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Portfolio Assessment in ENSP703

Presented to: Mr. Rio S. Aburido ENSP703 Professor

Presented by: Kristofferson M. Melecio Jr. V02

December 16, 2013

Table of Contents





A. My Essays 1. When Time Expires 2. Why Should I Go on and Finish My Race 3. Definition Essay: Hope: Our Present Action Make Our Own Future 4. Descriptive Essay: Yolanda: The Deadliest Natural Disaster 5. Contrast Essay: Music: Side A and B 6. Argumentative Speech: Make Things Fair: Antitrust Regulation 7 9 11 1 3 5




In this portfolio you will see six different types of essay that developed my writing and reasoning skills. My first essay is about time. It is titled When Time Expires. It tackles about how we should treasure our time in our life. Second is titled Why Should I Go On and Finish My Race?. It is an essay that tells us how and why should we reach our goals in life. My third essay is titled Hope: Our Present Action Make Our Own Future. It defines hope that is always and always will be present in our hearts. Fourth, is titled Yolanda: The Deadliest Natural Disaster. Yolanda is a powerful typhoon that devastated parts of the Philippine Islands. This essay will describe its power and the devastation that it made. My fifth essay, Music: Side A and B. It is a contrast essay that tackles about the difference mainly between classical and contemporary music. My last essay is about the antitrust regulation. In here, I will share my side about this regulation being imposed on Google. I hope that you will find it delighting and that you will enjoy reading it.

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