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Digital Design of DS-CDMA Transmitter

Using VHDL and


Khalid Eltahir Mohamed, Borhanuddin Mohd. Ali (uofg,

Department of Computer and Communications Systems, Faculty of Engineering, University Putra Malaysia (UPM), 43400 Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia
Abstract- This paper describes the Direct Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CTDMA) wireless transmitter design using Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), which has been adopted in many wireless access technologies. Four separate blocks have been designed using digital approach to form the transmitter circuit diagram using the oscillator, the PN-code generator, the Parity Check, and the BPSK modulator. The Synopsys software has been used for the design synthesis and simulation; the Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) program was used for coding and FPGA for compiling and downloading the simulaton. The DS-CDMA wireless tansmitter was designed to trnsmit with data rates up to 2 Mbps. Ihe transmitted signals were camed with a 40 M:Hz carrer frequency.

such as flip-flops, oscillators, shift registers, PN coder and a BPSK modulator.

FPGA was selected to implement this circuit. The researgh involved two phases - simulation and synthesis of the VHDL codes using the Synopsys package and converting the integrated circuit of the transmitter in the FPGA compiler for downloading on the Xilinx FPGA board.
A VHDL design begins with an ENTITY block that describes the interface for the design. The interface defines the input and output logic signals of the circuit. The ARCHITECTURE block describes the internal operation of the design. Within these blocks, there are numerous other functional blocks used to build the design elements of the logic circuit created [8].

Keywords: DS-CDMA, tansmitter, VHDI FPGA, PNgenerator.

In recent years, there has been a significant amount of research performed in both industry and academia into the development of CDMA systems. A clear description of a CDMA has been elusive, since it has a different meaning to every researcher involved in the topic [6].

The source code written using the normal TEXT editor, then saved as a VHDL file with '.vhd' extension and transferred to any of the VHDL design compilers (DC). If the compilation shows no error(s), the file can be simulated, synthesized and implemented with FPGA [9].

DS-CDMA is a type of spread-spectrum communication system in which multiple signal channels occupy the same frequency band, being distinguished by the use of different spreading codes [2]. CDMA communication is employed in, for example, digital cellular telephone systems and personal communication services. In these systems, a base station communicates with a plurality of mobile stations, one frequency band being used for all of the up-links from the mobile stations to the base station, and another frequency band being used for all of the down-links from the base station to the mobile stations [3].
This paper describes the design and a circuit for pseudo random PN coding and synchronization of a wireless transmitter for DS-CDMA using VHDL software. The circuit for the transmitter is comprised of basic digital components,

The transmitter components were designed individually using the bottom-up approach. The designs were then combined and defined by a component declaration and port mapping. Generally, this is an easy method although it could have had


coder and a BPSK modulator with 40 MHz DIP oscillator providing the reference frequency [1].
This paper concentrates on the application of VHDL simulation tool and FPGA compiler to wireless data components. Networks operating over unlicensed bands have recently received increased attention with the prominence of such standards as IEEE 802.11 and Bluetooth. In 3G, the infornation transferred is not limited to having voices, images

The basic transmitter circuit used was adopted from the following digital components; flip-flops, shift registers, PN

1-4244-0000-7/05/$20.00 02005 IEEE.


and digital data separately. Users will have full coverage and mobility for 144 kbps (preferably 348 kbps) and eventually up to 2 Mbps. With this wide bandwidth, users are able to access the information in full multimedia form, wirelessly and with better quality [7].
The next section of this paper describes the PN code generator, which is the important part of the design. The third section of this paper presents the transmitter block diagram with the flow chart of the program. The fourth section presents language options in creating the design and also the simulation and synthesize tool. Section five presents the hardware

chip at half the rate as at the BPSK modulator. The Shiften port used for shift enables or RESET. The resultant coded data modulated using the BPSK modulator with a data rate of up to 2 Mbps.


Fig. 1. Conceptual diagram of the 16-stage LFSR


The PN generator was used with Linear Feedback Shift Registers (LFSRs) to provide and assign synchronization and unique codes to the individual users across the transmission interface [4]. The LFSR sequence goes through (2n -1) states, where n is the number of registers in the LFSR. The contents of the registers are shifted one position to the right per clock cycle. The feedback from predefined registers, or taps to the leftmost register, are XORed together. Table I presents the main variables used in this research.
TABLE I VARIABLES FOR LFSR DESIGN Set value Variable Number of stages in the shift register, n. 16 4 Number of taps in the feedback ath. + I + X4 f(x) = x'+ X Position of each tap (polynomial representation) +1

The PN generator generates with chip clock signal starting for an initial state determined by initialization data.
A flow diagram of the basic steps of the PN code generator design is shown in Figure 2. Two major steps are explained in this flow diagram as was just noted. Generation of the PN code and multiplying it with the data entered were the two main steps. When the 'data ready' is available at the input of the PN generator the code for each bit of the data will b,e available and waiting for data to enter. Shielen control the data entering and shifted out of the PN generator. The coded data is shifted serially to PN generator output bit by bit. The shilten switch the PN generator ON until 16-bit coded data were shifted out from the PN. Then the coded data had to wait for 2-clock cycles to start shifting again. The data was stored in the buffer during this time.

The polynomial f (x) = X +x + x5 + x4 +1 was chosen because it gives good autocorrelation. The polynomial could have taken in any form, as long as it gives good cross correlation.
Cross correlation is defined as the correlation between two different signals. It is calculated by subtracting the disagreements from the agreements between two different sequences as opposed to the time-shifted replicas of the same


It is important to use a set of PN sequences with minimal cross correlation with each other in order to reduce the effect of adjacent channel interference. If the cross correlation is not small, there is a possibility that the data coded from one user can be incorrectly identified and assigned to another because of similarity between the two keys.

Fig. 2. The flow chart of the PN code generator


Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the transmitter. It contains 7 blocks, namely, PN code generator, control block, multiplexer, 16-bit shift register, parity bit, 1-bit shift register and PBSK modulator. The PN generator generates a DSCDMA code, which is multiplied by the data entering the PN generator. The Shiften port is controlled by the PN code generator.

Figure 1 shows the conceptual diagram for the 16-stage LFSR. Datain is an input port for the initial PN sequence, while the Fillsel port selects the multiplexer input from either the feedback or Datain. The registers are based on D flip-flops. The system timed by an internal clock, which sampled the PN


Here, the Control Block controls all the operations of the transmitter and the timing for the transmitted bits, enabling the multiplexer and the 16-bit shift register. The multiplexer fed coded data from the PN code generator and parity bit. The 16bit shift register is used to shift the coded data parallel and serial to the parity and to the BPSK modulator simultaneously. The 16-bit coded data is shifted first to the parallel XORed parity calculation and fed back to the multiplexer after storage in the 1-bit shift register. The parity bit is added to the 16-bit waiting for transmission in the 16-bit shift register. It is added at the end of the 16-bit coded data.
This description of the design is intended to present basic ideas behind the method and it omits details that might obscure basic ideas. One such detail concems the nature of the link between each step and timing. Flow chart design gives a clear idea about the design and its steps and links. A flow diagram showing the basic flow of the DS-CDMA wireless transmitter is given in Figure 4. The operation is as follows:
* The coded data from the PN generator is multiplexed immediately when it appears at the PN output. * The coded data is delayed for 2-clock cycle at the PN generator after each 16-clock cycle (state at previous flow chart). * The multiplexed data is shifted and stored at 16-bit shift register. * For 16 clock cycles the multiplexer multiplex the output of the PN generator. * For 2 clock cycles after each 16-clock cycle the multiplexer waits to multiplex one bit from the parity output. . For the initial time of simulation the data appears at the PN output after 32-clock cycle. * The 16-bit shift register shifted the coded data in parallel to parity to perform 1-bit parity and stored in 1-bit shift register. * The data stored at the 16-bit shift register waited for 2clock cycle to start transmission through the BPSK modulator in serial. * The transmitted data frame contains 16-bit data with 1-bit parity.

Fig. 3. The block diagram of the DS-CDMA transmitter.

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Fig. 4. The flow chart of the DS-CDMA wireless transmitter


The VHDL source code files were already created and saved in the same folder, all with the extension '.vhd'. These files were for the PN code generator, parity check (including control block, multiplexer, 16-bit shift register, parity bit and 1-bit shift register), oscillator and BPSK modulator. A toplevel design was created for the parity check files for the whole design. Then the design was simulated and synthesized to check its logical operation. The individual elements were simulated using vhdlan and vhdlsim in the DOS command for Windows NT. The FPGA Compiler 11 was used for compiling and synthesizing the VHDL source code. The synthesis allowed the timing factors and the other influences of the actual FPGA devices to affect the simulation, thereby resulting in a more thorough check before the design was committed to the FPGA. The results of this simulation and synthesis are the FPGA optimized chip. Test-bench files were created to test all the above files. The purpose of a test bench is to verify the functionality of a model or package.

Figure 5 shows the input and output ports of the transmitter section. All transmitter components (PN code generator, BPSK modulator, oscillator, parity, control block, 16-bit shift register, multiplexer and 1-bit shift register) were combined at this top-level design. The FPGA optimized chip for the transmitter is shown in Figure 6. The final result waveform from the created test-bench for the top-level design is shown in Figure 7. The DS-CDMA wireless transmitter was designed to transmit data with higher data rates. 2 MHz was selected as
the clock rate to come out with 2 Mbps data rate. The


calculation for this higher rate is taken manually from the VSS waveform.
The time period used for this simulation was 250ns per half cycle, which means 500 ns per full cycle. The data will transmit serially through the BPSK modulator. At each clock cycle 1-bit will be transmitted. Because of the initialization of the transmission as shown in Figure 8 there are seen no data (U) appear at the transmitter output. After that, the data is transmitted continuously. *1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~.
o t s o d

The relationship between the frequency and the time period is:

......t o

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oupu port of th to-ee


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where f is the frequency and T is the period time [5]. The clock frequency used was 2 MHz so the period is 0.5 ,us, 500 ns. For the 1st transmission, the data comes out from the BPSK modulator after 34 clock cycles (34 clock cycle * 500 ns = 1700), as shown in Figure 9. For 2 Mbps data rate there is 2000000 bits per Is, so 2000000 clock cycles represent these bits transmission. That means the data will come out after (2000000 clock cycle * 500 ns = 1000000000 ns) as shown in Figure 10. The data bits are calculated manually from the wavefonn viewer. From the calculation, it was observed that the transmitted data was less than 2 Mbps (1999964 bits only come out in I s). This happens because of the lost bits during the initial period.


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No data appears at the output of the BPSKduetoirdtial


Fig. 8. VSS waveform represents the initialization of the transmission


Fig. 6. The Optimized FPGA Chip for the top-Level Design of the Transmitter




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First bit appears at the BPSK output . .f : 1...:J


a,,.,.,,,{-,..t.-.< . . S t <


4.... . 2 . .


. th _ Fig. 9. VSS waveform of the transmitter showing the first transnsmitted bits :.

appear from the BPSK after 1 7000ns

Fig. 7 VSS waveform of the VHDL top-level file of the transmitter


VHDL behavioral modeling is useful in digital systems design because the designer can model the circuit in a program that simulates the circuit operation rather than spend time on complex finite state machines or truth tables. This greatly facilities and reduces the design time for a large digital system.

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Last bit appear at the BPSK

output after Is simulation time

-, *-

Fig. 10. VSS waveform of the transmitter showing the end of I s time simulation


The simulation waveforms presented in this paper have proven the reliability of the VHDL implementation to describe the characteristics and the architecture of the digital transmitter. The simulated waveforms also have shown the observer how long the test result can be achieved by using test-bench file. From the waveforms the digital transmitter transmitted at high data rates of up to 2 Mbps with the BPSK modulator holding the data during transmission. The transmitted data included a 1-bit parity that acted as error detection.
From the optimized FPGA circuit for top-level design, the circuit of the transmitter was reduced sufficiently for downloading to the Xilinx FPGA board. From testing, both hardware and software components performed well and reliably.

The FPGA compiler directory was used for simulation and synthesis and downloading of the results to the XSV FPGA board. This board, from Xilinx Virtex FPGA family board, with a single Virtex FPGA from 50K to 800K contained two independent banks of 512*16 SRAM for local buffering of signals and data.
The first step in downloading the design to the Xilinx XSV300 FPGA board was the installation of the software. This was to install the utility and configuration files for testing and programming the board. The second step was to configure the jumpers in the board. The XSV-300 Board came with shunts on the jumpers in their default arrangement. After this, power applied to the board from an ATX PC power supply. The next step was to connect the board to the parallel port of the PC through a 6-foot DB25 cable. Once the board is connected to the PC with jumpers in their default configuration, it is now ready for testing. The last step was to program the interface to the board and then download the design to the board using the gxload window of the software. Figure 11 shows the transmitter after the final step of the downloading in the XCV300 board. The board was tested. The LEDs were used to show the 16-bit data and 1 -bit parity check at the output of the transmitter.

[1] Chang, K., C. (1997), Digital Design and Modeling with VHDL and
Synthesis, IEEE service center, Piscataway.

[2] Cheah, J., Y, C., Practical Wireless Data Modem Design, Artech House
Publishers, Boston, London, 1999.

[3] Feher, K. (1995), Wireless Digital Communications, Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, New Jersey.

[4] Gil, H., K., PN Code Acquisition Using Nonparametric Detectors in DSCDMA Systems, Department of Electrical and Electronic, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAiST), South Korea,2000.
[51 Halsall, F., Data Commuunications, Computer Networks and Open Systems, Addison-Wesley Publications company, Harlow, England, 1996. [6] Jakes, W. C., Jr. (1994), Microwave Mobile Communications, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974; reprinted by IEEE Press, 1994, ISBN 0-78031069-1. Accessed on 2 Oct. 2001.

[71 Oianpera, T., Prasad, R., Wideband CDMA for Third Generation Mobile
Communications, Artech House Publishers, Boston, London, 1998.
[8] Rushton, A., VIDL for Logic Chichester, England,1998.


John Wiley & Sons Ltd,

[9] Zwolinski, M. (2000), Digital System Design with VHDL, Pearson Education Ltd., England.

Fig. 1. The FPGA board after downloading the simulated and synthesizes VHDL files of the transmitter


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