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English Language (Compulsory) for B.A. Examination. APPENDIX A! ("utline of #ests) Paper A: Prose and Poetry. Paper B: Grammar and Composition: Grand Total: APPENDIX B! ($ylla%us an& Courses of 'ea&ing) Paper A Prose and Poetry: (T e paper !ill "arry 100 marks#
1. 2. A $ele"tion o% Modern &n'lis &ssays: &dited (y Pro%. $a))ad $ eik * p+(lis ed (y Makata(a,e,* -at" ery /oad* 0a ore. A 1e! Ant olo'y o% &n'lis Poetry: &dited (y Pro%. $ oai( (in 2assan and Pro%. -. Aslam* p+(lis ed (y Makata(a,e,* -at" ery /oad* 0a ore. A $ele"tion o% $ ort $tories and 4ne,A"t Plays: &dited (y 5r. 1asim /ia6 B+tt* p+(lis ed (y Makata(a, e,* -at "ery /oad* 0a ore. T e 4ld Man and t e $ea: &arnest 2emin'!ay.

100 Marks 100 Marks _________ 200 Marks

3. 7.

N.B.((). All the pres*ri%e& %oo+s are for intensi,e rea&ing. 1. All t e %i.e 8+estions "arry e8+al marks. 2. T e %irst 8+estion is o% re%eren"e to t e "onte9t (3 o+t o% : passa'es# %rom poetry and 4ne,A"t plays. 3. 4ne 8+estion on any &ssay %rom A $ele"tion o% Modern &n'lis &ssays: (y Pro% $a))ad $ eik . Comprisin' t!o parts "arryin' 10 marks ea" 4/ Anot er 8+estion on essays %rom A $ele"tion o% Modern &n'lis &ssays: (y Pro%.$a))ad $ eik . Comprisin' t!o parts "arryin' 10 marks ea" . 7. 4ne 8+estion on a poem %rom t e (ook o% Poetry: A 1e! Ant olo'y o% &n'lis Poetry: (y Pro%. $ oai( (in 2assan ; Pro% -.Aslam. Comprisin' t!o parts "arryin' 10 marks ea" . 4/ Anot er 8+estion on a poem %rom t e (ook o% poetry: A 1e! Ant olo'y o% &n'lis Poetry: (y Pro% $ oai( (in 2assan ; Pro%. -.Aslam. Comprisin' t!o parts "arryin' 10 marks ea" . :. 4ne 8+estion on a s ort story %rom t e (ook o% A $ele"tion o% $ ort $tories and 4ne,A"t Plays: (y 5r. 1asim /ia6 B+tt. Comprisin' t!o parts "arryin' 10 marks ea" . 4/ Anot er 8+estion on a s ort story %rom t e (ook o% A $ele"tion o% $ ort $tories and 4ne A"t Plays: (y 5r. 1asim /ia6 B+tt. Comprisin' t!o parts "arryin' 10 marks ea" . (T e e9aminer* o!* is %ree to " oose any T<4 4/ T2/&& 8+estions %rom t e (ook* ! i" may (e "on"erned !it $ ort $tories or 4ne,A"t Plays# =. 4ne 8+estion is to (e set %rom 1o.el -T e 4ld Man and t e $ea.: (y &arnest 2emin'!ay. Carryin' 20 marks. 4/ Anot er 8+estion is to (e set %rom 1o.el -T e 4ld Man and t e $ea.: (y &arnest 2emin'!ay. Comprisin' t!o parts "arryin' 10 marks ea" . (T is arran'ement o% 8+estions !ill make t e st+dents read all t e pres"ri(ed (ooks#

Paper B Q.No.1. &ssay (!it o+tline# (1ote: st+dents s o+ld (e dire"ted to !rite (et!een 300,3:0 !ords# :>20 (2:#

Q.No.2. Compre ension and Pr@"is Q.No.3. Aormal letterBAppli"ation (1ote: letter m+st dis"+ss some pro(lems and appli"ation m+st (e o%%i"ial# Q.No.4. Translation or 5ialo'+e Q.No.5. Corre"tion o% $enten"es Q.No.6. Cdioms and P rasal .er(s. ?>1= (2:# (1:#

(1:# (10# (10# (((( )//

English Language (Compulsory) for B.$*. Examination.

APPENDIX A! ("utlines of #ests) T ere !ill (e one paper "arryin' 100 marks o% t ree o+rs d+ration. Paper0 i. ii. 1. 2. 3. 7. Prose Part: General Part: Compre ension ; Pr@"is /eport !ritin': Clo6e test (%rom te9t# or Translation %rom Drd+ into &n'lis &ssay (200 !ords# 1ar+s0 )// :0 :0 =>? (1:# 10 10 1:

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