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Hussain Alamer/ KuangKye Oo Kirsten Foster Co150.400 16th December 01! 1.

Accor"ing to many stu"ies# $laying %iolent %i"eo games# &no'n by the acronym (()s# ma&es gamers more aggressi%e *)entile+. Ho'e%er# "oes this result in %iolence in the real 'orl", -et.s ta&e a loo&. Dr. )entile# a $sychologist at /o'a 0tate 1ni%ersity# says# 2/ un"erstan" $eo$le 'ant to loo& 3or a cul$rit# but the truth o3 the matter is that there is ne%er one cause.4*)entile+ Another researcher also argues that# e%en the most notorious mur"er cases lin&e" to the use o3 (()s# li&e Columbine an" the Aurora 5heater 0hootings 3all into this category *6accarino+. /n other 'or"s# $layers may sho' aggressi%e beha%ior through %iolent %i"eo games# but there hasn7t been enough $roo3 that these $layers committe" anything terrible# such as the shooting. 5here is e%en e%i"ence that (()s actually hel$ gamers e8$ress their negati%e emotions in sa3e 'ay rather than choosing to become %iolent in the real 'orl" *)ils"or3+. 5here3ore# the causes o3 %iolence are not "irectly relate" to (()s an" $eo$le shoul" not blame %en"ors# or those 'ho choose to $lay. 9e 'ill attem$t in this $ublic argument to hel$ $re$are both gamers themsel%es an" guar"ians o3 minors 'ith the in3ormation necessary to $lay %iolent %i"eo games res$onsibly. . Our goal in this brochure is both to ta&e a'ay 3rom the negati%e image that the $ublic eye has to'ar"s $layers o3 %iolent %i"eo games# an" also to call gamers an" guar"ians o3 minors to $lay (().s res$onsibly. From the in3ormation 'e gathere"# it 'oul" seem that to bar the sale o3 (()s 'oul" increase crime. 5his is because some gamers 'oul"n.t ha%e a sa3e outlet to

e8$ress their negati%e emotions an" may instea" resort to actual %iolence. 0ince there are some si"e e33ects o3 $laying (()s# such as increase" aggression# 'e $ro%i"e some suggestions to sol%e the issue. 9e chose this $ur$ose because not only is it a big current issue# but 'e also li&e $laying (()s an" thus our chil"ren might $lay in 3uture as 'ell. 5here3ore# i3 the gamers $lay (()s in the correct# res$onsible manner# the result 'oul" be much better than the $rohibition o3 these games.

!. Our claim here is that %iolent %i"eo games "o not necessarily ma&e a $erson %iolent# but 'hat is a necessity is regulation an" mo"eration# es$ecially 3or un"er:age chil"ren# 'hile res$onsibility an" mo"eration shoul" be $ractice" by ol"er teens an" young a"ults. /3 not controlle"# the current tren" o3 negati%e %ie's to'ar"s (()s 'ill result in more restriction an" $otential $rohibition. /t is im$ortant 3or young $layers to $lay a$$ro$riate %i"eo games an" the $arents shoul" ta&e the res$onsibility ma&ing sure that their &i"s $laye" suitable games base on their age. ;%ery game has a label that gi%es the $arents in3ormation i3 the game is suitable 3or their chil"ren or not. Also $layers in general shoul" limit time o3 $laying (()s because the games le" aggression beha%iors *<ushamen = An"erson # $16>0+.

4. Our chosen $ublic au"ience is both the $arents an" guar"ians o3 chil"ren 'ho 'ant to $lay (()s# an" teens an" young a"ults 'ho alrea"y $laye" them. 9e chose these au"iences because they either $lay (()s or care about those 'ho "o. 5his is because $arents care about their chil"ren7s mental health an" ho' they are act# so they mo"erate an" limit# 'hile ol"er gamers might 'ant to $lay 'hat they 'ant# 'ithout other restrictions. 5o assist both si"es o3

our au"ience# 'e attem$te" to 'rite this $ublic argument to match "i33erent $ers$ecti%es an" still come u$ 'ith 3air an" hel$3ul solution.

5. 9e chose )ame0to$# a $o$ular an" success3ul %i"eo game retailer# to "istribute our brochure because they sell %iolent %i"eo games. One o3 the goo" things about my brochure is that it 'ill be "istribute" in $laces 'here gamers can rea" an" learn about %iolent %i"eo games an" it is short an" sim$le to rea". A brochure o3 this &in" is 3ree# an" 'oul" be "iscusse" by the cashier an" then $lace" in $urchase bag# or gi%en to those 'ho intereste". O""s are our au"ience 'ill en" u$ seeing an" rea"ing this either at the store or at home.

6. A brochure is the best me"ia 3or our au"ience. A brochure is usually three or 3our:si"e"# 'ith rele%ant images an" te8t in easily rea"able 3onts. 9e also ma"e our in3ormation as a number 'hich ma&es the 'ritten in3ormation ?uic&er an" easy to rea"# es$ecially 3or minors. / also chose a 3ont that is rea"able 3or $eo$le o3 many ages. 9e chose this because it encourages my au"ience to rea" the in3ormation ?uic&ly# un"erstan" it# an" then $ut into $ractice our suggestions. /3 you li&e to $lay (()s# you can "o it 'ith more attention. 9ith mainly in line citations an" limite" aca"emic styling# 'e encourage" a 3eeling o3 inclusi%eness# li&e 'e are one o3 them. 9e inclu"e" e8am$les o3 rele%ant# easy to un"erstan" research as $art o3 my argument to a"" cre"ibility.

@. 5he limitation o3 our choice in a brochure an" au"ience is that some "ata that is too aca"emic# or scienti3ic# not easily un"erstoo". Although that "ata is by 3ar more im$ortant# inclu"ing it might result in the inten"e" au"ience not caring or 'al&ing a'ay 3rom the "iscussion be3ore they ta&e action. Finally# the solution o3 the issue might nee" more o3 an

e8$lanation be3ore the au"ience can s$eci3ically relate 'ith the issue an" ta&e action an" the short nature o3 the brochure coul" ma&e it too short to relate this in3ormation.

9or&s Cite" )entile# Douglas A. 25he ;33ects o3 (i"eo )ames on Chil"renA 9hat Barents Cee" to Kno'4 Pediatrics for Parents, Be"iatrics 3or Barents# /nc.# 01 . 9eb. 4 Oct. 01!. )entile Douglas A. 2(i"eo )ames A33ect the <rain : 3or <etter an" 9orse4 The Dana Foundation# 5he Dana Foun"ation# ! 6uly# 00D. 9eb. 04 Oct. 01!. 6accarino# Ei&e. .5raining 0imulationA. Eass Killers O3ten 0hare Obsession 'ith (iolent (i"eo )ames.F Fox News. FOG Ce's Cet'or&# 1 0e$t. 01!. 9eb. 1 Co%. 01!. )ils"or3# ;than. F9hy 9e Cee" (iolent (i"eo )ames.F Wbur. 9bur# 1@ 6an. 01!. 9eb. ! Co%. 01!. An"erson# Craig A.# an" <ra" 6. <ushman. FH1EAC A))H;00/OC.F * 00 +A 9eb. !0 Co%. 10!.

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