FI S P00 07000139 THL Stock Card and IMAT Report

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Work Instruction

S_P00_07000139 - THL - Stock Card and IMAT Re ort

Purpose !se t"is rocedure to ro#ide a stock re ort to dis $a% recei#in& and issuin& o' &oods o' eac" (ateria$ in eac" eriod) T"is ro&ra( *i$$ dis $a% data re+uired ,% t"e -irector-.enera$ o' t"e Re#enue -e art(ent o' T"ai$and) T"ere are / re orts t"at are re$ated to T"ai re+uire(ents0 1) Stock card re ort 1) In#entor% and ra* (ateria$ re ort 3) Stock ,a$ance re ort /) Stock card 'or s ecia$ stock Trigger Per'or( t"is rocedure *"en %ou need to #ie* stock card and IMAT re ort) Menu Path !se t"e 'o$$o*in& SAP 2as% Access (enu at"3s4 to ,e&in t"is transaction0 Accountin& 5 6inancia$ Accountin& 5 .enera$ Led&er 5 Re ortin& 5 Ta7 Re orts 5 T"ai$and 5 S_P88_97000139 - Stock card and IMAT Re ort

Transaction Code S_P00_07000139

Monda%9 6e,ruar% 019 1009

6I_S_P00_07000139_Stock Card and IMAT Re ort)udc


Work Instruction

S_P00_07000139 - THL - Stock Card and IMAT Re ort

Screen Flow

Monda%9 6e,ruar% 019 1009

6I_S_P00_07000139_Stock Card and IMAT Re ort)udc


Work Instruction

S_P00_07000139 - THL - Stock Card and IMAT Re ort

Procedure 1. In SAP9 start t"e transaction usin& t"e (enu at" or transaction code) SAP Easy Access

2. -ou,$e-c$ick t"e Accounting node 3. -ou,$e-c$ick t"e Financial Accounting node 4. -ou,$e-c$ick t"e eneral !edger node

) ) )

Monda%9 6e,ruar% 019 1009

6I_S_P00_07000139_Stock Card and IMAT Re ort)udc


Work Instruction

S_P00_07000139 - THL - Stock Card and IMAT Re ort

". -ou,$e-c$ick t"e #eporting node $. -ou,$e-c$ick t"e Ta% #eports node &. C$ick t"e Scroll down node ) ) '. -ou,$e-c$ick t"e Thailand node

) )

(. -ou,$e-c$ick t"e S)P**)*&***13( + Stoc, card and -MAT #eport node ) Stoc, card and -n.entory /aterial report

Monda%9 6e,ruar% 019 1009

6I_S_P00_07000139_Stock Card and IMAT Re ort)udc


Work Instruction

S_P00_07000139 - THL - Stock Card and IMAT Re ort

1* As re+uired9 co( $ete:re#ie* t"e 'o$$o*in& 'ie$ds0 . An R:8:C organi0ati onal unit used to pro.ide a sel1+ contained set o1 accounts. !egally re2uired 3alance sheets and Pro1it and !oss state/ent s are generated at the Co/pany Code le.el. Se.eral Co/pany Codes can 3e set up within each Client to /anage the accounts. Field
Monda%9 6e,ruar% 019 1009

-escri tion

6I_S_P00_07000139_Stock Card and IMAT Re ort)udc


Work Instruction

S_P00_07000139 - THL - Stock Card and IMAT Re ort

E%a/ple4 2632 R Co( an% Code 11 C$ick t"e Material (u$ti $e se$ection ,utton . Multiple Selection 1or Material )

12 As re+uired9 co( $ete:re#ie* t"e 'o$$o*in& 'ie$ds0 .

Monda%9 6e,ruar% 019 1009

6I_S_P00_07000139_Stock Card and IMAT Re ort)udc


Work Instruction

S_P00_07000139 - THL - Stock Card and IMAT Re ort

# 5ey in R:8:C single .alue 1or this para/ete r. 5ey in single .alue 1or this para/ete r. Field E%a/ple4 10011196 Single .alue E%a/ple4 10011191 R Sin&$e #a$ue

-escri tion

13 C$ick t"e E%ecute ,utton .

Stoc, card and -n.entory /aterial report

Monda%9 6e,ruar% 019 1009

6I_S_P00_07000139_Stock Card and IMAT Re ort)udc


Work Instruction

S_P00_07000139 - THL - Stock Card and IMAT Re ort

Monda%9 6e,ruar% 019 1009

6I_S_P00_07000139_Stock Card and IMAT Re ort)udc


Work Instruction

S_P00_07000139 - THL - Stock Card and IMAT Re ort

14 As re+uired9 co( $ete:re#ie* t"e 'o$$o*in& 'ie$ds0 . A plant is R:8:C an organi0ati onal unit 1or di.iding an enterprise according to productio n6 procure/ ent6 /aintena nce6 and /aterials planning. -t is a place where /aterials are produced6 or goods and ser.ices are pro.ided. Field E%a/ple4 7003
Monda%9 6e,ruar% 019 1009 6I_S_P00_07000139_Stock Card and IMAT Re ort)udc 9:11

-escri tion

Work Instruction

S_P00_07000139 - THL - Stock Card and IMAT Re ort

R P$ant &**1 HPC &**2 IC &**3 6881" C$ick t"e E%ecute ,utton . 1$ C$ick t"e 7ac, ,utton . 1& C$ick t"e E%it ,utton . ) ) )

Monda%9 6e,ruar% 019 1009

6I_S_P00_07000139_Stock Card and IMAT Re ort)udc


Work Instruction

S_P00_07000139 - THL - Stock Card and IMAT Re ort

#esult >ou "a#e re#ie*ed a stock card and IMAT re ort)

Monda%9 6e,ruar% 019 1009

6I_S_P00_07000139_Stock Card and IMAT Re ort)udc


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