p103 - Meet School And-Or Work Deadlines

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SIP Writing Rubric

Benchmark: Personal Management Skills: P103: Meet school and/or work deadlines

In each class at Hanover-Horton High School, every student is required to do a SIP writing assignment each semester. hese assignments are not li!e any other homewor! assignment" these writings are given to Mr. #ra$er, the $rinci$al o% our school, to see i% im$rovement is being made in our school&s writing abilities. 'or this reason, these assignments are weighed heavily in the grade boo!" it is not an o$tion, one cannot $ass a class without doing its writing assignment. However, in high school, deadlines are deadlines" no late wor! is acce$ted by teachers. It is crucial %or each individual to meet the given deadline on the assignment. Recently, in S$orts raining class, I was given the SIP writing with the to$ic ()our In-Season *utrition Plan.+ ,ach student was to read the article $resented with the assignment, write a one $age summary on it, and create a gra$h including the caloric inta!e o% the e-am$le $lan. We were assigned the writing on a uesday and it was due the %ollowing 'riday. hat day I too! the in%ormation home and got my writing done early" %inishing early gave me the o$$ortunity to have my $a$er reviewed by multi$le teachers and still had time to get it in early by hursday. I strive to .P/012 meet school and/or work deadlines on all school assignments" I $ride mysel% in the %act that I&ve never gotten a 3ero %or an assignment due to it being late. I also recently registered %or 'reshman 4rientation at 'erris State 5niversity this winter. hough the deadline %or registration is not until late #ecember, I %elt that it was necessary to get it out o% the way" I no longer have to worry about %orgetting and not being able to ta!e s$ring semester courses. 6eing able to meet school and wor! deadlines is always going to be a large $art o% my li%e. 7s a young adult, it a%%ects me daily in the sense that I have homewor! %or school" I will continue to have homewor! throughout my college career. Procrastinating and then having to rush to get something done is never %un" one should wor! their hardest to get things done early to meet deadlines without any trouble. 7%ter graduating %rom Michigan 8ollege o% 4$tometry I $lan on $ursuing my dream o% becoming an o$tometrist. 'or this reason, there will be little time o%% between school and the beginning o% my career. 7 limited brea! will %orce me to be able to meet given school or wor! deadlines without trouble. I will be able to manage my time wisely with and between $atients in the o%%ice" %or this reason, I should never be behind schedule at wor!.

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