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High School Exam Exemption Form

Benchmark: Personal Management Skill: P101: Have a good attendance record at school, work, and/or extracurricular activities P107: Be self-motivated in taking res onsi!ilit" Hanover-Horton High School rewards its students for good attendance and good grades in the classroom. A student who has missed only two days or less in each class with a maximum of fourteen a!sences and maintains a ".# or higher grade point average they are a!le to exempt out of two exams. Students who failed to meet the attendance guideline can still get out of one exam !y maintaining a ".#. A maximum of two exemption opportunities are given to each student. As a child of a large family $ have many responsi!ilities !oth at home and in school. Everyone in my family is expected to go to college after graduating high school% we all have to rely on scholarships and loans to help pay for that college as it would !e way too expensive for my parents to pay for all of our tuition. $ am &P'()* self-motivated in taking res onsi!ilit" and $ perform well in school. $ am also self-motivated in my responsi!ility to &P'('* have a good attendance record at school and to !e on time. +ot only does it help me !y allowing me to get out of exams !ut it also allows me to learn as much as possi!le% thus $ will !e ready for college. ,his self-motivation is also creating the ha!it of good attendance% this will !e helpful in the future when $ need to attend college courses and have no one to force me to do so. Self-motivation in ta-ing responsi!ility and good attendance are two very important things to have in life. $ am fortunate to have ac.uired !oth of these .ualities as a young adult% $ am not creating !ad ha!its at a young age and $ am preventing trou!le for myself in the future. ,hese two .ualities allow me to perform well in school and will !e helpful in my upcoming college studies. ,hese .ualities will also help me while practicing my career. $ will always have to ta-e responsi!ility for my actions as an optometrist. $f $ do not perform an exam correctly or fail to ta-e the correct actions to fix ones eye or eyes it will !e my responsi!ility to do so a second time for free. $ must also have good attendance as an optometrist% if $ do not $ could !e putting my !usiness and staff at /eopardy of losing money.

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