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TRIP ITINERARY Fort Frances Tuesday Dece!"er #$t% &ednesday Dece!"er #'t%

Sc%edu(e) Tuesday
10:00 am 4:00 pm 5:45 pm #:45 pm 7:15 pm 10:15 pm

-Depart RLDHS -Catered lunch in Fort Frances -Arrive at ce For !ids arena or chec" into hotel -$arm ups -Game Time vs FFHS -%ame over& head to Super ' Chec" out o) hotel and Depart )or ce For !ids Arena -$arm ups -Game Time vs FFHS -%ame over& head +ac" to Red La"e a)ter somethin, to eat -Arrive .ar Falls -Arrive Red La"e


11:(0 am 1*:45 pm 1:15 pm 4:15 pm -:(0 pm 10:30 pm

Cost: /50 )or meals0 Accommodations: Super 8 Contact Person: Supervisors: David Lamme& Candace 1oncrei) Notes: 1. Departure time )rom Fort Frances is estimated 2. t is recommended that each pla2er +rin, lunch on the +us 3. A call 3ill +e made )rom 4ermillion 5a2 to estimate time o) arrival in .ar Falls and Red La"e0

Pride is a personal commitment !t is an attitude t"at separates #$cellence %rom mediocrit&'

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