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Karlo Marco C. Cleto 11097361 Codes of Ethics I. II. III.

Business Ethics Dr. Jaime Cempron

What are ethical codes? What are the purposes of ethical codes? What are the three broad kinds of ethical codes? a. Codes of business ethics i. Definition ii. Examples 1. Aviators Code of Conduct 2. Code of US Fighting Force 3. Bushido 4. Ten Precepts 5. Warriors Code 6. Psychiatrists Ethics iii. Theoretical foundations 1. Changing views through the decades 2. Present developments b. Codes of conduct (organizational) i. Definition ii. Examples 1. Eight precepts 2. Five pillars 3. Declaration of Geneva 4. Golden Rule 5. Journalists Rule 6. Hippocratic Oath 7. Others iii. Theoretical foundations 1. Changing views through the decades 2. Present developments c. Codes of professional conduct i. Definition ii. Components 1. Honesty 2. Integrity 3. Transparency 4. Accountability 5. Confidentiality 6. Objectivity 7. Respectfulness 8. Obedience to law 9. Loyalty

iii. Examples iv. Implementation 1. Professional regulation 2. Organizational policies v. Theoretical foundations 1. Changing views through the decades 2. Present developments HR Provisions for Family-Work-Life Balance I. II. What is family-work-life balance? Work vs. Life and Family a. Work as a concept career, professional ambition b. Life and family as a concept family development, leisure, pleasure, health, spiritual development, personal development What are the purposes of organizational policies on family-work-life balance? Theoretical and historical foundations a. Changing views on family-work-life balance b. Cultural differences c. The concept of the ideal worker d. Benefits for the employer e. Importance of HR provisions consequences of imbalance i. Personal consequences ii. Organizational consequences f. Related concepts i. Money-rich time-poor ii. Workaholic iii. Absenteeism iv. Overwork and stress v. Timebind Practices and current trends a. Legal regulations Labor Code, Magna Carta for Women, etc. b. Organizational policies i. Leave arrangements ii. Parenting and pregnancy iii. FWA iv. Wellness, stress management v. Other concrete examples Challenges and solutions




Stress Management




What is stress? a. Kinds of stress i. Acute stress ii. Chronic stress b. Causes c. Consequences of work-related stress i. Personal consequences ii. Organizational consequences iii. Social consequences iv. Effects on family What is stress management? What are the purposes of stress management theories, tools and techniques? Theoretical and historical foundations a. Stress management through the decades b. Present developments Models of stress management a. Transactional model b. Innate health model c. Other models Tools and techniques a. Stress measurement b. Stress management and prevention c. Resilience d. Effectiveness e. Organizational programs on stress management f. Other known tools i. Autogenic training ii. Psychotherapy iii. Time management iv. Mindfulness v. Cranial release vi. Artistic expression vii. Social activity viii. Relaxation techniques

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