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Weight Training: Four Week Weight Training Program

Benchmark: Academic Skill: Health/Physical Education

Like most other kids in my Weight Training class, I was a freshman in high school and strived to learn new things about my body Weight Training was one of my favorite classes because I am very interested in the human body and my health !r "esor and !r #tewart, the two Physical $ducation teachers strive on two things to determine each student%s grade: did they give effort and do the best they could& There was one large assignment in Weight Training class however $ach student was to create a four week weight training 'rogram to fit their schedule and to get what they wanted out of the class As a freshman coming off my first basketball season on the (unior )arsity team, I did little to stay in sha'e for baseball season It was at about this time that I created my four week training 'rogram I had many goals for my 'rogram, most of which I achieved I wanted to increase my s'eed and strength while recovering from the offseason and getting in sha'e again In my 'rogram created a list of hel'ful e*ercises and then broke down my schedule for four full weeks and made an agenda for what I was to do each day in Weight Training class +eing the dedicated 'erson that I am, I used my great work ethic to follow my 'rogram and achieve the goals I set for myself I chose to use this assignment because of its in de'th breakdown and the time it took to create I did receive a nearly 'erfect grade on this assignment as well, but was 'enali,ed ten 'oints for not sta'ling the 'a'ers together A concern for health is one thing that every 'erson has in common As a young adult, it becomes more im'ortant each daily to be healthy Peo'le begin to be faced with bad, unhealthy decisions at this time in their lives It is their -ob at this 'oint to say no to these decisions and choose to be healthy instead As an o'tometrist, it will be my -ob to make sure my 'atients% eyes and vision are healthy and how they should be If a virus or bacteria is 'resent in the eye, it will be my res'onsibility to diagnose as such and 'rovide treatment for the affected individual As a doctor, a 'atient%s health and condition comes first and is the most im'ortant

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