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DVB-T2 is an abbreviation for "Digital Video Broadcasting Second Generation Terrestrial"; it is the extension of the television standard DVB-T,

, issued by the consortium DVB, devised for the broadcast transmission of digital terrestrial television. DVB has been standardized by T!". This system transmits com#ressed digital audio, video, and other data in "#hysical layer #i#es" $%&%s', using ()D* modulation +ith concatenated channel coding and interleaving. The higher offered bit rate, +ith res#ect to its #redecessor DVB-T, ma,es it a suited system for carrying -DTV signals on the terrestrial TV channel $though many broadcasters still use #lain DVB-T for this #ur#ose'. "t is currently broadcasting in the .nited /ingdom $)reevie+ -D, eight channels across t+o multi#lexes, #lus an extra multi#lex in 0orthern "reland carrying three !D channels', "taly $ uro#a 1 -D, t+elve channels', )inland $23 channels, five in -D', !+eden $five channels', )landers $34 !D 5hannels', !erbia $ten !D and -D version of the #ublic broadcaster6s channel 7T! ,.,raine $82 !D and -D channels in four nation+ide multi#lexes', 5roatia $t+o #ay-tv multi#lexes', Denmar,, and some other countries.

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