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The College for a Better Tomorrow

123 Dream Maker Drive Rainbow, OH 440 ! Tele"hone #$00% &$'(!&23 )a*+imile #21!% &$'(33 !

Nancy Reibold, Exec. Director Global Initiative Website Center 1012 Third ve. Ne! "or#, Ne! "or# 10021

Nove$ber 10, 200% Dear &s. Reibold, I a$ 'ethann D(rbin the ssistant Coordinator o) *inancial id at Colle+e )or a 'etter To$orro!. I sa! yo(r ad )or st(dy abroad scholarshi, in)or$ation on the internet. We have several st(dy abroad o,,ort(nities here, and I believe o(r st(dents co(ld bene)it )ro$ yo(r )ree in)or$ation boo#let. I !o(ld li#e to order 100 co,ies o) yo(r )ree in)or$ation boo#let, and i) !e +et eno(+h ,ositive res,onse )ro$ the st(dents, !e !ill co$e bac# and order $ore. -incerely, 'ethann D(rbin ssistant Coordinator o) *inancial id

The ,lobal -nitiative Center

1012 Third ve. Ne! "or#, Ne! "or# 10021 Tele,hone/ 01002 23045%36 *acsi$ile/ 020%2 21741330 Website/ !!! 8888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

To/ &s. 'ethann D(rbin, ssistant Director o) *inancial id CC/ Cathy r$stron+, 9ohn &ayer, :elly :a,o!s#i Nove$ber 13, 200% -(b;ect/ -t(dy broad *inancial id 'oo#lets

I have received yo(r letter and the order )or the )ree boo#lets on the )inancial aid in)or$ation )or -t(dy broad. We a,,reciate yo(r b(siness, and than# yo( )or yo(r order. I a$ sorry to say that at this ti$e !e are o(t o) those boo#lets. We have received $ore re<(ests than antici,ated, and have si$,ly r(n o(t. We are ex,ectin+ $ore and I can have the$ o(t to yo( in a,,roxi$ately t!o !ee#s. D(e to yo(r inconvenience, I !ill !aive yo(r shi,,in+ )ee on this order and I !ill also send it next $ail to $a#e s(re yo( +et yo(r order i$$ediately. There are so$e do!nloads available on $oney $ana+e$ent, ho! to create a b(d+et, and other hel,)(l

ti,s that $ay hel, yo(r st(dents= these available )or do!nload at !!! I) there is anythin+ $ore I can do )or yo(, or i) yo( have any )(rther <(estions ,lease contact $e at 01002 23045%36. -incerely, Nancy Reibold Exec(tive Director

The Global Initiative Center 1012 Third ve. Ne! "or#, Ne! "or# 10021 Tele,hone/ 01002 23045%36 *acsi$ile/ 020%2 21741330 Website/ !!! 888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888

Nove$ber 23, 200%

&r. Robert &ason 9ones >rintin+ Co$,any 105 East -($$it -treet Ne! 'r(ns!ic#, N9 01710

-(b;ect/ >roble$ !ith ?rder 13524%1

?n Nove$ber 13 I ,laced a r(sh order o) o(r co$,anies -t(dy broad *inancial id 'oo#let. The order !as not only a !ee# late b(t the boo#lets are $issin+ several ,a+es. This is the second ,rintin+ error $ade by 9ones >rintin+ in the last % $onths. I a$ ret(rnin+ the boo#lets at 9ones >rintin+ Co$,any@s ex,ense. >lease re,lace the order o) 10,000 boo#lets and send the$ r(sh delivery. I !o(ld li#e to be co$,ensated

)or $y lost ti$e as I a$ +oin+ to have to co$,ensate $y c(sto$ers. I have $ar#ed (, the boo#let on to, to notate the errors. I) 9ones >rintin+ Co$,any cannot send $e the boo#lets by *riday, then I !ill )ind a co$,any !ho can. -incerely, Nancy Ribald


105 East -($$it -treet Ne! 'r(ns!ic#, N9 01710 Tele,hone/ 02162 15%41072 *acsi$ile/ 02162 6A041517 Website/ ;ones,$

Nove$ber 25, 200%

Global Initiative Center &s. Nancy Reibold, Exec(tive Director 1012 Third ve. Ne! "or#, Ne! "or# 10021

Dear &s. Reibold, I a$ sorry that yo( have been havin+ ,roble$s !ith yo(r order. I have already be+(n to loo# into the $atter, and I ass(re that the ,roble$ is bein+ solved. >lease ret(rn the order yo( received to $e !ithin 5 b(siness days, and I !ill credit yo(r acco(nt )or shi,,in+, and the total a$o(nt o) the order. I !ill also credit yo( 25B o)) o) yo(r next order )or yo(r loyalty to 9ones >rintin+ Co$,any.

I (nderstand yo(r ,osition co$,letely, and 9ones >rintin+ a,,reciates yo(r b(siness. I) yo( have any <(estions, or need anythin+ else )ro$ $e, ,lease )eel )ree to call $e directly at $y des#, !hich is 02162 15%47171, or $y e$ail r$ason.;ones,$. -incerely, Robert &ason 9ones >rintin+

M.MO 105 East -($$it -treet Ne! 'r(ns!ic#, N9 01710 Tele,hone/ 02162 15%41072 *acsi$ile/ 02162 6A041517 Website/ ;ones,$

To/ 9.R. 9ones, >resident CC/ :athy -tans)ield, 0Exec(tive ssistant2, 9ohn Theobold, 0 d$inistrative ssistant2 -(b;ect/ IC& >rintin+ Co$,any Date/ Nove$ber 25, 200%

&r. 9ones, I ;(st !anted to brin+ to yo(r attention a ,roble$ !e have !ith IC& >rintin+ Co$,any. I have received several co$,laints )ro$ c(sto$ers abo(t incorrect orders, ,roble$s !ith shi,,in+ and receivin+ orders on ti$e, and it is at a bi+ ex,ense to o(r co$,any. The $ost recent co$,any to have a ,roble$ !as Global Initiative Center, and they are one o) o(r bi++est clients. Their c(sto$er@s last order !as $issin+ several ,a+es )ro$ a *inancial id boo#let )or st(dents !ho !ant to st(dy abroad. I #no! ho! $(ch hi+her ed(cation $eans to yo(, and it !o(ld be $y reco$$endation that !e ter$inate o(r b(siness !ith this co$,any. I !ill be in the o))ice all !ee# sho(ld yo( re<(ire $ore in)or$ation. Robert

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