heel, I +are notG %.B&)% :to )apuletsC -ollo3 me +lose" :to Denvolio ? 9ercutioC 'entlemen, *oo2 2ay" & 3or2 3ith one o# you" !R/(%IO &n2 9ut one 3or2 3ith one o# usH /ouple it 3ith somethin*J make it a 3or2 an2 a 9lo3G %.B&)% .ou shall #in2 me apt enou*h to that, sir, an2 you 3ill *i1e me o++asionG !R/(%IO /oul2 you not take some o++asion 3ithout *i1in*H %.B&)% er+utio, thou +onsort'st 3ith Romeo !R/(%IO /onsortG What, 2ost thou make us minstrelsH &n2 thou make minstrels o# us, look to hear nothin* 9ut 2is+or2s" 5ere's my let+s #o home are out escape hot days stir our temper hot-tempered, man an#ered food, scrambled lecture may heaven smile and not #ive us sorrow later at their pea!, #unpowder are used can ma!e you sic! in its that+s how love lasts

Eoin you two in marria#e

somethin# else happy if, a reason ma!e your own reason han# out with Aomeo ensemble, musicians if disa#reement0dissonance

#i22lesti+kG 5ere's that shall make you 2an+eG .sword/ 6oun2s, +onsortG my #od B!$VO)IO !ither 3ith2ra3 unto some pri1ate pla+e, Or reason +ol2ly o# your *rie1an+es, calmly discuss your complaints Or else 2epartG 5ere all eyes *aDe on us" !R/(%IO en's eyes 3ere ma2e to look, an2 let them *aDe" I 3ill not 9u2*e #or no man's pleasure, IG to please anyone RO !O :entersC er+utioG %.B&)% Well, pea+e 9e 3ith you, sir" 5ere +omes my man" RomeoG %he hate I 9ear thee +an a##or2 hate you so much $o 9etter term than thisJ %hou art a 1illainG all can say is this RO !O %y9alt, the reason that I ha1e to lo1e thee ,oth mu+h eB+use the appertainin* ra*e ra#e you deserve %o su+h a *reetin*" Villain am I none" for %here#ore #are3ell" I see thou kno3'st me not" %.B&)% Boy, this shall not eB+use the inCuries %hat thou hast 2one me" %here#ore turn an2 2ra3G RO !O I 2o protest I ne1er inCure2 thee, But lo1e thee 9etter than thou +anst 2e1ise ima#ine %ill thou shalt kno3 the reason o# my lo1e" until you learn &n2 so, *oo2 /apulet, 3hi+h name I ten2er care for &s 2early as mine o3n, 9e satis#ie2" !R/(%IO O +alm, 2ishonora9le, 1ile su9missionG :draws his swordC what a %y9alt, you ratE+at+her, 3ill you 3alkH filthy cat, come here %.B&)% What 3oul2st thou ha1e 3ith meH !R/(%IO 'oo2 Min* o# /ats, nothin* 9ut one o# your nine li1es" %.B&)% I am #or you" :draws his swordC am ready for you :They fi#htC RO !O 'entlemen, #or shame, #or9ear this outra*eG stop %y9altG er+utioG 5ol2, %y9altG 'oo2 er+utioG :draws and tries to disarm themC :Tybalt stabs 9ercutioC !R/(%IO & pla*ue on 9oth your housesG death to both your families :Tybalt ? )apulets e4itC Is he *one an2 hath nothin*H without a scratch B!$VO)IO What, art thou hurtH !R/(%IO &y, ay, a s+rat+h, a s+rat+h" :asideC %hey ha1e ma2e 3orms' meat o# me" RO !O /oura*e, man, the hurt +annot 9e mu+h" !R/(%IO $o, 'tis not so 2eep, nor so 3i2e, 9ut 'tis enou*h, 't3ill ser1e" &sk #or me tomorro3, an2 you shall #in2 me a *ra1e man"

& pla*ue on 9oth your housesG Why the 2e1il +ame you 9et3een usH I 3as hurt un2er your armG RO !O I thou*ht all #or the 9est" !R/(%IO & pla*ue on 9oth your housesG :diesC RO !O y 1ery #rien2, hath *ot his mortal 3oun2 In my 9ehal#" %y9alt, that an hour 5ath 9een my +ousinG O s3eet Juliet, %hy 9eauty hath so#tene2 1alor's steelG &3ay to hea1'n, respe+ti1e lenity, &n2 #ireEeye2 #ury 9e my +on2u+t no3G %his 2ay's 9la+k #ate on more 2ays 2oth 2epen2J %his 9ut 9e*ins the 3oe others must en2" %y9altG IrepeatJ :TBD'FT re-entersC RO !O $o3, %y9alt, take the I1illainI 9a+k a*ain %hat late thou *a1e'st me, #or er+utio's soul Is 9ut a little 3ay a9o1e our hea2s, Stayin* #or thine to keep him +ompanyG !ither thou, or I, or 9oth, must *o 3ith himG %.B&)% %hou, 3ret+he2 9oy, that 2i2st +onsort him here, Shalt 3ith him hen+eG RO !O %his shall 2etermine thatG :They fi#ht. Aomeo !ills TybaltC B!$VO)IO Romeo, a3ay, 9e *oneG Stan2 not amaDe2G %he 0rin+e 3ill 2oom thee 2eath RO !O O, I am -ortune's #oolG B!$VO)IO Why 2ost thou stayH Be *one, a3ayG :Aomeo e4itsC SCENE 15

fatal for respectful mercy #uide will have conseHuences

that insult lately waitin# for your soul #o with him to heaven !ept company with him here shall be with him from now on

da&ed, sentence fate+s playthin# #o away

:<A >)E ? 'ttendants, F=AD ? F'DB 9=>T'@GE, F=AD ? F'DB )'<GFET, and =thers enterC 0RI$/! Where are the 1ile 9e*inners o# this #rayH fi#ht )&,. /&0()!% %y9altG O my 9rother's +hil2G 0RI$/! Ben1olio, 3ho 9e*an this 9loo2y #rayH B!$VO)IO %y9alt hit the li#e o# stout er+utio" brave %y9alt, here slain, 3hom Romeo's han2 2i2 slay" )&,. /&0()!% 5e is a onta*ue" &##e+tion makes him #alseG lie 0rin+e, as thou art true, fair -or 9loo2 o# ours, she2 9loo2 o# onta*ueG ta!e B!$VO)IO Romeo he +ries alou2, I5ol2, #rien2sG -rien2s, partGI &n2 't3iBt them rushes, 9ut rushes between them

/oul2 not take tru+e 3ith the unruly spleen O# %y9alt, 2ea# to pea+e" )&,. /&0()!% I 9e* #or Custi+e, 3hi+h thou, 0rin+e, must *i1e" Romeo sle3 %y9alt" Romeo must not li1eG 0RI$/! Romeo sle3 him7 he sle3 er+utio" Who no3 the pri+e o# his 2ear 9loo2 2oth o3eH O$%&'(! $ot Romeo, 0rin+e, he 3as er+utio's #rien2" 5is #ault +on+lu2es 9ut 3hat the la3 shoul2 en2J %he li#e o# %y9alt" 0RI$/! &n2 #or that o##en+e Imme2iately 3e 2o eBile him hen+e" /&0()!% $o9le 0rin+e 0RI$/! I 3ill 9e 2ea# to plea2in* an2 eB+uses" $or tears nor prayers shall pur+hase out a9uses" %here#ore use noneG )et Romeo hen+e in haste, !lse, 3hen he's #oun2, that hour is his lastG er+y 9ut mur2ers, par2onin* those that kill" Romeo is 9anishe2G :'ll e4itC SCENE 16 :*uliet+s bedroom. *GF ETC J()I!% /ome, ni*ht" /ome, Romeo" /ome thou 2ay in ni*ht" &n2 leap to these arms, Sprea2 thy +lose +urtain, lo1eEper#ormin* ni*ht, (ntalke2Eo# an2 unseen" )o1ers +an see to 2o their amorous rites By their o3n 9eauties" Or, i# lo1e 9e 9lin2, It 9est a*rees 3ith ni*ht" /ome *entle ni*ht" /ome lo1in* 9la+kE9ro3e2 ni*ht" 'i1e me my Romeo, an2 3hen he shall 2ie, %ake him an2 +ut him out in little stars, &n2 he 3ill make the #a+e o# hea1'n so #ine %hat all the 3orl2 3ill 9e in lo1e 3ith ni*ht &n2 pay no 3orship to the *arish sun" O, I ha1e a lo1e 9ut not possesse2 it" :>GA$E entersC $(RS! &la+k the 2ayG J()I!% &y me, 3hat ne3sH $o3, $urse, 3hat ne3sH $(RS! 5e's *one, he's kille2, he's 2ea2G J()I!% /an hea1en 9e so en1iousH $(RS! Romeo +an, thou*h hea1en +annot" O Romeo, RomeoG Who e1er 3oul2 ha1e thou*ht itH RomeoG J()I!% What 2e1il art thou that 2ost torment me thusH

calm down, temper

9ercutio+s crime, only

banish him from ;erona

buy your way out of this #o away Eust causes more

without bein# tal!ed about love ma!in# by the li#ht of love li!es ni#ht best blac! faced



5ath Romeo slain himsel#H $(RS! I sa3 the 3oun2, I sa3 it 3ith mine eyes 'o2 sa1e the markhere on his manly 9reast" & piteous +orse, a 9loo2y piteous +orse, J()I!% O, 9reak, my heartG Break at on+eG $(RS! O %y9alt, %y9alt" %hat e1er I shoul2 li1e to see thee 2ea2G J()I!% Is Romeo slau*htere2 an2 is %y9alt 2ea2H $(RS! %y9alt is *one, an2 Romeo 9anishK2" Romeo that kille2 him, he is 9anishK2" J()I!% O 'o2G ,i2 Romeo's han2 she2 %y9alt's 9loo2H $(RS! It 2i2, it 2i2, alas the 2ay, it 2i2G J()I!% O serpent heart, hi2 3ith a #lo3erin* #a+eG Beauti#ul tyrant, #ien2 an*eli+alG ,espisK2 su9stan+e o# 2i1inest sho3G Just opposite to 3hat thou Custly seem'st" O, that 2e+eit shoul2 23ell in su+h a *or*eous pala+eG $(RS! %here's no trust, no #aith, no honesty in men" &ll perCure2" %hese *rie#s, these 3oes, these sorro3s make me ol2" Shame +ome to RomeoG J()I!% Blistere2 9e thy ton*ue -or su+h a 3ishG 5e 3as not 9orn to shameG (pon his 9ro3 shame is ashame2 to sit, O, 3hat a 9east 3as I to +hi2e at himG $(RS! Will you speak 3ell o# him that kille2 your +ousinH J()I!% Shall I speak ill o# him that is my hus9an2H &h, poor my lor2, 3hat ton*ue shall smooth thy name When I, thy threeEhours 3i#e, ha1e man*le2 itH But, 3here#ore, 1illain, 2i2st thou kill my +ousinH %hat 1illain +ousin 3oul2 ha1e kille2 my hus9an2" Ba+k, #oolish tears, 9a+k to your nati1e sprin*G .our tri9utary 2rops 9elon* to 3oe, Whi+h you, mistakin*, o##er up to Coy" y hus9an2 li1es, that %y9alt 3oul2 ha1e slain, &n2 %y9alt's 2ea2, that 3oul2 ha1e slain my hus9an2" &ll this is +om#ort" Where#ore 3eep I thenH I%y9alt is 2ea2, an2 Romeo"""9anishK2"I %hat I9anishK2,I that one 3or2 I9anishK2I %here is no en2, no limit, measure, 9oun2, In that 3or2's 2eath" $o 3or2s +an that 3oe soun2" Where are my #ather an2 my mother, $urseH $(RS! Weepin* an2 3ailin* o1er %y9alt's +orse" Will you *o to themH I 3ill 9rin* you thither" J()I!% Wash they his 3oun2s 3ith tearsH ine shall 9e spent When theirs are 2ry, #or Romeo's 9anishment"

@od save me pitiful corpse

banished from ;erona

dis#uised, lovely reality of heavenly appearance

liars shame on Aomeo


husband why bac! into my eyes stream of

why measurement, boundary in the death that brin#s, e4press that woe corpse there used up

I'll to my 3e22in*E9e2, &n2 ,eath, not Romeo, take my mai2enhea2G $(RS! I'll #in2 Romeo to +om#ort you" I 3ot 3ell 3here he is" 5ark ye, your Romeo 3ill 9e here at ni*ht" J()I!% O, #in2 himG 'i1e this rin* to my true kni*ht, :hands her a rin#C &n2 9i2 him +ome to take his last #are3ell" :They e4itC SCENE 17 :)hurch, that ni#ht. ,A 'A, A=9E=C -RI&R Romeo, +ome #orth" /ome #orth, thou #ear#ul man" &##li+tion is enamore2 o# thy parts, &n2 thou art 3e22e2 to +alamity" RO !O BanishmentH Be mer+i#ul, say I2eathIG -or eBile hath more terror in his look, u+h more than 2eathG ,o not say I9anishmentIG -RI&R 5en+e #rom Verona art thou 9anishK2" Be patient, #or the 3orl2 is 9roa2 an2 3i2e" RO !O %here is no 3orl2 3ithout Verona 3alls, But pur*atory, torture, hell itsel#G 5en+e I9anishK2I is I9anish'2 #rom the 3orl2,I &n2 3orl2's eBile is 2eathG %hen I9anishK2I Is 2eath misEterme2" /allin* 2eath I9anishK2,I %hou +utt'st my hea2 o## 3ith a *ol2en aBe &n2 smile'st upon the stroke that mur2ers me" -RI&R O 2ea2ly sinG O ru2e unthank#ulnessG %hy #ault our la3 +alls 2eath, 9ut the kin2 0rin+e, %akin* thy part, hath rushe2 asi2e the la3 &n2 turne2 that 9la+k 3or2 I2eathI to I9anishment"I %his is 2ear mer+y, an2 thou see'st it not" RO !O '%is torture, an2 not mer+yG 5ea1'n is here Where Juliet li1es, an2 e1ery +at an2 2o* &n2 little mouse, e1ery un3orthy thin*, )i1e here in hea1en an2 may look on her, But Romeo may not7 he is 9anishK2" &n2 say'st thou yet that eBile is not 2eathH O ho3 hast thou the heart, my #rien2 pro#esse2, %o man*le me 3ith that 3or2 I9anishK2IH -RI&R %hou #on2 ma2man, hear me 9ut speak a 3or2" RO !O O, thou 3ilt speak a*ain o# 9anishment" -RI&R I'll *i1e thee armor to keep o## that 3or2J &21ersity's s3eet milk, philosophy, to +om#ort thee" RO !O 5an* up philosophyG It helps not, it pre1ails notG %alk no moreG -RI&R

will ta!e my vir#inity !now listen

come in sufferin# is in love with you married to misfortune

away outside therefore, means e4ile from the world means misnamed

crime is punishable by ta!in# your side, brushed

one who calls himself my friend tear me apart foolish

protection damn it has no power

O, then I see that ma2men ha1e no ears" RO !O 5o3 shoul2 they 3hen that 3ise men ha1e no eyesH why -RI&R )et me 2ispute 3ith thee o# thy estate" reason with you about your situation RO !O %hou +anst not speak o# that thou 2ost not #eelG Wert thou as youn* as I, Juliet thy lo1e, and *uliet were your love &n hour 9ut marrie2, %y9alt mur2erK2, ,otin* like me, an2 like me 9anishK2, in love li!e me %hen mi*htst thou speak" :>GA$E !noc!s at doorC -RI&R &rise" 'oo2 Romeo, hi2e thysel#" %hou 3ilt 9e takenG :Lnoc!in#C Run to my stu2yG :Lnoc!in#C I +ome, I +omeG Who kno+ks so har2H $(RS! :outsideC )et me +ome in, I +ome #rom )a2y Juliet" -RI&R :opens doorC Wel+ome thenG $(RS! :entersC O 5oly -riar, O, tell me, 5oly -riar, Where is my la2y's RomeoH RO !O $urseG $(RS! &h sir, ah sirG ,eath's the en2 o# all" all of us RO !O Spake'st thou o# JulietH 5o3 is it 3ith herH ,oth she not think me an ol2 mur2erer, Where is sheH &n2 ho3 2oth sheH &n2 3hat says y +on+eale2 la2y to our +an+elle2 lo1eH secret bride about $(RS! O, she says nothin*, sir, 9ut 3eeps an2 3eeps, &n2 then on Romeo +ries, an2 then 2o3n #alls a*ain" about RO !O &s i# that name, Shot #rom the 2ea2ly le1el o# a *un, my name, aim ,i2 mur2er her, as that name's +ursK2 han2 ur2ere2 her kinsmanG O, tell me, -riar, tell me, In 3hat 1ile part o# this anatomy my body ,oth my name lo2*eH %ell me, that I may sa+k live, pilla#e %he hate#ul mansionG :tries to stab himselfC hated place -RI&R 5ol2 thy 2esperate han2G &rt thou a manH %hou hast amaDe2 meG By my holy or2er, I thou*ht thy 2isposition 9etter tempere2" character, balanced 5ast thou slain %y9altG Wilt thou slay thysel#H so you+ve !illed Tybalt &n2 slay thy la2y that in thy li#e li1es, wife who is one with your life By 2oin* 2amnK2 hate upon thysel#H committin# suicide What, rouse thee, manG %hy Juliet is ali1e, cheer up -or 3hose 2ear sake thou 3ert 9ut lately 2ea2" Eust now wished to be dead %here art thou happyG %y9alt 3oul2 kill thee, you are fortunate But thou sle3'st %y9alt" %here are thou happyG you are fortunate %he la3 that threatene2 2eath 9e+omes thy #rien2 &n2 turns it to eBile" %here art thou happyG you are fortunate & pa+k o# 9lessin*s li*hts up upon thy 9a+k7 many blessin#s are on you 5appiness +ourts thee in her 9est array7 #ood fortune, clothes

But, like a mis9eha1e2 an2 sullen 3en+h, sul!in# #irl %hou pouts upon thy #ortune an2 thy lo1e" %ake hee2, take hee2, #or su+h 2ie misera9le" be careful, such people $(RS! 5ere, sir, a rin* she 9i2 me *i1e you, sir" :hands him the rin#C RO !O 5o3 3ell my +om#ort is re1i1e2 9y thisG spirit -RI&R 'o, *et thee to thy lo1e, as 3as 2e+ree2, you planned &s+en2 her +ham9er" 5en+e an2 +om#ort her" climb into her bedroom, #o on But look thou stay not till the 9reak o# 2ay be sure -or then thou +anst not pass to antua, leave Where thou shalt li1e till 3e +an #in2 a time find the ri#ht time %o 9laDe your marria*e, re+on+ile your #rien2s, announce, families Be* par2on o# the 0rin+e, an2 +all thee 9a+k With t3enty hun2re2 thousan2 times more Coy %han thou 3ent'st #orth in lamentation" sorrow :to >urseC 'o 9e#ore, $urse" /ommen2 me to thy la2y" ahead, my re#ards Romeo is +omin*" $(RS! :to AomeoC y lor2, I'll tell my la2y you 3ill +omeG RO !O ,o so, an2 9i2 my s3eet prepare to +hi2e" sweetheart, scold me -RI&R 'o hen+e, an2 here stan2s all your stateJ all depends on this Be *one 9y 9reak o# 2ay" SoCourn in antua" by dawn leave in dis#uise, stay &n2 I shall si*ni#y #rom time to time brin# messa#es !1ery *oo2 hap to you that +han+es here" all #ood news, happens 'i1e me thy han2" '%is late" -are3ell" 'oo2 ni*ht" RO !O But that a Coy past Coy +alls out on me, if it weren+t for a Eoy beyond Eoys It 3ere a *rie#, so 9rie# to part 3ith thee" that calls me away, it would be -are3ell" sad to leave you in such hurry :They e4itC SCENE 18 :)apulet house. F=AD ? F'DB )'<GFET, <'A $C )&,. /&0()!% '%is 1ery late" She'll not +ome 2o3n" %oni*ht she's me3e2 up to her hea1iness" /&0()!% %hin*s ha1e #allen out, sir, so unlu+kily %hat 3e ha1e ha2 no time to mo1e our 2au*hter" )ook you, she lo1e2 her +ousin %y9alt 2early, )&,. /&0()!% &n2 so 2i2 I" /&0()!% Well, 3e 3ere 9orn to 2ie" 0&RIS %hese times o# 3oe a##or2 no time to 3oo" a2am, *oo2 ni*ht" /ommen2 me to your 2au*hter" )&,. /&0()!% I 3ill, an2 kno3 her min2 early tomorro3" /&0()!% Sir 0aris, I 3ill make a 2esperate ten2er O# my +hil2's lo1e" I think she 3ill 9e rule2 In all respe+ts 9y me" $ay, more, I 2ou9t it not" come down from her room closed off in her sorrow persuade

allow #ive my re#ards +ll !now what she thin!s bold offer

Wi#e, *o you to her ere you *o to 9e2, &+Fuaint her here o# my son 0aris' lo1e, &n2 9i2 hermark you meHon We2nes2ay neBt But so#t, 3hat 2ay is thisH 0&RIS %ues2ay, my lor2" /&0()!% %ues2ayG &h, ah" Well, We2nes2ay is too soon" O' %hurs2ay let it 9e" :to herC O' %hurs2ay, tell her, She shall 9e marrie2 to this no9le sirG )&,. /&0()!% $o, not o' %hurs2ay" %here is time enou*h" /&0()!% %ush, all thin*s shall 9e 3ell, I 3arrant thee, 3i#e" :to himC Will you 9e rea2yH ,o you like this hasteH We'll keep no *reat a2o, a #rien2 or t3o, -or hark you, %y9alt 9ein* slain so late, It may 9e thou*ht 3e hel2 him +arelessly I# 3e re1el mu+h" %here#ore 3e'll ha1e some hal# a 2oDen #rien2s, &n2 there an en2" But 3hat say you to %hurs2ayH 0&RIS y lor2, I 3oul2 that %hurs2ay 3ere tomorro3G /&0()!% Well *et you *one" O' %hurs2ay 9e it, thenG :to herC 'o you to Juliet ere you *o to 9e2, 0repare her, 3i#e, a*ainst this 3e22in* 2ay" :to himC -are3ell, my son" &#ore me, it is so 1ery late that 3e ay +all it early 9y an2 9y" 'oo2 ni*ht" :They e4itC

before tell, son-in-law are you listenin# wait

there+s no rush nonsense, promise approve, speed not have a bi# affair listen, recently thou#ht little of him celebrate that+s all wish before for oh my soon

SCENE 19 :*uliet+s bedroom, dawn. A=9E= ? *GF ETC J()I!% Wilt thou 9e *oneH It is not yet near 2ay" It 3as the ni*htin*ale, an2 not the lark, %hat pier+e2 the #ear#ul hollo3 o# thine ear" $i*htly she sin*s on yon pome*ranate tree" Belie1e me, lo1e, it 3as the ni*htin*ale" RO !O It 3as the lark, the heral2 o# the morn, $o ni*htin*ale" )ook, lo1e, 3hat en1ious streaks ,o la+e the se1erin* +lou2s in yon2er east" $i*ht's +an2les are 9urnt out, an2 Co+un2 2ay Stan2s tiptoe on the misty mountainEtops" I must 9e *one an2 li1e, or stay an2 2ie" J()I!% .on li*ht is not 2ayli*ht, I kno3 it, I" It is some meteor that the sun eBhale2, %o 9e to thee this ni*ht a tor+h9earer &n2 li*ht thee on thy 3ay to antua" %here#ore stay yet" %hou nee2'st not to 9e *one" RO !O )et me 9e ta'en7 let me 9e put to 2eath" I am +ontent, so thou 3ilt ha1e it so"

you heard that

strea!s of li#ht pierce the clouds stars, Eolly


captured if

I'll say yon *rey is not the mornin*'s eye7 that #rey li#ht '%is 9ut the pale re#leB o# /ynthia's 9ro3" reflection of the moon+s face $or that is not the lark, 3hose notes 2o 9eat son# rises to %he 1aulty hea1'n so hi*h a9o1e our hea2s" I ha1e more +are to stay than 3ill to *o" desire, willpower /ome 2eath, an2 3el+ome7 Juliet 3ills it soG wishes 5o3 is't, my soulH )et's talk" It is not 2ay" how are you, my love J()I!% :reali&in# it is lateC It is, it isG 5ie hen+e, 9e *one, a3ayG hurry away It is the lark that sin*s so out o# tune, Strainin* harsh 2is+or2s an2 unpleasin* sharps" O, no3 9e *oneG ore li*ht an2 li*ht it *ro3s" RO !O ore li*ht an2 li*ht, more 2ark an2 2ark our 3oesG the li#hter it #rows $(RS! :entersC the dar!er our woes a2amG J()I!% $urseH $(RS! .our la2y mother is +omin* to your +ham9erG :e4itsC room J()I!% %hen, 3in2o3, let 2ay in, an2 let li#e outG RO !O -are3ell, #are3ellG One kiss, an2 I'll 2es+en2" :climbs downC J()I!% &rt thou *one soH )o1e, lor2, ay, hus9an2, #rien2G I must hear #rom thee e1ery 2ay in the hour, and every hour -or in a minute there are many 2ays" O, 9y this +ount I shall 9e mu+h in years very old !re I a*ain 9ehol2 my RomeoG before, see RO !O -are3ellG I 3ill omit no opportunity miss no chance %hat may +on1ey my *reetin*s, lo1e, to thee" to send J()I!% O think'st thou 3e shall e1er meet a*ainH RO !O I 2ou9t it not, an2 all these 3oes shall ser1e of these woes we+ll -or s3eet 2is+ourses in our time to +ome" tal! and lau#h years from now J()I!% O 'o2, I ha1e an illE2i1inin* soulG bad feelin# ethinks I see thee, no3 thou art 9elo3, &s one 2ea2 in the 9ottom o# a tom9" RO !O &2ieu, a2ieuG :e4itsC farewell J()I!% O -ortune, -ortuneG &ll men +all thee #i+kle" Huic! to chan#e your mind I# thou art #i+kle, 3hat 2ost thou 3ith him what do you want with him %hat is reno3ne2 #or #aithH Be #i+kle, -ortune, well !nown for faithfulness -or then I hope thou 3ilt not keep him lon*, But sen2 him 9a+kG SCENE 20 )&,. /&0()!% :entersC 5o, 2au*hter, are you upH Why, ho3 no3, JulietH J()I!% a2am, I am not 3ell" )&,. /&0()!% how are you

!1ermore 3eepin* #or your +ousin's 2eathH What, 3ilt thou 3ash him #rom his *ra1e 3ith tearsH &n2 i# thou +oul2st, thou +oul2st not make him li1e" %here#ore, ha1e 2one" Some *rie# sho3s mu+h o# lo1e, But mu+h o# *rie# sho3s still some 3ant o# 3it" J()I!% .et let me 3eep #or su+h a #eelin* loss" )&,. /&0()!% Well, *irl, thou 3eep'st not so mu+h #or his 2eath, &s that the 1illain li1es 3hi+h slau*htere2 him" %hat Romeo" J()I!% 'o2 par2on him" I 2o, 3ith all my heart" &n2 yet no man like he 2oth *rie1e my heart" )&,. /&0()!% %hat is 9e+ause the traitor mur2'rer li1es" J()I!% &y, ma2am, #rom the rea+h o# these my han2s" )&,. /&0()!% We 3ill ha1e 1en*ean+e #or it, #ear thou notG %hat he shall soon keep %y9alt +ompany" &n2 then, I hope, thou 3ilt 9e satis#ie2" J()I!% In2ee2, I ne1er shall 9e satis#ie2 With Romeo till I 9ehol2 him"""2ea2"""is my poor heart" )&,. /&0()!% But no3 I'll tell thee Coy#ul ti2in*s, *irlG Well, 3ell, thou hast a +are#ul #ather, +hil2, One 3ho, to put thee #rom thy hea1iness, 5ath sorte2 out a su22en 2ay o# Coy %hat thou eBpe+ts not, nor I looke2 not #or" J()I!% a2am, 3hat 2ay is thatH )&,. /&0()!% arry, my +hil2, early neBt %hurs2ay morn, %he *allant, youn* an2 no9le *entleman, Sir 0aris, at Saint 0eter's /hur+h, Shall happily make thee there a Coy#ul 9ri2eG J()I!% $o3, 9y Saint 0eter's /hur+h an2 0eter too, 5e shall not make me there a Coy#ul 9ri2eG I pray you, tell my lor2 an2 #ather, ma2am, I 3ill not marry yetG &n2, 3hen I 2o, I s3ear, It shall 9e Romeo, 3hom you kno3 I hate, Rather than 0aris" %hese are ne3s in2ee2G )&,. /&0()!% 5ere +omes your #ather" %ell him so yoursel#, &n2 see ho3 he 3ill take it" :)'<GFET ? >GA$E enterC /&0()!% 5o3 no3, still in tearsH !1ermore sho3erin*H 5a1e you 2eli1ere2 to her our 2e+reeH )&,. /&0()!% &y, sir, 9ut she 3ill none7 she *i1es you thanks" I 3oul2 the #ool 3ere marrie2 to her *ra1eG /&0()!% 5o3G Will she noneH ,oth she not *i1e us thanksH Is she not prou2H (n3orthy as she is, that 3e ha1e 3rou*ht So 3orthy a *entleman to 9e her 9ri2e*roomH

still stop cryin#, a little foolishness deep as because that villain

an#er me 0 my heart miss


news carin# end your sorrow has arran#ed e4pected

well, mornin#

what+s this, still told her our decision she+ll have none of it wish have none of it happy, arran#ed

J()I!% $ot prou2 you ha1e, 9ut thank#ul that you ha1e" +m not happy that 0rou2 +an I ne1er 9e o# 3hat I hate" /&0()!% What is thisH II thank youI an2 II thank you notI &n2 yet Inot prou2IH istress minion you, spoiled hussy %hank me no thankin*s, nor prou2 me no prou2s, But #ettle your #ine Coints '*ainst %hurs2ay neBt prepare your fine self for %o *o 3ith 0aris to Saint 0eter's /hur+h, Or I 3ill 2ra* thee thitherG there )&,. /&0()!% -ie, #ie" What, are you ma2H shame on you J()I!% 'oo2 #ather, I 9esee+h you, 5ear me 3ith patien+e 9ut to speak a 3or2" /&0()!% ,iso9e2ient 3ret+hG I tell thee 3hatJ *et thee to +hur+h o' %hurs2ay, Or ne1er a#ter look me in the #a+eG loo! at me Speak not, reply not, 2o not ans3er meG shut up, don+t tal! bac! We s+ar+e thou*ht us 9lest thou#ht ourselves blest %hat 'o2 ha2 lent us 9ut this only +hil2, #iven But no3 I see this one is one too mu+h, &n2 that 3e ha1e a +urse in ha1in* her" $(RS! .ou are to 9lame, my lor2, to rate her soG scold /&0()!% 5ol2 your ton*ueG $(RS! I speak no treason nothin# disloyal /&0()!% 0ea+e, you mum9lin* #oolG )&,. /&0()!% .ou are too hotG upset /&0()!% 'o2's 9rea2G It makes me ma2G %o ha1e a 3ret+he2 damn it pulin* #ool, in her #ortune's ten2er, whimperin#, receivin# #ood fortune %o ans3er II'll not 3e27 I pray you par2on meGI :to *ulietC I'll Ipar2onI youJ 'raDe 3here you 3ill, you shall not house 3ith meG #o eat, stay in this house I 2o not use to CestG %hurs2ay is near" Eo!e I# you 9e mine, I'll *i1e you to my #rien2" if you+re my dau#hter I# you 9e not, han*G Be*G Star1eG ,ie in the streetsG if you+re not -or, 9y my soul, I'll ne'er a+kno3le2*e theeG you as my dau#hter %rust to't" I'll not 9e #ors3ornG thin! on it, ta!e bac! my words :e4itsC J()I!% O, s3eet my mother, +ast me not a3ayG don+t send me away ,elay this marria*e #or a monthG & 3eekG Or i# you 2o not, make the 9ri2al 9e2 In that 2im monument 3here %y9alt lies" tomb )&,. /&0()!% %alk not to me, #or I'll not speak a 3or2" ,o as thou 3ilt, #or I ha1e 2one 3ith thee" :e4itsC do what you will J()I!% O 'o2G O $urse, ho3 shall this 9e pre1ente2H y hus9an2 is on earth, my #aith in hea1en" alive, marria#e vow sworn 5o3 shall that #aith return a*ain to earth can marry a#ain (nless that hus9an2 sen2 it me #rom hea1en 9y lea1in* earthH dyin#

What say'st thouH 5ast thou not a 3or2 o# CoyH $(RS! -aith, here it is" Romeo is 9anishe2" I think it 9est you marrie2 3ith this 0aris" O, he's a lo1ely *entlemanG I think you are happy in this se+on2 mat+h, -or it eB+els your #irst7 or i# it 2i2 not, .our #irst is 2ea2, or 't3ere as *oo2 he 3ere &s li1in* here an2 you no use o# him" J()I!% Speakest thou #rom thy heartH $(RS! &n2 #rom my soul too, else 9eshre3 them 9oth" J()I!% &men" $(RS! WhatH J()I!% Well, thou hast +om#orte2 me mar1elous mu+h" 'o in an2 tell my la2y I am *one, 5a1in* 2isplease2 my #ather, to )a3ren+e' +ell, %o make +on#ession an2 to 9e a9sol1e2" $(RS! erry, I 3ill7 an2 this is 3isely 2one" :e4itsC J()I!% &n+ient 2amnationG O most 3i+ke2 #ien2G %o 2ispraise my lor2 3ith that same ton*ue Whi+h she hath praise2 him 3ith a9o1e +ompare So many thousan2 timesH 'o, +ounselor" I'll to the -riar to kno3 his reme2y" I# all else #ail, mysel# ha1e po3er to 2ie" :e4itsC SCENE 21 :)hurch, later that day. ,A 'A ? <'A $C -RI&R On %hurs2ay, sirH %he time is 1ery short" 0&RIS y #ather /apulet 3ill ha1e it so, -RI&R .ou say you 2o not kno3 the la2y's min2H (ne1en is the +ourse" I like it not" 0&RIS Immo2erately she 3eeps #or %y9alt's 2eath, $o3, sir, her #ather +ounts it 2an*erous %hat she 2oth *i1e her sorro3 so mu+h s3ay, &n2 in his 3is2om hastes our marria*e %o stop the inun2ation o# her tears" :*GF ET entersC 5appily met, my la2y an2 my 3i#eG J()I!% %hat may 9e, sir, 3hen I may 9e a 3i#e" 0&RIS %hat Imay 9eI must 9e, lo1e, on %hurs2ay neBt" J()I!% What must 9e shall 9e" -RI&R %hat's a +ertain teBt"

fortunate, marria#e is better than as #ood as dead on earth, never able to see you


mother for#iven

cursed old woman critici&e, husband beyond comparison !ill myself

father-in-law thou#hts on this this is too irre#ular e4cessively considers let sorrow overwhelm her hurries flood

my love

that+s true

0&RIS /ome you to make +on#ession to the -riarH ,o not 2eny to him that you lo1e me" J()I!% I 3ill +on#ess to you that I lo1e him" 0&RIS So 3ill you, I am sure, that you lo1e me" J()I!% :to ,riarC &re you at leisure, 5oly -ather, no3H -RI&R y leisure ser1es me, pensi1e 2au*hter, no3" :to himC 'oo2 sir, 3e must entreat the time alone" 0&RIS 'o2 shiel2 I shoul2 2istur9 2e1otionG Juliet, early 3ill I rouse you" %ill then, a2ieu, an2 keep this holy kiss" :!isses her, e4itsC J()I!% %ell me not, -riar, that thou hear'st o# this, (nless thou tell me ho3 I may pre1ent itG -RI&R O Juliet, I alrea2y kno3 thy *rie#" It strains me past the +ompass o# my 3its" J()I!% I# in thy 3is2om thou +anst *i1e no help, ,o thou 9ut +all my resolution 3ise, &n2 3ith this I 3ill help it presentlyG :threatens to stab herselfC -RI&R 5ol2G J()I!% Be not so lon* to speakG I lon* to 2ieG -RI&R 5ol2, 2au*hterG I 2o spy a kin2 o# hope, Whi+h +ra1es as 2esperate an eBe+ution &s that is 2esperate 3hi+h 3e 3oul2 pre1ent" I#, rather than to marry 3ith this 0aris, %hou hast the stren*th o# 3ill to slay thysel#, %hen is it likely thou 3ilt un2ertake & thin* like 2eath to +hi2e a3ay this shame, %hat +op'st 3ith ,eath himsel# to 's+ape #rom it7 &n2 i# thou 2are'st, I'll *i1e thee reme2y" J()I!% O, I 3ill 2o it 3ithout #ear or 2ou9t, %o li1e an unstaine2 3i#e to my s3eet lo1e" -RI&R 5ol2, then" 'o home, 9e merry" 'i1e +onsent %o marry 0aris" %oni*ht, take thou this 1ial, 9ein* then in 9e2, &n2 this 2istillin* liFuor 2rink thou o##" When presently throu*h all thy 1eins shall run & +ol2 an2 2ro3sy humor, #or no pulse Shall keep his nati1e pro*ress, 9ut sur+ease" $o 3armth, no 9reath shall testi#y thou li1e'st" %he roses in thy lips an2 +heeks shall #a2e %o paly ashes" %hy eyes' 3in2o3s #all )ike ,eath 3hen he shuts up the 2ay o# li#e" !a+h part, 2epri1e2 o# supple *o1ernment, Shall, sti## an2 stark an2 +ol2, appear like 2eath" $o3, 3hen the 9ri2e*room in the mornin* +omes

free +m free now, troubled as! for forbid, reli#ious devotion wa!e you .with music/

!now the cause of your #rief +m at my wit+s end

now stop spea! now, want to die stop, see reHuires, act this desperate act, want to

avoid faces death, escape #ive you this remedy loyal wait, a#ree little bottle, once you+re in bed drin! all the liHuid soon fluid !eep beatin#, stop show you+re alive rosiness pale #rey, eyelids will close closes part of you, unable to move ri#id <aris

%o rouse thee #rom thy 9e2, there art thou 2ea2" %hen, thou shalt 9e 9orne to that same an+ient 1ault Where all the kin2re2 o# the /apulets lie" &n2 in this 9orro3e2 likeness o# shrunk 2eath %hou shalt +ontinue #our an2 t3enty hours, &n2 then a3ake as #rom a pleasant sleep" In the meantime, Shall Romeo 9y my letters kno3 our 2ri#t &n2 hither shall he +ome, an2 3at+h thy 3akin*, an2 that 1ery ni*ht Shall Romeo 9ear thee hen+e to antua" &n2 this shall #ree thee #rom this present shame, I# no in+onstant #ear a9ate thy 1alor" J()I!% O, tell not me o# #earG -RI&R :#ives her the vialC 'et you *one" Be stron* an2 prosperous In this resol1e" I'll sen2 to antua my letters to thy lor2" J()I!% )o1e *i1e me stren*th, an2 stren*th shall help a##or2G -are3ell, 2ear -atherG :They e4itC SCENE 22 :*uliet+s bedroom, that ni#ht. *GF ET ? >GA$EC

to wa!e you carried, tomb family death-li!e appearance plan here watch you wa!e ta!e you away interfere with, coura#e

determined, husband #ive me help

J()I!% 'entle $urse, I pray thee, lea1e me to mysel# toni*ht, leave me alone -or I ha1e nee2 o# many orisons prayers %o mo1e the hea1ens to smile upon my state, encoura#e, situation Whi+h, 3ell thou kno3'st, is +ross an2 #ull o# sin" conflicted )&,. /&0()!% :entersC What, are you 9usy, hoH $ee2 you my helpH J()I!% $o, ma2am" We ha1e +ulle2 su+h ne+essaries pic!ed out everythin# &s are 9eho1e#ul #or our state tomorro3" as needed for the ceremony So please you, let me no3 9e le#t alone" )&,. /&0()!% 'oo2 ni*ht" 'et thee to 9e2 an2 rest, #or thou hast nee2" :They e4itC J()I!% -are3ell" 'o2 kno3s 3hen 3e shall meet a*ain" y 2ismal s+ene I nee2s must a+t alone" /ome, 1ial" dreadful What i# this miBture 2o not 3ork at allH Shall I 9e marrie2 then tomorro3 mornin*H $o, no, this shall #or9i2 it" :ta!es a da##er and puts it by the bedC 5o3 i#, 3hen I am lai2 into the tom9, I 3ake 9e#ore the time that Romeo +ome to re2eem meH #et me Shall I not then 9e sti#le2 in the 1ault, suffocated, tomb %o 3hose #oul mouth no healthsome air 9reathes in, fresh &n2 there 2ie stran*le2 ere my Romeo +omesH before Or i# I li1e, is it not 1ery like isn+t it li!ely %he horri9le +on+eit o# 2eath an2 ni*ht, thou#hts %o*ether 3ith the terror o# the pla+e 3here as they say, &t some hours in the ni*ht spirits resort, shall I not 9e 2istrau*htH haunt, mad O lookG ethinks I see my +ousin's *host thin! Seekin* out Romeo" Stay, %y9alt, stayG stop Romeo, I +omeG I 2rink to thee"

:$he drin!s then falls in bed within the curtainsC SCENE 23 :Dlac!outM >GA$E discovers *GF ET in the mornin#C $(RS! istressG What, mistressG :cries in horrorC JulietG :Fi#hts up on )hurch. ,A 'A delivers *GF ET+s eulo#y to F=AD ? F'DB )'<GFET, >GA$E, <'A $, and @uestsC -RI&R ,eath lies on her like an untimely #rost (pon the s3eetest #lo3er o# all the #iel2" %he ni*ht 9e#ore her 3e22in* 2ay hath ,eath lain 3ith her" %hen lo1eE2e1ourin* 2eath 2o 3hat he 2are" -lo3er as she 3as, 2e#lo3ere2 9y him" Our 2au*hter he hath 3e22e2" 5ea1en an2 yoursel# 5a2 part in this #air mai2" $o3 hea1'n hath all, .our part in her you +oul2 not keep #rom 2eath, But hea1en keeps his part in eternal li#e" :They e4itC SCENE 24 :9antua, that afternoon. A=9E=C RO !O I# I may trust the #latterin* truth o# sleep, y 2reams presa*e some Coy#ul ne3s at han2" &n2 all this 2ay an una++ustome2 spirit )i#ts me a9o1e the *roun2 3ith +heer#ul thou*hts" I 2reamt my la2y +ame an2 #oun2 me 2ea2, &n2 9reathe2 su+h li#e 3ith kisses in my lips %hat I re1i1e2 an2 3as an emperor" &h meG 5o3 s3eet is lo1e itsel# possesse2 When 9ut lo1e's sha2o3s are so ri+h in CoyG :DE>;=F = entersC $e3s #rom VeronaG5o3 no3, Ben1olioG ,ost thou not 9rin* me letters #rom the -riarH 5o3 2oth my la2yH Is my #ather 3ellH 5o3 #ares my JulietH %hat I ask a*ain, -or nothin* +an 9e ill i# she 9e 3ell" B!$VO)IO %hen she is 3ell an2 nothin* +an 9e ill" 5er 9o2y sleeps in /apel's monument, &n2 her immortal part 3ith an*els li1es" RO !O Is it e'en soH %hen I 2e#y you, starsG :asideC Well, Juliet, I 3ill lie 3ith thee toni*ht" B!$VO)IO I 2o 9esee+h you, +oD, ha1e patien+eG RO !O )ea1e meG B!$VO)IO .our looks are pale an2 3il2, an2 2o import Some misa21enture" RO !O believe what #ood dreams say predict, soon unusually #ood mood on the love you have in reality even Eust love+s dreams hello how is bad, #ood she+s in heaven .an e4pression/ the )apulet tomb soul is it really so, fate unseasonably late slept beautiful, her vir#inity ta!en both had part, all of her

su##est somethin# bad will happen

%ush, thou art 2e+ei1e2G 5ast thou no letters to me #rom the -riarH B!$VO)IO $o" RO !O $o matter" 'et thee *one, So shalt thou sho3 me #rien2ship" )i1e an2 9e prosperous, an2 #are3ell, 2ear +ousin" :e4itsC B!$VO)IO RomeoG :e4its afterC SCENE 25 :)hurch. ,A 'AC JO5$ :entersC 5oly -riarG -RI&R Wel+ome #rom antuaG What says RomeoH Or i# his min2 9e 3rit, *i1e me his letter" JO5$ I +oul2 not sen2 it, nor *et a messen*er to 9rin* it" :hands him the letterC -RI&R (nhappy #ortuneG Romeo 5ath ha2 no noti+e o# these a++i2ents" %he letter 3as o# 2ear import, an2 the ne*le+tin* it ay 2o mu+h 2an*erG Within three hours 3ill #air Juliet 3ake" -ear +omes upon me" O, mu+h I #ear some ill unthri#ty thin*" But I 3ill 3rite a*ain to antua, 0oor li1in* +orse, +lose2 in a 2ea2 man's tom9G :They e4itC SCENE 26 :=utside apothecary shop in ;erona, that ni#ht. A=9E=C RO !O What, hoG &pothe+'ryG &0O%5!/&R. :entersC Who +alls so lou2H RO !O )et me ha1e a 2ram o# poison, su+h soonEspee2in* *ear &s 3ill 2isperse itsel# throu*h all the 1eins %hat the li#eE3eary taker may #all 2ea2 &0O%5!/&R. Su+h mortal 2ru*s I ha1e, 9ut Verona's la3 Is 2eath to any he that utters them" RO !O &rt thou so 9are an2 #ull o# 3ret+he2ness, an2 #ear'st to 2ieH %he 3orl2 is not thy #rien2, nor the 3orl2's la3" %he 3orl2 a##or2s no la3 to make thee ri+h" %hen 9e not poor, 9ut 9reak it, an2 take thisG :=ffers moneyC &0O%5!/&R. y po1erty, 9ut not my 3ill, +onsents" RO !O I pay thy po1erty an2 not thy 3ill"


that+s how

if he wrote

terrible fortune events much importance

evil corpse, loc!ed

some, fast-actin# stuff the one ta!in# their life deadly sentences death, sells poor offers brea! the law conscience, a#rees conscience

&0O%5!/&R. :offers poisonC ,rink it o##, an2 i# you ha2 the stren*th O# t3enty men, it 3oul2 2ispat+h you strai*ht" RO !O :hands him the moneyC %here is thy *ol2, 3orse poison to men's souls, %han these poor +ompoun2s that thou mayst not sell" I sell thee poison7 thou hast sol2 me none" :asideC /ome, +or2ial an2 not poison, *o 3ith me %o Juliet's *ra1e, #or there must I use thee" :Two @G'AD$ enterC 1st '(&R, What +ursK2 #oot 3an2ers this 3ayH 8n2 '(&R, %his is that 9anish'2 onta*ue :to AomeoC What, hoG StopG /on2emne2 1illain, I 2o apprehen2 theeG O9ey, an2 *o 3ith me, #or thou must 2ieG RO !O I must in2ee2, an2 there#ore +ame I hither" %empt not a 2esperate manG 0ut not another sin upon my hea2 9y ur*in* me to #uryG -or I +ome hither arme2 a*ainst mysel#" 8n2 '(&R, We 2o 2e#y thy +ommination, &n2 apprehen2 thee #or a #elon here" :They fi#ht. '<=THE)'AB flees. A=9E= escapesC 1st '(&R, Whi+h 3ayH 8n2 '(&R, Sear+h a9out the +hur+hyar2" Whoe'er you #in2 atta+h" :They e4itC SCENE 27 :)apulet tomb. *GF ET in tombC

!ill you immediately mi4tures medicine

arrest that+s why came here pushin# threats arrest, criminal


RO !O :entersC O here lies Juliet, an2 her 9eauty makes %his 1ault a #eastin* presen+e #ull o# li*ht" festive hall y lo1eG y 3i#eG -or*i1e me, 2ear Juliet" %hou art not +onFuere2" Beauty's ensi*n yet si#n Is +rimson in thy lips an2 in thy +heeks, red &n2 2eath's pale #la* is not a21an+K2 there" raised Why art thou yet so #airH Shall I 9elie1e beautiful %hat unsu9stantial ,eath is amorous, bodiless Death is your lover &n2 that the lean a9horrK2 monster keeps horrible %hee here in 2ark to 9e his paramourH I 3ill stay 3ith thee, mistress &n2 ne1er #rom this pala+e o# 2im ni*ht ,epart a*ain" 5ere 3ill I set up my e1erlastin* rest, &n2 shake the yoke o# inauspi+ious stars sha!e off the burden of cruel fate -rom this 3orl2E3earie2 #lesh" !yes, look your last" body, for the last time &rms, take your last em9ra+e" &n2 lips, O, you %he 2oors o# 9reath, seal 3ith a ri*hteous kiss pure & 2ateless 9ar*ain to en*rossin* ,eath" :!isses herC eternal contract, all-possessin# /ome, 9itter +on2u+t" escort .poison/ 5ere's to my lo1eG :drin!s, !isses herC J()I!% :wa!esC RomeoH RO !O

%hus 3ith a kiss I 2ie" :diesC J()I!% RomeoG What's hereH 0oison" ,runk all, an2 le#t no #rien2ly 2rop %o help me a#terH I 3ill kiss thy lips" 5aply some poison yet 2oth han* on them %o make me 2ie" :!isses himC :findin# Aomeo+s da##erC O, happy 2a**erG %his is thy sheathG :!ills herselfC

follow after you perhaps how fortunateM a da##er my heart

SCENE 28 :Dawn. <A >)E, F=AD ? F'DB 9=>T'@GE, F=AD ? F'DB )'<GFET, ,A 'A, >GA$E, DE>;=F =, and =thers enterC 0RI$/! Where 9e these enemiesH /apuletG onta*ueG See 3hat a s+our*e is lai2 upon your hate, %hat hea1'n #in2s means to kill your Coys 3ith lo1eG &n2 I #or 3inkin* at your 2is+or2s too 5a1e lost a 9ra+e o# kinsmenG &ll are punishe2G /5OR(S & *loomin* pea+e this mornin* 3ith it 9rin*s" %he sun, #or sorro3, 3ill not sho3 his hea2" 'o hen+e to ha1e more talk o# these sa2 thin*s" Some shall 9e par2one2, an2 some punishK2" -or ne1er 3as a story o# more 3oe %han this o# Juliet an2 her Romeo" :EndC

curse a way, children disre#ardin# your fi#htin# two of my

face #o on

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