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Action Point Look around the location.

Comments Location suitable plenty of room, good lighting and plenty of props

Talk to people there, organise filming permissions.

Spoke to co-owner, allowed to use location as it was free

Identify the equipment you need to use.

Use camera and additional use of bright lighting in a dark studio

Examine and identify any potential health and safety issues (e.g. crowd numbers being controlled, being set up in a sensible location that does not block access points or that damages the environment or frightens livestock, any road/traffic issues etc) Check the position of the sun and lighting conditions.

Make sure not trip over wires that may be in the way or equipment that is in the way

Extra lighting fir dark rooms

Look for interesting shots and camera angles.

Look from the side and above to get interesting views and angles

Check the electricity supply. (For the majority of exterior locations you will be using battery power)

Plenty of sockets available

Check the nearby car parking/transport Car park available and plenty of transport links routes including the train and buses

Is the location suitable for production?


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