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Joey Raniolo

Modified Games Portfolio Nitro Ball

PHED 239 - Module 4: High School, Dr. Mangano Springfield College

Table of Contents

Nitro Ball Doubles Volley Nitro Ball Precision Serve Nitro Ball Nitro Ball Precision Scoring Nitro Ball Quarters Royalty Court

P. 3-4 P. 5-6 P. 7-8 P. 9-10 P. 11-12 P. 13-14

Nitro Ball Doubles Focus of Lesson: Getting the ball over the net using the bump or the set

SPO: By the end of the lesson students will be able to, (C) Recite all the rules for nitro ball doubles when asked by the teacher during the closure of the lesson. (NASPE #2 MA CF # 2.26) (A) Show respect for equipment and the teacher by helping clean up the equipment and put away the tennis net at the end of the lesson. (NASPE #5 MA CF # 2.26) (P) Demonstrate getting the ball over the net with one try while letting the ball bounce once before it is hit. (NASPE #1 MA CF # 2.17) Number of players: 10 players per team while 2 are on the court at a time Selection of teams: Everyone will find a partner and one partner is on one team and one partner is on the other team Facilities: Can be indoors in the gym or outdoors on a tennis court Equipment: Ten volleyballs, two tennis or volleyball courts, and two tennis nets Rules: 4 people on the court at a time (2 each side), 10 people at each court People who arent in are in a single file line on the baseline (one line on each baseline) The ball is tossed in by the teacher The ball must bounce once before it is hit Each side gets one hit to get the ball over the net If someone hits the ball over the net and it lands in bounds, they go to the end of the line If someone hits the ball out of bounds, they are out and will go off to the side so it is quick repetition one hit and youre out When someone hits the ball no matter where it goes they are off and the next person in line comes on to the court If the ball bounces more than twice it is one point for the other team, if the ball is hit out of bounds it is one point for the other team, and if the ball doesnt make if over the net it is one point for the other team The ball stays in play while people are switching so there is constant rotation. Safety: 1. All players not in the game must remain outside the court. 2. Make sure there are no volleyballs on the court while the game is going on. Extension: Harder: Students must call for the ball for their point to count. Easier: If the ball doesnt get over on the first hit the team can use two hits to get it over but only one hit per player.


Volley Nitro Ball Focus of Lesson: Using the set and the spike SPO: By the end of the lesson students will be able to,

(C) Recite how to get the ball over the net when asked by the teacher during the closure of the lesson. (NASPE #2 MA CF # 2.26) (A) Show respect for equipment and the teacher by helping clean up the equipment and put away the tennis net at the end of the lesson. (NASPE #5 MA CF # 2.26) (P) Demonstrate winning a point and rotating players on and off the court as quickly as possible to keep the flow of the game. (NASPE #1 MA CF # 2.17) Number of players: 10 players per team while 4 are on the court at a time Selection of teams: People with birthdays from January-June on one side of the court while people with birthdays from July-December on the other side of the court. Facilities: Can be indoors in the gym or outdoors on a tennis court Equipment: Ten volleyballs, one tennis or volleyball court, and one tennis net Rules: 4 people on the court at a time (10 each side) People who arent in are in a single file line on the baseline (one line on each baseline) The ball is tossed in by the teacher The ball must bounce once before it is hit Each side gets three hits to get the ball over the net No player can hit the ball two times in a row Points are scored if the ball bounces twice on a side, if the ball doesnt make if over the net one three hits, or if the ball lands out of bounds (each scenario is worth one point), if a team uses the set and the spike correctly, they get two points Games are played to one point Once a point is scored, the four players on each side go to the end of the line and the next four in line are in for quick repetition and constant rotation and no one is waiting for a long time Safety: 1. All players not in the game must remain outside the court. 2. Make sure there are no volleyballs on the court while the game is going on. 3. Make sure no one runs into anyone else when they are rotating on and off the court Extension: Harder: Each team only gets two hits to get the ball over net Easier: Each team gets four hits to get the ball over the net


Precision Serve Nitro Ball Focus of Lesson: Serving the ball accurately SPO: By the end of the lesson students will be able to,

(C) Identify how to serve the ball accurately using the overhand serve and having the ball bounce on their side first when asked by the teacher during the closure of the lesson. (NASPE # 2 MA CF # 2.26) (A) Show respect for for peers and the teacher by playing fair and following all the rules of the game throughout the entire lesson. (NASPE #5 MA CF # 2.26) (P) Demonstrate serving the ball into the designated areas for different amounts of points throughout the entire lesson. (NASPE #1 MA CF # 2.17) Number of players: 10 per court (2 courts) 5 per team (4 teams) Selection of teams: Teacher will count off by fours and all the same numbers are each a team Facilities: Can be indoors in the gym or outdoors on a tennis court Equipment: Two volleyballs, two tennis or volleyball courts, and two tennis nets Rules: 10 people on the court at a time (5 each side) there will be two games going on at once on two different courts The ball is served in by a player to start the game The serve is an overhand serve downward that must be served down on the servers side before it goes over the net like shown in the picture The server must be behind the baseline of the court to serve the ball There are spots on the court worth a certain amount of points, when the ball lands in one of those spots off the serve, whoever wins that volley earns that many points The points are based on where the serve lands and those points are given to whoever wins the point There are spots worth one point, two points, and three points The ball must bounce once before it is hit Each side gets three hits to get the ball over the net If the ball bounces twice the points go to the other team, if the ball is hit out of bounds the points go to the other team, if the ball isnt returned over the net in three hits or under, the points go to the other team, and if the ball doesnt make if over the net the points go to the other team The amount of points that the serve is worth will go to whichever team wins the point If the serve goes out of bounds it is one point for the other team, each person gets one chance to serve if it doesnt make it over the net or the other team wins the point Whoever wins the point gets to serve, the server remains the same until the team loses the point Every time possession changes there must be a new server No player can hit the ball two times in a row Games are to 11, must win by 2 Safety: 1. The server must make sure everyone on the court is paying attention before the ball is served. 2. Make sure everyone is calling for the ball so no one runs into anyone.

Extension: Harder: Only the team that serves can earn the points Easier: Each team has four hits to get the ball over the net Diagram:

Nitro Ball Precision Scoring Focus of Lesson: Serving the ball accurately SPO: By the end of the lesson students will be able to, (C) Identify different strategies that were used during the game to score different amounts of points when asked by the teacher during the closure of the lesson. (NASPE # 2 MA CF # 2.26)

(A) Show respect for their peers and the teacher by playing fair and following all the rules of the game throughout the entire lesson. (NASPE #5 MA CF # 2.26) (P) Demonstrate serving the ball correctly into the designated areas for different amounts of points throughout the entire lesson. (NASPE #1 MA CF # 2.17) Number of players: 10 per court (2 courts) 5 per team (4 teams) Selection of teams: Everyone will be given a card from a standard deck of cards and each suit will be on a different half of a court. Facilities: Can be indoors in the gym or outdoors on a tennis court Equipment: Two volleyballs, two tennis or volleyball courts, and two tennis nets Rules: 10 people on the court at a time (5 each side) there will be two games going on at once on two different courts The ball is served in by a player to start the game The serve is an overhand serve downward that must be served downward towards teh servers side to then bounce over the net The server must be behind the baseline of the court to serve the ball There are spots on the court worth a certain amount of points and when a ball bounces twice in a certain area it is worth that many points There are spots worth one point, two points, and three points The ball must bounce once before it is hit Each side gets three hits to get the ball over the net If the ball bounces twice the points go to the other team, if the ball is hit out of bounds the points go to the other team, if the ball isnt returned over the net in three hits or under, the points go to the other team, and if the ball doesnt make if over the net the points go to the other team If the serve goes out of bounds it is one point for the other team If the ball is returned out of bounds, the other team gets the amount of points that are designated for the area that the ball is hit out of bounds from Whoever wins the point gets to serve Every time possession changes there must be a new server No player can hit the ball two times in a row Games are to 21, must win by 2 Safety: 1. Make sure that everyone is looking before the ball is served. 2. Make sure there are no volley balls on the court before the ball is served. Extension: Harder: Each team has two hits to get the ball over the net Easier: Each team has four hits to get the ball over the net Diagram:

Nitro Ball Quarters Focus of Lesson: Scoring in quadrants SPO: By the end of the lesson students will be able to,


(C) Identify different techniques that were used to get ball over the nets and into the correct quadrant when asked by the teacher at the closure of the lesson. (NASPE # 2 MA CF # 2.26) (A) Show communication with their team when running onto and off of the court after they hit the ball once. (NASPE #5 MA CF # 2.26) (P) Demonstrate getting the ball into one of the other three quadrants while letting the ball bounce once at least five times during the lesson. (NASPE #1 MA CF # 2.17) Number of players: 5 players per team (four teams) Selection of teams: Students will make their own group of five students and they must be two boys and three girls or vice versa Facilities: Can be indoors in the gym or outdoors on a tennis court Equipment: Ten volleyballs, one tennis or volleyball court, and one tennis net Rules: 4 people on the court at a time (1 in each quadrant) People who arent in are in a single file line next to their teams quadrant The ball is tossed in by the teacher or a student who is not in The ball must bounce once before it is hit Each team gets one hit to get the ball over the net into an adjacent quadrant Whenever someone hits the ball they go to the end of their teams line in that quadrant and the next person in line runs on to the court If a ball is hit into a non-adjacent quadrant, the team that hit the ball loses a point If the ball bounces twice it is one point for the team that hit the ball into the quadrant If the ball is hit out of bounds, the other three teams each get a point The ball stays in play while people are switching so subbing is on the fly. Games are played to 11 Safety: 1. All players not in the game must remain outside the court. 2. Make sure that no one is touching the nets at all during the lesson Extension: Harder: Students cant hit the ball into adjacent quadrants (only one quadrant they can hit into Easier: Students can hit the ball into any quadrant that they want Diagram:


Royalty Court


Focus of Lesson: Playing quick games of nitro ball SPO: By the end of the lesson students will be able to, (C) Recite how many times in a row they were on the royalty court during the game when asked by the teacher during the closure of the lesson. (NASPE # 2 MA CF # 2.26) (A) Show an enjoyment for for royalty court during the lesson by playing with intensity and getting involved during the entire lesson. (NASPE # 5 MA CF # 2.26) (P) Demonstrate the winner stays on and the loser gets off the court quickly throughout the game of royalty court. (NASPE # 1 MA CF #2.17) Number of players: 5 players per team Selection of teams: Teams will be preselected by skill level by the teacher to make the teams even. Facilities: Can be indoors in the gym or outdoors on a tennis court Equipment: Ten volleyballs, one tennis or volleyball court, and one tennis net Rules: 4 people on the court at a time (2 each side), 10 people at each court Teams that arent in are in are in a line shoulder to shoulder on the baseline by team The ball is served in by the royalty team overhand and must bounce on their side to the other side The ball must bounce once before it is hit Each side gets three hits to get the ball over the net A point is won if the ball bounces twice on the opponents side, if the ball is hit out of bounds by the other team, and if the ball doesnt make it over the net The winner goes to the far side court until they lose Games are only one point so there are quick constant rotations and not a lot of waiting time Once there is a point the next team in line comes on to the court Safety: 1. No touching the nets at any time the lesson or game. 2. Students must call out the score before they serve the ball. Extension: Harder: Students must call for the ball for their point to count. Easier: Each team gets four hits to get the ball over the net. Diagram:



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