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By: Emma Cisneros, Olivia Hinojosa, Michael Matthews & Brianna Vasquez

Not only does it portray racism In Bayonne, but also racism of African-Americans in the quarter. Mulattos (mixed race with African-American), avoided working with full-blooded African-Americans. Grant suspected that Mulattos worked in brick laying to avoid the African-American out in the cane fields. All woman considered beautiful, were mostly light skinned. Any one can be racist, not just the whites.

1. I cant tell you anything about life, he said. What do I know about life? I stayed here. Theres nothing but ignorance here. You want to know about life? Well, its too late. Forget it. Just go on and be the n- you were born to be, but forget about life. - Matthew Antoine, 65

In the beginning of the novel, Jefferson nor Grant had faith in themselves.

Grant believes that any dignity comes from his high

level of education. Towards the end, both Jefferson and Grant learned that dignity comes from loving and being loved, not from sources like religion or freedom.

1. But let us say he was (guilty). Let us for a moment say he was (guilty). What justice would there be to take his life? Justice, gentlemen? Why, I would just as soon put a hog in the electric chair as this. - Jeffersons attonrey, 8

Many characters, demonstrate a habit of drinking, such as Jefferson, Grant, Edna as well as Henri Pichot. The murder of Alcee Grope occurred due to the fact that Brother & Bear were desperate for alcohol. Jefferson, could not explain the details of what happened because he too was drunk. Grant drinks to avoid problems with people such as, Vivian, Jefferson and Tante Lou.

1. Several bottles had been broken, and alcohol and blood covered their bodies as well as the floor. -5 2. He was standing by the liquor shelf, and suddenly he realized he needed a drink and need it badly. -6

Grant agrees to visit Jefferson because Vivian, the

love of his life, persuades him to, not for his Aunt or
Miss Emma. Love is a more powerful influence than selfishness, duty or society.

Grant becomes more involved with his job by putting on

a Christmas pageant, due to Vivians influence on him. The children, townspeople, and Grant move Jefferson to act with dignity, not by Reverend Ambrose preaching to


1. I love you, know that. I much. I hope half as much

I want you to love you very you love me as I love you.

2. I love you honey, and I need you. But I am only human. 3. Tell me, who I am? Tell me

There is a major parallel between Jefferson and

Jesus Christi.
Innocent but killed. Killed near Easter. The Church symbolizes the hope that society will change. Through the Church, they gain dignity Reverend says that kneeling before God does not humble people but gives them dignity.

1. Easter was when they nailed him to the cross. And he never said a mumbling word. Jefferson, 139

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