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You Asked. I Answered. Making PLR Make Sense a Guide for Bloggers

? ? ?
By Nicole Dean
! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$ %age & of &'

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& 'o!yrig t Nicole Dean

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No !art o% t is re!ort may be re!roduced or transmitted in any %orm w atsoever, electronic, or mec anical, including ! otoco!ying, recording, or by any in%ormational storage or retrieval system wit out e(!ress written, dated and signed !ermission %rom t e aut or. A--ILIATE DISCLAIMER. Theshort,direct,non-legalversionisthis "ome o% t e links in t is re!ort may be a%%iliate links w ic means t at # earn money i% you c oose to buy %rom t at vendor at some !oint in t e near %uture. Yes, # am !roud t at # %eed my %amily by %inding t e )best) learning resources on t e net and s aring t em wit you and # am umbled and t ank%ul t at you trust me to do so. # do not c oose w ic !roducts and services to !romote based u!on w ic !ay me t e most, # c oose based u!on my decision o% w ic # would recommend to a dear %riend. You will never !ay more %or an item by clicking t roug my a%%iliate link, and, in %act, may !ay less since # negotiate s!ecial o%%ers %or my readers t at are not available elsew ere. DISCLAIMER AND.OR LEGAL NOTICES: T e in%ormation !resented erein re!resents t e view o% t e aut or as o% t e date o% !ublication. Because o% t e rate wit w ic conditions c ange, t e aut or reserves t e rig t to alter and u!date is o!inion based on t e new conditions. T e re!ort is %or in%ormational !ur!oses only. * ile every attem!t as been made to veri%y t e in%ormation !rovided in t is re!ort, neit er t e aut or nor is a%%iliates+!artners assume any res!onsibility %or errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slig ts o% !eo!le or organi,ations are unintentional. #% advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, t e services o% a %ully -uali%ied !ro%essional s ould be soug t. T is re!ort is not intended %or use as a source o% legal or accounting advice. You s ould be aware o% any laws w ic govern business transactions or ot er business !ractices in your country and state. Any re%erence to any !erson or business w et er living or dead is !urely coincidental.

! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$

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A)ou* Nicole+
Nicole Dean is *,e Mos*ly!Sane Marke*er. -Ask anyone w,o knows ,er and *,ey.ll say *,a* *,e /0os*ly1 %ar* is u% for de)a*e23 Nicole lo#es *o ,el% online )usiness owners *o earn 0ore 0oney AND ,a#e 0ore fun2 S,e is an e4%er* in Affilia*e Marke*ing" Affilia*e Manage0en*" /La5y Marke*ing1 for %assi#e %rofi*s" 6u*sourcing 7ffec*i#ely" and Marke*ing wi*, $on*en*. Bu*" s,e.s go* a secre*. S,e uses a L68 of s,or*cu*s. Nicole 9uggles a lo* of *,ings" )u* s,e does i* all wi*,ou* owning a Black)erry or gi#ing ou* ,er cell %,one nu0)er. 8,e reason s,e works fro0 ,o0e is *o ,a#e *,e freedo0 w,en and w,ere s,e wis,es *o work. S,e en9oys work #ery 0uc," )u* li#es *o s%end *i0e wi*, ,er 0uc,!adored ,us)and" ,er *wo silly c,ildren and also ,er *wo slig,*ly neuro*ic %u%%ies" 7ddy -s,or* for 7dison3 : 7ins*ein.

Resources !ro" #icole

;ind ou* ,ow Nicole ,as go**en a wai*ing lis* of %eo%le w,o wan* ,er *o s*eal *,eir we) *raffic+ $uest %logging on Steroids

<i00y D. Brown called ,er =onder =o0an w,en s,e was ,is Affilia*e Manager. =,y> S,e go* 0ore done in a day *,an ,e *,oug,* s,e?d acco0%lis, in a 0on*,. Chec& it out here Teach 'e (o) to (ave a %usiness A#* a Li!e at the Sa"e Ti"e

Are you ready *o ge* your info%roduc* ou* of your co0%u*er and in*o *,e In*erne* @ w,ere i* can s*ar* 0aking 0oola, for you> Chec& it out #icole+s course here Sho) 'e (o) to Sell 'y Products on Clic&,an&

! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$

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Table of Contents
In*roduc*ion................................................................................................................................B 8,e Basics.........................................................................................................................................C =,a* e4ac*ly is PLR>...................................................................................................................C =,o can )enefi* fro0 PLR>........................................................................................................D =,a* are *,e Pros and $ons of PLR>...........................................................................................D Rewri*ingE8weaking PLR..................................................................................................................F =,y s,ould you cus*o0i5e your PLR> =,a*.s *,e )enefi*> ......................................................F =,a* is *,e )es* way *o cus*o0i5e PLR for your own use> .....................................................&G $an you *ell us s*e% )y s*e% ,ow *o cus*o0i5e i*> ...................................................................&& PLR and *,e Searc, 7ngines...........................................................................................................&( =ill using PLR con*en* ,ur* your searc, engine ra*ing>...........................................................&( PLR : Du%lica*e con*en* %enal*ies...*ru*, or fic*ion>...............................................................&( How *o Ise PLR in your Business...................................................................................................&( =,a* are ( si0%le ways *o use PLR ar*icles>............................................................................&( How of*en s,ould you use PLR as )log %os*s>..........................................................................&A If i*?s Juali*y PLR do I s*ill need *o re!wri*e i*>..........................................................................&A =,a* is your one fa#ori*e use of PLR>......................................................................................&K $,oosing Luali*y PLR.....................................................................................................................&K =,a* s,ould you look for w,en deciding w,a* PLR con*en* *o %urc,ase>..............................&K $o00on PLR Mis*akes : Misconce%*ions....................................................................................&B =,a* are *,e )igges* 0is*akes 0os* %eo%le 0ake in PLR>......................................................&B $an you e4%lode any 0isconce%*ions *,a* s*o% %eo%le #en*uring in*o using PLR con*en*>. . .&C =,a* would you say *o so0eone w,o o)9ec*s *o PLR or g,os*wri*ing as dis,ones*>.............&C =ill 0y readers 0ig,* know *,ey?re no* ge**ing original con*en* and )e u%se*>...................&C S,o%%ing for PLR............................................................................................................................&D How do you reco00end #e**ing PLR %ro#iders *o 0ake sure *,eir s*uff is Juali*y>...............&D Do you fa#or PLR 0e0)ers,i% si*es or *,ose *,a* offer single i*e0s>....................................&D

! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$

%age K of &'

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Be%ore # .um! in, #/d like to introduce mysel% i% you aven/t met me yet. #/m Nicole Dean, and #/ve been involved in #nternet Marketing since 0112. # dabbled be%ore t at, but 0112 was t e year t at # actually started considering mysel% in business. # tell !eo!le t at # climbed u! t e learning curve wit bloody %ingers. # did everyt ing t e ard way. #t was once # %ound s ortcuts t at # reali,ed .ust ow di%%icult # was making t is 3#nternet Marketing t ing4 and # %inally started to make some real money. T ank%ully, #/m doing very well now and am en.oying bot t e %inancial goals t at # set out %or mysel%, but more im!ortantly t e li%estyle t at #/d always wanted 5 working w en # want, w ere # want. ok. 6et/s talk s ortcuts. *e all ave limited ours in t e day, so ow can we get more done in less time7 P68 is one o% my absolute %avorite s ortcuts %or any online business owner. 9n%ortunately it sometimes gets a bad ra! and is o%tentimes con%using to bloggers. Aw ile back # asked my readers to send in t eir biggest -uestions about using P68 in t eir businesses. # answered t em all in t is document. # o!e it is el!%ul: *armly,

#/m on iTunes; htt":..www. t+)e!./o#."o(/$!t, (0123345613

! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$

%age B of &'

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The Basics
What exactly is PLR?
Private 6abel 8ig ts <P68= articles are written and sold to multi!le online business owners to use on t eir websites, blogs, in t eir e,ines, or to create in%o!roducts. T e great t ing about P68 articles is t at you can edit t e content, load it u! wit links to recommended !roducts and services, translate it into multi!le languages i% you wis , and you can !ut your own name on t e content to establis yoursel% as an e(!ert. T ey/re %antastic %or !eo!le w o are not !roli%ic writers or w o .ust would !re%er to %ocus on ot er areas o% t eir business. P68 articles were invented to make it easier and more !ro%itable to be in online business. Any blogger or webmaster knows t at you want to create a large amount o% valuable content to kee! your online business growing. #t doesn/t matter w et er you/re writing a Food Blog or are selling Beauty "u!!lies 5 you/ll want articles %or your blog and also %or your e,ine or newsletters to o%%er %res in%ormation to your customers on an ongoing basis. T e !roblem lies in creating it all. T at/s w ere P68 comes in. P68 articles are written by !ro%essional writers and sold to multi!le !eo!le. #t/s kind o% like s!litting t e costs o% aving t em written %or you. You get great content at a very a%%ordable !rice <usually around >?+article=. And i% you/re a busy blogger 5 blogging is about to become su!er %un, more !roductive, and, o!e%ully, more !ro%itable %or you. #@ve been !roviding P68 content to #nternet Marketers since 011A and run click-> one o% t e most res!ected P68 sites online. All o% t e P68 articles and re!orts are written by my team o% writers and edited by a second member o% my sta%%. #t@s all ?11B ours and we limit t e content so t at we sell limited -uantities o% eac !ack. ! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$ %age C of &'

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Who can benefit from PLR?

T at/s a great -uestion. Actually !retty muc anyone wit an online !resence can bene%it by using P68. "ome o% my customers are... Bloggers. A%%iliate marketers. Cirtual Assistants. Aut ors or t ose w o wis to be. Podcast owners. #n%o!roduct "ellers. Members i! "ite $wners. 'oac es. 'onsultants to $%%line Businesses. Network Marketers+Direct "ellers. 8ealtors. Pro%essionals. Deck, a lot o% t e /gurus/ s o! at my site. My customer list is !retty darned im!ressive i% # do say so mysel%. # still get goosebum!s w en # see t e marketers t at # look u! to buying my P68 to use as dra%ts in t eir !ro.ects. #t makes me !roud o% w at # do. But, to sum u! E !retty muc anyone w o as a website or blog or w o assists someone w o as an online business, can bene%it %rom using P68.

What are the Pros and Cons of PLR?

6et/s com!are P68 to a %ew ot er !o!ular met ods o% creating blog !osts. ?. Free re!rint articles. Yes, you can go to F, and grab content t ere %or %ree, but 5 you can/t edit it, and you must link to t e aut or in your resource bo(. Plus, you ave to sort t roug t ousands o% really aw%ul articles in order to %ind t e occasional gem t ere. <# sent my mom, w o works as my CA, t ere to ! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$ %age D of &'

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%ind some articles %or me 5 and # got a ! one call %rom er wit a 3* at in t e world7:4 5 #t was more t an embarrassing w at s e %ound on t e site w ile s e was looking %or articles %or me. 9G. Cery embarrassing.= "o, t at/s not my !re%erred met od, unless you can %ind articles by e(!erts 5 but, even in t at case, you ave to link to t eir website rat er t an to your own !roducts and services. #m!ortant notable e(ce!tions; T ere are to! -uality re!rint sites out t ere. # a!!en to own one 5 5 we %ocus on -uality, rat er t an -uantity. is also -uite good. F, D$F" attract e(!erts. "o, i% you searc %or a !erson/s name w o is someone uge in your %ield <rat er t an .ust keywords=, you will !robably %ind t em on t at site.

Dowever H wit P68, you link to w at you want to, you can make t e articles re%lect your own t oug ts and o!inions and e(!erience, and you are t e e(!ert rat er t an endorsing someone else as t e e(!ert in your %ield. 0. Diring a G ostwriter. # love G ostwriters, but t ey/re muc , muc more e(!ensive t an !urc asing P68. *it P68 articles, you can normally get your articles %or >?+article. #% you ire a G ostwriter, t ey can cost anyw ere %rom >IE >I1+article or more, de!ending on t e -uality t at you/re looking %or. * at # recommend to my clients is t at t ey start wit P68 and t en bring in a -uali%ied G ostwriter to im!rove+customi,e t e articles i% t ey do not ave t e time, ability, or inclination to edit t em t emselves. J. *riting t e 'ontent %rom "cratc . $% course, you can write all o% your own content, but # !ersonally %ind t at sometimes # run %res out o% ideas, and get stuck staring at a w ite blank screen. T at/s w en #/m so t ank%ul %or t e P68 t at # ave stored in my

! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$

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blog in 3dra%t4 mode. # can o!en t ose P68 docs and use t em as roug dra%ts to create blog !osts t at are original and s owcase me as t e e(!ert t at # am.

Rewriting/Tweaking PLR
Why should you customize your PLR? Whats the benefit?
# always ig ly encourage our customers to customi,e t e P68 t at t ey !urc ase. Fs!ecially i% you !lan to !ost t em on your blog, t en t e biggest reasons, in my o!inion, to do so are; ?. "F$. * ile it is not a re-uirement to edit t e P68 articles t at you !urc ase, smart marketers do so. At t e very least, # would encourage you to c ange t e title o% t e article to re%lect t e keywords t at you@re aiming %or, and to make t e !age a touc di%%erent t an ot ers w o !urc ased t e same article. #@ll get into t at a bit more in t e ne(t -uestion. 0. Branding. # would also consider branding your business as anot er reason to alter t e articles. #ncluding !ositive customer -uotes and e(am!les s!eci%ic to your com!any will certainly bene%it your customers@ image o% your brand. J. Nic ing t em Down. Always nic e down t e articles, w enever !ossible. #% you@re in t e Beagle nic e and you !urc ase a set o% !u!!y P68 articles, t en edit t em to be s!eci%ically about t e Beagle breed, including ! otos, o% course. 2. Adding More Calue %or your 8eaders. You@re t e e(!ert, rig t7 You know your market inside and out, o!e%ully. "o, adding your own insig ts and o!inions to t e articles will make t em better t an w en t e articles leave my P68 store. # believe t at getting t ese -uality articles into t e ands o% e(!erts, like yoursel%, w o can t en add t eir own knowledge, s ould make t e web a better !lace.

! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$

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What is the best way to customize PLR for your own use?
8at er t an saying to 3edit4 t e content as many P68 site owners do, sim!ly to mi( u! t e words, but kee!ing t e same overall value 5 # recommend t at you add value to t e P68 articles. Donestly, # t ink so muc time and energy is s!ent in rewriting P68 t at it@s saddening. # know it sounds all warm and %u,,y, but, i% t e content is going to re!resent your business, w y not add some 3Y$94 in it7 "o, # recommend t at you add some o% t e %ollowing; Personal stories %rom your own li%e t at relate to t e to!ic. Ti!s. F(am!les you/ve run into t at illustrate your !oint. <"ee t e beagle e(am!le above.= P otos %rom your own results <in weig t loss, %itness, or even acne P68= 6ists 5 like t is one. 'ase "tudies. Cideo. 8elated Products. 8elevant News. Kuotes 5 eit er your own, your customers, your em!loyees, %amily, or even %amous !eo!le. T e ot er side o% t e coin. 'an you argue wit w at is !resented in t e P687 Give alternate o!inions. ' arts, Gra! s, t at s ow t e t eory in action. #nterview Kuestions. Ask your readers %or t eir o!inion in a survey and add t ose blurbs to t e content. Your own o!inions <For instance, in !arenting P68= * at not to do in certain cases <in internet marketing P68= 8esearc t at you/ve eard <in ealt P68= %age &G of &'

! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$

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"creens ots %rom your own websites <in making money online P68=

And, t at/s .ust o%% t e to! o% my ead. Your customers and readers want to know w at Y$9 t ink, so en ance your P68. You/ll stand ead and s oulders above most ot er online business owners .ust by doing t at one t ing.

Can you tell us step by step how to customize it?

"ure. &. "tart wit ig E-uality P68 articles. T at el!s. $% course, #@d recommend my site; E$!%PLR./o# 0. $!en t e articles. Most !eo!le .ust leave t em sitting on t eir ard drive. J. 'o!y L !aste t e articles into Blog Dra%ts, renaming eac one as you go. T is s ould take about I minutes. #t will take a %ew more i% you@re researc ing keywords at t e same time. At t is !oint, you@ll be a ead o% MMB o% t e ot er marketers w o don@t make it t is %ar. T en, every time you log into your blog and t ink 3* at s ould # write about today74 6ook t roug t ose dra%ts. Pick one and dive in. T e im!ortant t ings to note are; ?. "tart wit great content. *it out t at, you@re going to struggle. 0. Get it onto your blog. T at@s uge. #t@s muc easier to start wit a dra%t and get writing t an it is a blank screen. J. * en you tackle it, t ink about #"rov )7 it, not rewr t )7 it. Big di%%erence.

! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$

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PLR and the Search Engines

Will using PLR content hurt your search engine rating?
First o% all, t e sad trut is t at most !eo!le t at buy P68 articles do not ever use t em, so t ere really isn/t as muc com!etition out t ere are you mig t t ink. "econdly, t ose t at do use t em, normally t row t em u! -uickly and don/t do any searc engine o!timi,ation or editing to make t e articles uni-ue. "o, by doing t ose t ings, you/ll be ead and s oulders a ead o% t e com!etition 5 and t e searc engines will still love you.


!uplicate content penalties"""truth or fiction?

Yes, o% course, but !ossibly not t e way you understand it. Google can only list so many o% t e e(act same articles in t eir results. T ey/re not stu!id. #t only makes sense %or t em to list t e versions o% t e articles t at are on t e most im!ortant sites %irst and dro! o%% t e rest. At least %or t e e(act du!licates. Again, t at/s w ere en ancing and im!roving and customi,ing our P68 articles becomes im!ortant.

How to Use PLR in your Business

What are # simple ways to use PLR articles?
T ere are many, many ways to use P68 articles, but #/ll try to kee! it sim!le. T e %irst, and easiest way to use your P68 articles is as blog content w ic #/ve already mentioned. # recommend t at you !urc ase a small amount o% P68 like a set o% P68 articles and co!y and !aste eac article into your blog and save t em as dra%ts. T at way, w en you log in and need an idea %or your ne(t blog !ost, you/ll ave content sitting t ere, waiting %or you to add your magic touc .

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As %or t e second, it/s so ard to c oose. # really love o%%ering valuable %ree !d%s to my readers and customers. #% you !urc ase a set o% P68 articles %rom somew ere like my site; E$!% PLR Art /'e!, t en it/s really easy to trans%orm t ose into a re!ort or ebook t at you can give away to your lists as a gi%t. Fac set o% P68 articles comes in a *ord document, so all you ave to do is o!en it in a %ree !rogram like $!en$, edit t e document, add your ! oto and some links, and t en click on t e 3save as !d%4 button and you/re done. T en you/ll ave a valuable re!ort t at you can give away, o%%er as a bonus to your e(isting !roducts, o%%er to com!etitors to give away to t eir customers, include in giveaway events or use in any o% ?11 ot er ways.

$ow often should you use PLR as blog posts?

*ell, t at de!ends. #% you/re revam!ing eac o% t e P68 articles, you can use t em %re-uently. Dowever, i% you/re not c anging muc in t e articles, #/d say once every I or ?1 blog !osts.

If it%s &uality PLR do I still need to re'write it?

38eEwrite4 isn/t my %avorite term %or w at # recommend you do wit P68. Re-write to me means to keep the same exact content but just say it differently. The word rewrite means that you'd keep the same meaning but restate the way you say it.

"ee7 T ose two sentences are reEwritten. Not muc was added in t e way o% value. 8eEwriting is mostly a t ing t at !eo!le do w en t ey/re worried about du!licate content and it sim!ly means t at you c ange everyt ing in a document, even t e !er%ectly good !arts. Yes, i% you/re adding t e content directly to your website or blog and you want it to attract t e "earc Fngines <as o!!osed to content t at is !osted in a !rivate area t at only !aid member see= you will want to edit t e content.

! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$

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What is your one fa(orite use of PLR?

$ goodness. $ne %avorite7 *ell, i% # ad to answer wit .ust one, # would ave to say using P68 %or list building. As internet marketers, we ave to be constantly working on building a list o% raving %ans, rig t7 "o, # would recommend t at, i% you only used P68 in one way, it would be to build t at relations i! wit t e !eo!le on your list 5 by sending t em regular articles or re!orts <in t is instance, created wit a mi(ture o% P68 and t e in%ormation %rom your own ead=.

Choosing !uality PLR

What should you loo) for when deciding what PLR content to purchase?
*ell, #/m obviously biased, but ere/s t e onest to God trut . # am a P68 snob. #/ve !ersonally wasted money on .unk P68 in t e !ast and it/s been %rustrating. #n %act, t at/s w y # started my site 5 %rom my own !ersonal need %or -uality content. #/d say t e %ollowing must be met be%ore you s ould even consider taking out your wallet. T e site as been around %or some time wit a good re!utation. T e owner is a res!ected name t at you can %ind w en you Google im+ er. Cisible contact in%ormation !rovided on t e site. T e o!tion o% !urc asing !ackages o% P68 as o!!osed to being locked into a mont ly members i!. T e ability to buy only t e to!ics t at you want, instead o% getting a uge !ackage o% recycled .unk.

! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$

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Pre%erably a site t at sells limited -uantities o% t e P68. <"ome sites sell t e same content to t ousands o% site and allow t em to do t e same. T at/s not !re%erred i% you/re using t e content on your blog.=

$% course my site meets all o% t e criteria above. "ur!rise, rig t7 ;= Here8! the ' )9 $7$ ) : %o+ w$)t to 'oo9 $ro+)(: E$!%PLR./o# Be !icky. #t/s your money and it doesn/t do you any good to !urc ase articles t at are so !oorly written t at you ave to rewrite t em com!letely in order to use t em at all.

Co##o) PLR M !t$9e! & M !/o)/e"t o)!

What are the biggest mista)es most people ma)e in PLR?
T e N? mistake t at !eo!le make w en !urc asing P68 is not using it. T ey buy it and let it sit on t eir ard drive until it/s eit er out o% date or totally %orgotten. 6isten to me w en # say 3#t can/t make you money, sitting on your ard drive:4 Get t at P68 content onto your websites so you can recou! your investment and build your !assive income. T e ot er mistake t at # see !eo!le making is t at t ey !urc ase P68 articles and .ust co!y+!aste t em e(actly as t ey are onto t eir blogs. Fven i% you only c ange a bit o% t e article, # recommend !utting in .ust a %ew minutes to make t e articles uni-ue to you. " owcase your e(!ertise. #nclude !ersonal e(am!les. $r even .ust c ange t e wording slig tly to better connect wit your market. By doing t ose two t ings 5 using and customi,ing your P68 5 you/ll be a ead o% MM.MB o% t e ot er marketers out t ere. $ne %inal mistake is investing in O9NP P68 5 w ic is old recycled content t at as been circulating t e web %or years and isn/t written wit t e reader in mind.

! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$

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Can you explode any misconceptions that stop people (enturing into using PLR content?
T e biggest misconce!tion t at !eo!le ave is t at P68 is useless or t at g ostwriters are stu!id. #/ve got to tell you t at #/ve worked wit some g ostwriters w o are stinking brilliant in many ways. $%tentimes, t ey/re %abulous communicators, smart marketers, and ard working entre!reneurs. And, yes, t ey/re -uali%ied to write -uality in%ormation on many to!ics on t e internet. For aw ile # ad a nurse writing my ealt to!ics on my P68 site. # don/t .ust go to and take t e lowest bidder. To t ink t at/s ow all P68 sites work would certainly be a misconce!tion. T e ot er myt t at isn/t being discussed is t at using P68 articles takes away your own value as t e e(!ert. #% you use P68 articles as dra%ts, t ey are delivered to you, ready %or you, as t e e(!ert, to add your uni-ue t oug ts to t em. #% you look at P68 like t at 5 you can still kee! your !ersonality in your brand 5 and your sanity at t e same time.

What would you say to someone who ob*ects to PLR or ghostwriting as dishonest?
Most biogra! ies in t e bookstores are written by g ostwriters. Most o% t e %amous orations %rom our istory were written by someone ot er t an t e !ublic %igure w o gave t e s!eec . #t/s not c eating to get el!. #t/s smart marketing.

Will my readers might )now they%re not getting original content and be upset?
T ere are two !arts to t at -uestion. ?. #% t e articles are -uality, readers will be a!!y. Donestly, !eo!le look %or a %ew t ings w en t ey/re sur%ing t e web. T ey want to be ! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$ %age &C of &'

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educated, entertained, or en anced in some way. "o, as long as you/re buying P68 t at accom!lis es at least one o% t ose goals, you/ll be good. (. As #/ve mentioned, # recommend t at you add some o% your own !ersonality and e(!eriences to t e P68 t at you !urc ase. #% you include e(am!les %rom your own li%e 5 it will ensure t at no ot er customer o% mine will ave t e same article, because yours will ave you in it.

Sho""ing for PLR

$ow do you recommend (etting PLR pro(iders to ma)e sure their stuff is &uality?
Great -uestion: # ave a %ew criteria, but, in t e end, it/ll come down to actually buying a bit o% t e P68 o%%ered and looking wit your own eyes w et er it/s w at you/re looking %or. #t/s %unny, because # see t ose ty!es o% orders come t roug at all t e time. #/ll get an order %or one article !ack, and t en anot er larger order %rom t e same !erson a %ew minutes later. # always t ink 3T ere/s a smart cookie:4

!o you fa(or PLR membership sites or those that offer single items?
#% you/re new to using P68, don/t sign u! %or any members i! site .ust yet. ' oose a site like mine at E$!%PLR./o# w ere you can .ust buy w at you need, w en you need it. "ee i% you/ll use t e content and t en, you can always make a decision to .oin a members i! site later. # o!e you/ve en.oyed t is s ort re!ort and it/s given you ideas to run wit . *armly, Nicole Dean

'ore Resources !ro" #icole...

! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$ %age &D of &'

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Find out ow Nicole as gotten a waiting list o% !eo!le w o want er to steal t eir web tra%%ic; G+e!t ;'o77 )7 o) Stero (!

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! Nicole Dean" Groo#y Slug" LL$

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