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Dear reader, Good day. I am a communist.

In this world of turmoil and rage and hate, I bring a proposition of justice, of peace, of humanity. Capitalism, in its wake and consolidation, has created a world of chaos, no longer governed by the morals and obligations of a common society. Why do the engineers who work so hard to support their families and society, get paid only a ridiculously small fraction of the benefits that his employer enjoys, considering that the success of the employer is largely dependent on the work of the engineer? Capitalism is a disgrace and an insult to the very conception of society. A society, by its very definition, is a group of people congregated by common will and to establish a mutual dependency to make lives so much more comfortable and humane. A society is but a contract of cooperation. The concept of capitalism has its roots in competition for resources. In very simple words, fight and may the best man win the meat. A group of capitalists living together cannot be described as a human society, for it is just a group of individuals (thieves) plotting for the acquisition of one anothers wealth.

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