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Medical Terminology

Basic Concepts of Medical Terminology

Medical terminology is the professional language of those who are directly or indirectly engaged in the art of healing. (Frenay and Mahoney, 1998) Most medical terms have Greek or Latin origins, though some are derived from modern languages, particularly German, French, and English. In general, terms dealing with diagnosis and surgery have Greek origins, whereas anatomical terms have Latin origins. An understanding of the structure of medical terms, and an ability to break down a medical term into its parts helps you get the most out of using a medical dictionary, and makes dealing with medical terminology less challenging than it first appears. Medical terms are formed from word roots, prefixes, suffixes, and combining vowels/forms, defined below: Root the foundation of the word, it can be combined with a prefix or suffix; nearly all medical terms have one or more roots; usually Greek or Latin Prefix placed before the root to modify its meaning Suffix placed after the root to modify and give essential meaning to the root; forms a noun, verb, or adjective Combining form has no meaning of its own; root with a combining vowel attached (e.g. lip/o-); joins a root to another root or to a suffix; makes the word easier to pronounce; o is the most common combining vowel, followed by a In decoding medical terms, it is best to look first at the meaning of the suffix, then at the meaning of the root or root and prefix. Example: hyperlipoproteinemia hyper- (prefix) = excessive lip (root) = fat o (vowel used to create a combining form, lipo-) protein (root) = protein -emia (suffix) = blood condition

Hyperlipoproteinemia is a blood condition, characterized by an excessive amount of fat and protein. Example: pericarditis peri- (prefix) = around cardi (root) = heart -itis (suffix) = inflammation

Pericarditis literally means inflammation around the heart but the dictionary states that this terms means inflammation of the pericardium (-ium is a suffix meaning tissue), the sac that encloses the heart. Example: gastroenterology Gastr- (root) = stomach

Medical Terminology

O (combining vowel) -enter- (root) = intestine O (combining vowel) -logy (suffix) = study of Gastroenterology means the study of the stomach and the intestines. An example of the power of a suffix. In the medical specialty of dermatology, a dermatologist will often diagnose a dermatitis. Complete word Combining form Suffix Meaning of the Meaning of the suffix word Dermatitis Dermat-itis Inflammation Inflammation of the skin Dermatologist Dermat/o-logist One who studies One who studies the skin Dermatology Dermat/o-logy Study of Study of the skin

An example of the power of a prefix. Complete word Prefix Epigastric Hypogastric Endogastric EpiHypoEndo-

Meaning of the prefix Above Below Inside

Meaning of the word Pertaining to above the stomach Pertaining to below the stomach Pertaining to inside the stomach

Various medical terms refer to divisions of the body, body position and direction, planes of the body, and body cavities. Examples of these are: epigastric region and lower right quadrant of the abdomen; sacral region of the back; superficial position; efferent direction; horizontal plane; and frontal sinus. It may be helpful to familiarize yourself with some of these terms.

Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology: Prefixes

Prefix a-, anabadAnAnaAnteanti-/contrawithout; lacking away from toward; near without or absence of up; again; backward before against Definition Example aphasia - without speech anemia - lack of blood abductor - leading away from adductor- leading toward adrenal - near the kidney

anticoagulant - prevent blood clotting contraception - prevent conception/impregnation

ApoBi/binBradyCataConContraDeDiaDisDysect-, ecto-, ex-, exoend-, endo-, ent EpiEsoEuExtraHemiHyperhyp-, hypoIninfrainterintraMalMesoMetaMicroMultineoNulliPan-

upon two slow down together against from; down from; lack of thorough; complete to undo; free from difficult; labored; painful; abnormal outer; outside within; inner on; upon; over inward normal; good outside of; beyond half above, beyond, excessive under, deficient In; into; not beneath; below between within bad middle after; beyond; change small many new none all; total

ectoderm - outer skin endocranial - within the cranium endodontium - dental pulp

hyperglycemia - high glucose hypertension - high blood pressure hypothermia - low body temperature hypothyroidism - thyroid deficiency infraorbital - beneath the eye intercostal - between the rib intravenous - within a vein

neonate - newly born

Medical Terminology

ParaPerperipolyOstPreProReRetroSemisubSuperSupraSym-, synTachyTetraTransTriUltraUni-

beside; beyond; around through around many, excessive after before; in front of before back back; behind half under over; above above together; joined fast; rapid four through; across; beyond three beyond; excess one

periodontal - around the tooth periosteum - around bone polycystic - many cysts polydipsia - excessive thirst

subcutaneous - under the skin sublingual - beneath the tongue

Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology: Suffixes

Suffix -agra -algia, -dynia -apheresis -ase -asthenia -atresia -capnia -cele -centesis -cidal -clasia, -clasis, -clast -lysis -coccus (pl. cocci) -crine -crit -cyte -desis -drome -ectasis -ectomy -ectopia -emesis -emia -esis -iasis -osis -en -genesis -genic -gram, -graphy -ity -ia -y Definition excessive pain pain removal enzyme weakness absence of a normal body opening; occlusion; closure carbon dioxide hernia; protrusion surgical puncture to remove fluid killing break irrigating; washing berryshaped ( a form of bacterium) separate; secrete to separate cell surgical fixation; fusion run; running stretching out; dilatation; expansion cut out, excision displacement vomiting blood condition state or condition Example neuralgia - pain in nerves

amniocentesis - amniotic fluid

appendectomy - removal of the appendix

anemia - low/lack of red blood cells leukemia - malignant blood disease anesthesia - loss of sensation psoriasis - skin condition scoliosis - spine curvature

substance or agent that produces or causes origin; cause producing; originating; causing recording, written

mammogram - x-ray of breast cardiography - record of physical or functional aspect of the heart

-ia -iatry -ician -ictal -ism -ites, -itis -lepsy -lysis -lytic

condition of diseased or abnormal state physician; treatment one who seizure; attack state of inflammation seizure loosening; dissolution; separating destroy; reduce

carditis - inflammation of the heart

Medical Terminology

-malacia -mania -megaly -meter -metry -morph -odia -odynia -oid -ologist -ology -oma opia opsy oorhagia orrhaphy orrhea orrhexis osis ostomy otomy oxia paresis pathy -penia -pepsia -pexy -phagia, phagy -philia, -phily -phobia -phonia -phoria -physis -plasia -plasm -plasty -pnea -poiesis -porosis -prandial -praxia -ptosis -ptysis -rrhaphy -rrhea

softening madness; insane desire enlargement instrument used to measure measurement form; shape smell pain resembling one who studies and practices (specialist) study of tumor vision (condition) to view rapid flow of blood suturing; repairing flow; excessive discharge rupture abnormal condition (means increased when used with blood cell word roots) creation of an artificial opening cut into or incision oxygen slight paralysis disease deficiency, lack of digestion surgical fixation; suspension eating, devouring love abnormal fear of or aversion to specific objects or things sound or voice feeling growth formation; development; a growth growth; substance; formation surgical shaping breathing formation passage meal in front of; before dropping; sagging; prolapse spitting suture flow or discharge

lymphoma - lymph tissue melanoma - tumor of pigment tissue

glycopenia - sugar deficiency in tissues

tachyphagia - eating fast

genioplasty - chin rhinoplasty - nose apnea - cessation of breathing dyspnea - labored breathing

gastrorrhaphy - stomach rhinorrhea - nasal

Medical Terminology

-salpinx -sarcoma -schisis -sclerosis -scope -scopy, -scopic -sepsis -sis spasm -stasis -stalsis -stenosis -stomy -thorax -tocia -tome -tomy -tripsy -trophy -ule -uria

fallopian tube malignant tumor split; fissure hardening instrument used for visual examination to examine infection state of sudden involuntary muscle contraction control; stop contraction constriction; narrowing surgical opening chest birth; labor instrument used to cut cutting; incision surgical crushing nourishment little urine; urination

cystoscopy - bladder cytoscoy - cells

colostomy - into the colon tracheostomy - into the trachea

phlebotomy - into the vein

Medical Terminology

Medical Terminology: Root Terms

Root adenblepharcardiderm(at)gastrgravlinguphobspiratthoracabdomin acanth acetabul acou acr actin adenoid aden adrenal adren aer albumin algesi alveol ambly amni amnion amyl andr angi anis ankyl antr an aort aponeur appendic [Gr.] gland [Gr.] eyelid [Gr.] heart [Gr.] skin [Gr.] stomach [L.] heavy [L.] tongue [Gr.] fear [L.] breathe [Gr.] chest abdomen thorny, spiny acetabulum (hip socket) hearing extremities; height ray; radius adenoids gland adrenal gland adrenal gland air; gas albumin pain alveolus dull; dim amnion amnion starch male vessel unequal; dissimilar crooked; stiff; bent antrum anus aorta aponeurosis appendix Definition adenoma blepharoplasty cardiography dermatitis gastrostomy multigravida sublingual agoraphobia inspiratory thoracoplasty Example

Medical Terminology

arche arteri arteriol arthr articul atel ather atri aur aut axill azot bacteri balan bi bil blast blephar brachi bronch bronchiol bucc burs calc cancer carcin cardi carp caud cec celi cephal cerebell cerebr cerumin cervic cheil chir cholangi chol

first; beginning artery arteriole (small artery) joint joint imperfect; incomplete yellowish; fatty plaque atrium ear self armpit urea; nitrogen bacteria glans penis life bile developing cell eyelid arm bronchus bronchiole cheek bursa (cavity) calcium cancer cancer heart carpals (wrist bones) tail; toward the lower part of the body cecum abdomen (abdominal cavity) head cerebellum cerebrum, brain cerumen (earwax) cervix lip hand bile duct gall; bile

Medical Terminology

choledoch chondr chori chrom clavic clavicul col colp coni conjunctiv core corne coron cortic cor cost crani cry crypt culd cutane cyan cyes cyst cyt dacry dactyl dent dermat derm dextr diaphor diaphragmat dipl dips disk diverticul dors duoden dur

common bile duct cartilage chorion color clavicle (collarbone) clavicle (collarbone) colon vagina dust conjunctiva pupil cornea heart cortex (outer layer of body organ) pupil rib cranium (skull) cold hidden culdesac skin blue pregnancy bladder; sac cell tear, tear duct fingers or toes tooth skin skin right sweat diaphragm two; double thirst intervertebral disk diverticulum back (of the body) duodenum hard; dura mater


Medical Terminology

dynam ech ectop electr embry emmetr encephal endocrin enter epididym epiglott episi epitheli erythr esophag esthesi eti faci femor fet fibr fibul gangli ganglion gastr ger geront gingiv glomerul gloss gluc glyc glycos gnath gnos gon gravid gynec gyn hem

power or strength sound located away from usual place electricity, electrical activity embryo; to be full a normal measues brain endocrine intestines epididymis epiglottis vulva epithelium red esophagus sensation, sensitivity, feeling cause (of disease) face femur (upper leg bone) fetus; unborn child fibrous tissue, fibers fibula (lower leg) ganglion ganglion stomach old age; aged old age; aged gum glomerulus tongue sweetness; sugar sugar sugar jaw knowledge seed pregnancy woman woman blood


Medical Terminology

hemat hepat herni heter hidr hist hom home humer hydr hymen hypn hyster iatr ichthy ile ili immun irid iri ischi isch is jejun kal kary kerat kerat kin kinesi kyph labi labyrinth lacrim lact lamin lapar laryng later lei

blood liver hernia other sweat tissue same sameness; unchanging humerus (upper arm bone) water hymen sleep uterus medicine; physician fish ileum ilium immune iris iris ischium deficiency; blockage equal; same jejunum potassium nucleus cornea horny tissue; hard movement movement; motion hump lips labyrinth tear duct, tear milk lamina (thin; flat plate or layer) abdomen larynx side smooth


Medical Terminology

leuk lingu lip lith lob lord lymph macr mamm mandibul mast mastoid maxill meat melan mening menisc men ment metr mon morph muc myc myel myelon myos myring my narc nas nat necr nephr neur noct nyct nyctal ocul olig

white tongue fat stone; calculus lobe bent forward lymph abnormal largeness breast mandible (lower jawbone) breast mastoid maxilla (upper jawbone) meatus (opening) black meninges meniscus (crescent) menstruation mind uterus one form; shape mucus fungus bone marrow; spinal cord bone marrow muscle eardrum muscle stupor nose birth death (cells; body) kidney nerve night night night eye scanty; few


Medical Terminology

omphal onc onych oo oophor ophthalm opt orchid orchi orch organ or orth oste ot ov ox pachy palat pancreat papill parathyroid par patell path part pector ped pelv perine peritone petr phac phag phak phalang phas phleb phot phren

umbilicu; navel tumor nail egg; ovum ovary eye vision testis; testicle testis; testicle testis; testicle organ mouth straight bone ear egg oxygen thick palate pancreas nipple parathyroid gland bear; give birth to; labor patella (kneecap) disease bear; give birth to; labor chest child; foot pelvis; pelvic bone perineum peritoneum stone lens of the eye eat; swallow lens of the eye pharynx speech vein light mind


Medical Terminology

physi plasm pleur pneumat pneum pneumon pod poli poikil polyp poster prim proct prostat pseud psych pub puerper pulmon pupill pyel pylor py pyr quadr rachi radic radicul radi rect ren retin rhabd rhin rhytid rhiz salping sarc scapul scler

nature plasma pleura lung; air lung; air lung; air foot gray matter varied; irregular polyp; small growth back (of body) first rectum prostate gland fake; false mind pubis childbirth lung pupil renal pelvis pylorus (pyloric sphincter) pus fever; heat four vertebra; spinal or vertebral column nerve root nerve root radius (lower arm bone) rectum kidney retina rodshaped, striated nose wrinkles nerve root fallopian (uterine) tube flesh; connective tissue scapula (shoulder bone) sclera


Medical Terminology

scoli seb sept sial sigmoid sinus somat somn son spermat sperm sphygm spir splen spondyl staped staphyl stern steth stomat strept synovi system tars tars tendin tend ten test therm thorac thromb thym thyroid thyr tibi tom ton tonsill top

crooked, curved sebum (oil) septum saliva sigmoid sinus body sleep sound spermatozoan; sperm spermatozoan; sperm pulse breathe; breathing spleen vertebra; spinal or vertebral column stapes (middle ear bone) grapelike clusters sternum (breastbone) chest mouth twisted chains synovia; synovial membrane system tarsals (ankle bones) edge of eyelid; tarsal (instep of foot) tendon tendon tendon testis; testicle heat thorax (chest) clot thymus gland thyroid gland thyroid gland tibia (lower leg bone) cut; section tension, pressure tonsils place


Medical Terminology

toxic trachel trache trich tympan uln ungu ureter urethr urin ur uter uvul vagin valv valvul vas ven ventricul vertebr vesic vesicul viscer vulv xanth xer

poison neck; necklike trachea hair eardrum; middle ear ulna (lower arm bone) nail ureter urethra urine; urinary tract urine; urinary tract uterus uvula vagina valve valve vessel; duct vein ventricle vertebra; spinal or vertebral column bladder; sac seminal vesicles internal organs vulva yellow dry


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