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Business Management: A Business Plan for Change

Benchmark: Academic Skill: Business/Technology

Not everyone gets the chance to take business management class in high school, and some even choose not to. I, on the other hand, as !uick to act hen I as given the o""ortunity to s itch into the class and did so immediately. As a so"homore, Mrs. #regory taught my business class that contained students from so"homores to seniors. Being ne to her as a teacher, I as nervous taking a class that had a teacher I asn$t familiar ith% her class could have affected my #PA in an une&"ected ay. 'o ever, as I got further into the course, I soon became very comfortable ith her as my teacher and felt great about my study in her class. (ach year, in hich Mrs. #regory taught Business Management class, she had a "ro)ect in hich students created a "roduct to benefit a great cause. *his "articular year, students ere broken into si& different grou"s. Being the controlling and hard orking student that I am, I the leadershi" role from my grou" and came u" ith the "ro)ect$s inning "roduct. My grou" created +,et -s .ly/ bracelets% all "rofits from the bracelets e sold ent to the Angelman 0yndrome .oundation to hel" those in need. I chose this business "lan because it as the "ro)ect$s inner and did great things for others in the end. Anytime you can hel" others, es"ecially hen you kno someone affected, it is a great feeling. *o this day, I still get thanked by a very close friend of mine for hat I did ith that "ro)ect and that fact that I could su""ort his sister. As a young adult, there is no better feeling than hat I did in Business Management class. I reali1ed through this "ro)ect ho im"ortant it truly is to hel" others hen they$re in need and to give back as much as "ossible. 2ou never kno ho much a sim"ly action could affect someone else. As a future business o ner of an o"tometrist "ractice, I learned ho to create a successful business "lan through this "ro)ect. I also learned ho to follo u" ith a business "lan and to actually make that "lan come to life. *his business "lan "ro)ect ill one day hel" me hen I decide to o"en my o n business.

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