Lesson Plan 1

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Lesson Plan 1: Objective & Assessment

Learning Objective(s)
What do you want students to know, understand, or be able to do as a result of this lesson? My goal is that as a result of the lesson, students will be able to
Comment [C1]: This is a lot of objectives. I recommend on focusing on just one or two (max). Students may be doing some of these other things, but if you are just focusing on one thing then it makes it easier to explore it in more depth and to really gain a sense of the extent of your students understanding of that idea.

Infer about the setting, characters, and their motivations through the texts illustration Envision that is happening in the story Make predictions using their prior knowledge, emotional intelligence, and knowledge of character Define juicy words and understand why they help us to write good stories Distinguish literal from non-literal language Reason and elaborate/support their ideas with detail from text Collaborate with a partner to build on ideas Develop note-taking skills

Evidence for assessment

I will assess student understanding throughout their participation during whole class discussions. I will look for signs of student learning when they are able to reflect, reason, Where will you look and explain their ideas using valid and explicit details from text. I will also check for signs of [C2]: what will they reflect, reason, or Comment explain (what understanding will they be (product, performance, collaborative learning during the talk to your neighbor time. During this time, I will go exhibiting?) documentation you create, around to listen to their conversations with one another, their ability to communicate their etc.) for signs of student Comment [C3]: This is great, but not one of your own ideas clearly, and the ways they encourage one another to think and build upon objectives. For now only think about evidence that learning? directly certain ideas and/or concepts. I will also check for their independent learning through their connects to your objective. What will you look for? writing in their readers notebook. I will check their note -taking skills, as this is a skill that What are your criteria? (examples of statements or we started to work on for few weeks . In their readers notebooks, I will ch eck for thoughtful actions that would show the reflections and predictions, supporting them with correct details from text and their particular kinds of knowledge of characters and plot. understandings, learnings, &/or skills you are after?)

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