General Appointment Letter Sample

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(LETTERHEAD) (Date). (Name and Address of Applicant) Dear (Applicant) Re: (Position Title) I am writing to confirm our offer of employment to you with ( name of organisation) in the above position which, subject to your acceptance of this letter and its conditions, will operate commencing from (nominate the employee's commencement date). On your first day, please report to (Name) at (Time). Set out below are the basic terms which are to apply to your engagement !hese terms are to be read together with the (name of appropriate a ard !agreement" !ogether, these two documents will govern your employment #e recommend that you ac$uaint yourself with this award%agreement if you have not already done so 1. Position description !he position description which prescribes your duties and other re$uirements of your employment is attached herewith and is part of this contract of engagement &t (name of organisation)" it is necessary for us to respond to needs and wor'loads across the organisation !herefore, we need to remain fle(ible and wor' as a team, and in line with this, you may be as'ed to assist in other areas, vary your wor'ing times (including reasonable overtime" and%or perform other tas's which are consistent with your s'ills and abilities Hours of work )our normal hours of wor' will be in accordance with the award %agreement conditions, or if other than full time will be ( nominate n#m$er) hours per wee' Re!uner"tion )our classification under the award%agreement will determine your normal hourly rate of remuneration and any variations to that rate will be as per the award %agreement Period of en$"$e!ent Subject to these terms the period of your employment is regarded as on going, OR It is agreed that your employment will continue for a period of (nominate period" unless terminated earlier in accordance with the award%agreement




Po&icies "nd Procedures Our policies and procedures as set out in the (name the hand$oo%!man#al etc) will apply to your employment *lease note that it is your responsibility to ma'e yourself familiar with these & copy may be obtained from (nominate so#rce). ("ri"tion to t)e ter!s of *our e!p&o*!ent #e can mutually agree to vary the terms of your employment in writing at any time, but always subject to applicable award%agreement terms which can also change and thus also affect your employment Gener"& Our goal of providing high $uality, cost effective service to our (mem$ers!clients!patients) and functioning as a centre of e(cellence can be maintained and enhanced only with your assistance



In joining our team, you share our commitment to providing the best service to our members%clients%patients +or this to be achieved, your ideas, suggestions and initiative are encouraged as we strive to improve the way we wor' and how we present ourselves to the community at large Our wor'ing ethics revolve around ta'ing responsibility for decisions, pride in our wor', sharing our 'nowledge and e(pertise with others, and a willingness to contribute to the resolution of issues collaboratively Should you have any $ueries about this letter or any of its terms please address them to (nominate responsi$le person). If you are happy with the terms of this letter, please confirm your formal acceptance of appointment by signing and returning the attached copy to me prior to your commencement *lease retain the original for your records )ours sincerely, (&igned) (Position Title) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Accept"nce ,* E!p&o*ee I accept this offer of employment on the !erms and -onditions set out above and in accordance with the attached *osition Description Si$nedPrint N"!e."te-

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