Authority To Travel Outside REGION VI

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Department of Education Region VI-Western Visayas Division of Aklan Kalibo, Aklan arc!

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AUTHORITY TO TRAVEL NO. ___________ '(or )ravel *utside Region VI+

,ame- JEAN CARLA M. ALAG .osition- TEACHER DesignationSecondary Teacher *ffice/0tation- DepED. I!a"ay #e$% D&$%r&c Me'chor Me(or&a' Schoo' Inc. ,ature of )ravelApr&' ) a% *+,-- .M *fficial )ime Na%&ona' Secondary .re$$ Con/erence *fficial 1usiness Inclusive Date of )ravel- Apr&' )0*+ +-*1 Destination- ORMOC CITY Estimated 2ost- .*+ ---.-.urpose)o attend t!e annual ,ational 0econdary .ress 2onference E3pected 1enefits- )o be able to assist e3isting programs on early intervention for c!ildren 4it! special needs in disadvantaged and vulnerable communities5 Reference - DepEd Memorandum No. 186, 2012 2ertification6666666 I !ave no pending task/s 6666666 All reportorial re7uirements of my previous travel !ave been submitted 6666666 All 2as! advances and e3penses of my previous travel !ave been li7uated and cleared5 JOYCE T. O2UENDO Re7uesting *fficial/Employee 666666 )!ere are funds for t!is travel 3oard 4SE56 666666 )!is activity is integrated in t!e0..D (unding 0ourceLoca' Schoo'

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*t!ers 666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666 '.ls5 0pecify+ .0- ,ot Applicable for Differently-Able .upils Recommending ApprovalLYDIA I. 5ERNANDE7 .rincipal IV LUCY D. GOME7 .ublic 0c!ools District 0upervisor

Dr. JESSE M. GOME7 CESO V 0c!ools Division 0uperintendent A..R*VED MILDRED L. GARAY CESO III Regional Director
,*)E- E3penses incurred 4!ic! are c!argeable to local funds is sub8ect to t!e usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations5

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