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Characters: Althalos: Jasper: Eowyn: Girl that needs saving, ends up falling for Jasper Age: 28 Background: raised

round: raised by famous lord, every boy wants to court her, taken by Sir Boromir to be his paramour, refuses him, and is kept hostage. (typical damsel in distress.) Althalos companion falls in love with Eowyn and marries her. Age: 27 Background: met Althalos in a tournament, was knighted with him, always been his friend and trusted right hand man. Is the bow to his axe. Romantic Hero Age: 27 Background: parents died of disease, neighbors took him in and raised him, Sir Althalos was knighted. Unique Ability: fantastic at wielding an axe. Setting: The Land of Lands. Quest: Saving Eowyn, defeating Sir Boromir, winning the war against Sir Boromir. Love: falls for Eowyn, but Eowyn rejected him for Jasper.

Sir Boromir: Evil doer. Takes Eowyn hostage, Age: 30 Background: neglected as a child, became a knight and was rejected, built a following, attacked Eowyns father, King Johnlock.

Plot: Exposition: Setting intro, show Althalos and Jasper sparring each other. Then, Althalos being knighted, then Jasper. They had friends for years. Inciting Action: They finish training and go to prepare for the meeting at the Round Table with King Arthur at three oclock. Turning Point: Arrive at meeting, all of the knights are shouting loudly and fighting with each other. Althalos and Jasper calm them all down. They tell the two that King Arthur has requested two knights to find a princess that has been taken. Her name is Eowyn. o Will they or wont they be accepted by King Arthur to go on the quest? Rising Action: King Arthur accepted. The two set out on a journey to rescue the princess. The boys got lost in the woods, and a magician helped them find their way out. Once they escaped,

they found two new horses, as theirs had been frightened by the dark forest. They set off at top speed to rescue Eowyn from Sir Boromir, enemy of The Round Table. Climax: She was rescued; Boromir was killed from the Devils Fire disease on the war path to King Johnlocks kingdom. Falling Action: Jasper asks Eowyn to marry him; she says yes, their wedding happens. King Johnlock and King Arthur both are at peace with each other and Sir Boromirs men are taken to be enslaved. Turning Point: Althalos leaves town because he cannot stand to be around Jasper and Eowyn. Finds work and a new love in Italy. Resolution: Jasper and Eowyn are sad about Althalos, but they are married and love each other. She was rescued, a war was stopped and everything is fine and dandy in The Land of Lands. Lit Elements: Situational Irony: Expect that Sir Althalos and Eowyn to marry, Eowyn falls for Jasper, Jasper and Eowyn marry, Althalos gets more upset, and leaves town. Internal Conflict: Jasper has to fight his desires towards Eowyn, Althalos has to fight his jealousy External Conflict: Sir Boromir vs. The Round Table Simile: Jasper says to Althalos, I love her. For she smiles as bright as the sun when the clock chimes midday. Metaphor: Althalos whispered to himself, Eowyn is love of my life, and if i cannot have her, there will be no more light. Anachronism: Jasper says, You have my bow. And my axe, Althalos chimes in. (before King Arthur chooses them for the quest.) Motif- Chivalry: Protecting women protected Eowyn from Sir Boromir Motif- Good vs. Evil- defeated Sir Boromir to rescue Eowyn Motif- Good vs. Evil- stopped a war from happening Setting- Pastoral, Land of Lands Theme- What is meant to be will be.

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