Angelman Syndrome Business Plan

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Parker Johnson Benjamin Kesterson 11/08/2011 4th Hour Business Management Angelman Syndrome Business Plan Nature of the

Business White wristbands with na ! embossed "#et $s %&!' ( %ront) "*omets' ( Ba+k) ",nge&man -!ndrome %oundation' . /nterior ,nge&man -!ndrome %oundation) /0*1 . 2he ,nge&man -!ndrome %oundation is a nationa& organi3ation o4 4ami&ies) +aregi ers and medi+a& 5ro4essiona&s who +are about those with ,nge&man -!ndrome1 2here are man! di44erent wristbands being +reated and so&d dai&!1 *omet *orner/Business Management *&ass ( 6e&ati e&! -ma&& Parker Johnson ( 17 !ear o&d so5homore 4rom Hano er.Horton High -+hoo& Ben Kesterson ( 18 !ear o&d senior 4rom Hano er.Horton High -+hoo& Goals and Objectives ,d ertise and se&& a&& o4 our wristbands that are bought with our 8200 origina& 5ur+hase to Hano er.Horton students and +ommunit!1 9:5and our sa&es and ad ertisements to 5eo5&e in a&& states) using our 5ro4its to bu! more wristbands whi&e sti&& donating to our organi3ation1 Marketing Plan -tudents) sta44) and our +ommunit! wi&& be +ustomers1 Wristbands are +ommon) but the demand 4or *omet wristbands is high1 *omet -wag wristbands are white with red 5ainted &etters1 ;ur wristbands are white with na ! embossed &etters1 6isks ma! be er! high) or &ow) de5ending on the demand 4or our wristbands o er other +ommon wristbands1 / be&ie e the risk is &ow at this time1 *omet *orner/Business Management *&ass ( 6e&ati e&! -ma&& Parker Johnson ( 17 !ear o&d so5homore 4rom Hano er.Horton High -+hoo& Ben Kesterson ( 18 !ear o&d senior 4rom Hano er.Horton High -+hoo& Financial Plan 8200 /n estment needed 810.817 to make) maintain) ad ertisements <17 wristbands . 81==127 . 801>4 5er wristband1 -et 5ri+e . 82170 5er wristband1 Pro4it o4 8118> 5er wristband so&d1

Organi ational Plan #ega& 4orm o4 ownershi5 a55ro ed b! s+hoo&1 #ega& 4orm o4 entre5reneurshi51 9ntre5reneurs ( Ben Kesterson and Parker Johnson1 ,d ertisers and Promoters ( *&ass students1 -e+retaries ( Mrs1 ?regor! and 2i44an! 6a!mond Bui&ding . Hano er.Horton -+hoo& ( *omet *orner and s5orting e ents1 9@ui5ment ( *ash Bo: and 6e+ei5t 5a5ers

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