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St. Johns and Hanover-Horton Logos

Benchmark: Personal Management Skills: P104: Find new and creative ways to solve problems

Throughout my life, Ive gone to a few different s hools. !hen first starting out, I "egan s hool at #i""le $lementary for Pre-S hool. I then transferred to St. Johns $lementary to attend first grade in a %rivate s hool setting. &t St. Johns I made a lot of my friends that I ontinued to hang out with and %lay s%orts with over the years. However, after only one year at St. Johns $lementary, my %arents de ided to move and transferred all of my si"lings to Hanover-Horton S hools. I was 'ust starting out life and getting really lose with my friends from the ity when my %arents threw my entire family a urve"all. I had 'ust finished first grade, when we found a new %la e to live. I was for e to restart my hildhood all over( I met new %eo%le, gained new friends, and ada%ted to an entire new environment. I had to )P*+,- find new and creative ways to solve problem. Meeting new %eo%le and "e oming lose friends as a .id an "e tough. However, on the first day of se ond grade I found %eo%le in my lass that li.ed the same things as I did( "e oming friends with others was a lot easier than I thought it would "e. /eing outgoing hel%ed me to tal. to more %eo%le and it %aid off when %eo%le I s%o.e with onsidered me as a friend. 0oming to this s hool was a su essful hange in my life( I found life time friends and "roadened my range of and lifestyle. 1inding new and reative ways to solve %ro"lems will "e ru ial in my future life. There wont always "e sim%le ways to solve diffi ulties in life( therefore, I will have to "e a"le to thin. of new or reative solutions to su h %ro"lems. &s a young adult getting ready to attend ollege, I will have to thin. of reative solutions to ada%t to living on my own. This may "e diffi ult( oming from a family of nine hildren, I have always had someone to tal. to or hangout with at any time. The easy way out annot always "e ta.en in life( at times you need to ta.e a different road to solve a s%e ifi %ro"lem. 2sing the information I will a 3uire through 4%tometry S hool, I will need to find new and reative ways to solve %ro"lems with my %atients at times. 0ertain individuals may "e allergi to ertain %res ri%tions( it would "e that this time that I would need to find another way to fi5 su h a %ro"lem in a %atients eye.

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