Edgar Degas Outline

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Edgar Degas Outline I. Basic Information a. Edgar Degas b. 1834-1917 (83) c. Paris, France d.

Painting- pastel, gouache, distemper e. He first aspired to be a history painter, but became a classical painter of modern life by bringing the traditional methods of a history painter to contemporary subject matter. f. He was inspired by dancers and was increasingly influenced by Japanese prints. g. Mainly his subject of art was dancers. Education and Training a. College b. University of Paris c. He worked with modern art of his time, mainly influenced by dancers Impact of the artist a. He is regarded as one of the founders of impressionism, but rejected the term. He preferred to be considered a realist. b. He influenced other impressionism artists, De Nittis, Beraud, Gervex, Monet c. One of the founders of impressionism, and brought a history styled painting to modern work



IV. Art Criticism a. Description i. Blue Dancers, 1899, pastel ii. This painting shows four dancers in blue. They are not dancing but they are what seems to be back stage adjusting their costumes, examining themselves, and getting ready for their performance. They all standing very close to each other, but not really talking or socializing with each other, I think they are busy involved in themselves to make sure they are ready to go on. You cannot see their legs at all. The costumes they are wearing are blue, short-sleeved, and fluffy like a tutu. b. Analysis i. I see color in the costumes the dancers are wearing; the blue is shaded and shown well and is also apparent in the background of the picture as well. I see texture in the picture as well in their costumes you can see the texture in the tutu of the costume. ii. Asymmetrical and rhythm. It is asymmetrical because more is happening in the bottom and middle of the picture than the top. It has rhythm because throughout the costumes and color the picture seems to flow and have motion. iii. I think this emotional and formal. The picture shows emotion through the girls because they seem nervous and anxious to go on stage. It is also formal because it shows many elements and principals. c. Interpretation i. I think the artist is trying to show dancers getting ready to go on stage, He may be trying to show the way the dancers are feeling. ii. This artwork to me shows dancers getting ready to go on stage, and I think it is very accurate because it is showing these girls looking at themselves and making

sure they are ready, rather than conversing with each other. It really shows how dancers are before they perform; quiet, nervously adjusting, and looking at them. d. Judgment i. Yes I love this artwork. I think appears that these girls are dancers, without making it too obvious they are dancers, because they are not actually dancing in the picture. ii. I think this picture is successful, because I believe Degas achieved what he wanted to with this painting and I think it is pleasing to the eye.

Work cited: http://www.edgar-degas.org/ http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/dgsp/hd_dgsp.htm

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