Exhibit: Benchmark: Personal Management Skills

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Senior Trans Grade Sheet

Benchmark: Personal Management Skills: P108: Go beyond what is asked to improve personal, educational, or workrelated projects. P10 : !eco"ni#e a need or opportunity and take appropriate action In Senior Transitions class at Hanover-Horton High School, each student is required to make a portfolio about him or herself The first assignment in the class contained a section of !ork that required each student to take several personalit" qui##es and evaluate them $ne qui#, ho!ever, !as blocked from our school computers% for this reason, taking this test and evaluating it became e&tra credit because it !as be"ond !hat !as e&pected from each student I sa! this e&tra credit opportunit" and took full advantage of it% not onl" did it improve m" educational status, but it made the class easier for m"self in the long run 's a ( ) student, I am al!a"s looking for !a"s to improve m" grades and keep them as high as possible *" taking these actions, I +P,)-. "o beyond what is asked to improve educational projects I am al!a"s !illing to do e&tra credit or stud" e&tra information to do the best that I can do in class /hen told in Senior Transitions class of the e&tra credit opportunit", I did not hesitate to act I +P,)0. reco"ni#ed an opportunity and took appropriate action That da" I took the qui#, printed it off, and made sure to complete m" revie! as soon as possible Senior Transitions class is not the onl" class in !hich e&tra credit is offered ho!ever In 1alculus, I !as told that an" donation brought in for our homecoming can drive counted as e&tra credit Similarl", I !as quick to act on this and managed to obtain a good grade because of it /hen presented in life !ith opportunities to improve "ourself b" going be"ond !hat is asked, it is al!a"s good to take action 's a "oung adult, I am presented !ith man" opportunities These opportunities contain good and bad% I am able to recogni#e the good from the bad, and thus I continue improve m"self as an individual Such opportunities include the follo!ing2 e&tracurricular activities to improve social skills% and e&tra credit to help !ith m" educational status *eing able to go be"ond !hat is asked of "ou and being able to recogni#e opportunities are beneficial to almost an" 3ob 's an optometrist, it is beneficial to attend educationals, required or not, to improve and revie! "our kno!ledge over time These educationals !ill make !ork much easier for "ou and ma" provide "ou !ith ne! information It is "our 3ob, ho!ever, to seek out the opportunit" and then take the appropriate actions of going be"ond !hat is asked of "ou to improve "our kno!ledge

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