Great Gatsby Screenplay

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INT. PLAZA HOTEL-AFTERNOON Daisy and Jordan sitting on the couch fanning them, Gatsby is looking outside thoughtfully. Tom is pouring whiskey. Nick acting as an audience. The air is hot, still, and tense with silence. DAISY Open a Window Tom! TOM There arent any more. DAISY Well wed better telephone for an axe. TOM (Angrily)

3 You make it ten times worse by complaining about it, so I suggest you forget about the heat! GATSBY Why dont you leave her alone, old sport? Youre the one who wanted to come into town. TOM Thats a great expression of yours isnt it? GATSBY What is?

TOM All this old sport business. Where did you pick that up? DAISY Now see here Tom, if youre going to make personal remarks I wont stay here a minute. Call up and order some ice for the mint julep. TOM By the way Mr. Gatsby, I understand you are an Oxford man. GATSBY Not exactly, I did go there. TOM Id like to know when. GATSBY

It was in nineteen-nineteen. I was there for only five months. Thats why I cant really call myself an Oxford man. (V.O.) NICK I wanted to pat Gatsby on the back. DAISY Open the whiskey Tom! TOM Wait a minute! I want to ask Mr. Gatsby another question. GATSBY Go On. TOM What kind of problems are you trying to cause in my house? DAISY He isnt causing anything you are! Please have some selfcontrol! TOM Self-control! I suppose the latest thing is to sit back and let Mr. Nobody from Nowhere make love to your wife. Well, if thats the case you can count me out! GATSBY Ive got something to tell you, old sport.

DAISY Please dont! Lets just go home. Why dont we all go home? NICK (While getting up) Thats a good idea. Come on Tom. Nobody wants a drink. TOM I want to know what Mr. Gatsby has to tell me. GATSBY Your wife doesnt love you. Shes never loved you. She loves me. TOM You must be crazy! GATSBY (Jumping with excitement to his feet) She never loved you, do you hear? She only married you because I was poor and she was tired of waiting for me. It was a terrible mistake, but in her heart she never loved anyone except me! (Nick and Jordan try leaving) TOM Sit down, Daisy. Whats been going on? I want to hear all about it? GATSBY

6 I told you whats been going on. Going on for 5 years-and you didnt know. TOM (Turns to Daisy) (In disbelief) Youve been seeing this fellow for five years? GATSBY Not seeing. No, we couldnt meet. But both of us loved each other all that time, old sport, and you didnt know. I used to laugh sometimes to think that you didnt know.

TOM (Tapping his fingers together leaning in the chair) Oh-thats all. GATSBY (Walking over and standing next to Daisy) Daisy, thats all over now. It doesnt matter anymore. Just tell him the truth-that you never loved him, and it all will be wiped out forever. DAISY Why-how could I love him-possibly? GATSBY You never loved him.

DAISY I never loved him TOM Not at Kapiolani? DAISY No. TOM Not that day I carried you down from the Punch Bowl to keep your shoes dry? Daisy?! DAISY Please dont. You want too much! I love you now-isnt that enough? I cant help whats past. I did love him once-but I loved you too.

GATSBY (Gatsbys eyes opened and closed) You loved me too? TOM Even thats a lie; she didnt know you were alive. Why-therere things between Daisy and me that youll never know, things that neither of us can ever forget. GATSBY I want to speak to Daisy alone. Shes all excited now DAISY

Even alone I cant say I never loved Tom, it wouldnt be true. TOM Of course it wouldnt. DAISY (Turns to her husband) As if it mattered to you. TOM Of course it matters. Im going to take better care of you from now on. GATSBY (Panicky) You dont understand. Youre not going to take care of her anymore. TOM (Laughing uncontrollably) Im not? Whys that? GATSBY Daisys leaving you. TOM Nonsense. DAISY But I am though! TOM (Angrily) Shes not leaving me! Certainly not for a common swindler whod

9 have to steal the ring he put on her finger. DAISY Please, tom! I cant stand this anymore. TOM You two start on home, Daisy. In Mr. Gatsbys Car. DAISY (Looking alarmed) TOM Go on. He wont annoy you. I think he realizes that his presumptions little flirtation is over. Daisy and Gatsby leave the Plaza Hotel. Tom, Nick, and Jordan are still there. TOM (Unwrapping the whiskey bottle) Want any of this stuff? Jordan? Nick? NICK What? TOM Want any? NICK No I just remembered that todays my birthday. Im thirty. EXT. VALLEY OF ASHES-MIDNIGHT

10 It is a dark night driving home. Daisy is driving Gatsbys car when suddenly Myrtle runs out into the middle of the road. Tom, Nick, and Jordan arrive at the scene after Myrtle is hit and police arrive. GEORGE WILSON Ive got my wife locked in up there MYRTLE WILSON Beat me! Throw me down and beat me, you dirty little coward! TOM Wreck! Thats good. Wilsonll have a little business at last. Well take a look. Just a look. Myrtle Wilsons body wrapped in a blanket and in another blanket as though she suffered from a chill in the hot night. Lying on a work table by the wall. And Tom with his back to Jordan and Nick bending over motionless. TOM (CONTD) (Gasping moan) Oh, My God! Oh, my Ga-od! Oh, my Ga-od! Oh, my Ga-od! Oh, my Ga-od! Policeman talking to eyewitnesses about the incident that just happened, George Wilson is crying. TOM (CONTD) Youve got to pull yourself together. GEORGE WILSON


The God damned coward! He didnt even stop his car. Tom, Nick, and Jordan arrive at the Buchannans house. It is a dark somber night. Nick wants go home, but Jordan invites him inside. Gatsby is in the bushes hiding waiting for Daisy. JORDAN Wont you come in Nick? NICK No thanks. JORDAN Its only half passed nine. NICK (V.O.) Id be damned if I go in. I had enough of all of them for one day and suddenly that include Jordan too. NICK (CONTD) (Walking to the bushes) What are you doing? GATSBY Just standing here old sport. Did you see any trouble out on the road? NICK Yes. GATSBY


Was she killed? NICK Yes. GATSBY I thought so. I told Daisy I thought so. Its better for the shock to all come at once. She stood it pretty well. I got to west Egg by a side road and left the car in my garage. I didnt think anybody saw us, but of course I cant be sure. GATSBY (CONTD) Who was the woman? NICK Her name was Wilson. Her husband owns the garage. How the devil did it happen? Was Daisy driving? GATSBY Yes, but of course I will say I was. NICK It ripped her open. GATSBY Dont tell me old sport. Anyhow Daisy stepped on it. I tried to make her stop but she couldnt, so I pulled on the Emergency brake. GATSBY (CONTD)

13 She will be alright tomorrow. Im just going to wait here. And see if he tries to bother her. Daisy and tom were sitting opposite each other at the kitchen table, with a plate of cold fried chicken between them, and two bottles of ale. Talking about the incident and the outcome of them two. Gatsby is waiting for a phone call from Daisy. Gatsby is shot by George Wilson due to accusations about Gatsby running over Myrtle. The atmosphere is filled with tension. NICK You ought to go away, Its pretty certain theyll trace your car. GATSBY Go away now, old sport. NICK Go to Atlantic City for a week, or up to Montreal. NICK (V.O.) He wouldnt consider it. He couldnt possibly leave Daisy until he knew what she was going to do. He was clutching at some last hope and I couldnt bear to shake him free. GATSBY You know, old sport, I have never used that pool all summer.

14 NICK (Looks at watch) Twelve minutes to my train. Ill call you up GATSBY Do, old sport. NICK (walking down the steps with Gatsby) Ill call you about noon. GATSBY I suppose Daisy will call too. NICK I suppose so. GATSBY (Shakes Nicks hand while saying goodbye) Well, good-by. Gatsby goes for a swim in his pool. George Wilson has come into the backyard with a gun and planned to shoot Gatsby and himself.


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