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The Scientific Revolution (1500-1700) Slide (Notes) CHY4U November 25th, 2013

-Beginning of modern science what we know, how we know - Using logic, observation, and reason rather than faith - Technology - What our solar system is made up of - Causes universities (meeting new people), Renaissance (science, art, and humanities), exploration (new technology for discovering and navigating, Reformation (new ideas) Nicolause Copernicus: - Heliocentric Theory sun is the center; all the planets circle it - Father of modern astrology Tycho Brahe: - Danish astrologer - He supported the Ptolemaic system (geocentric) - Did not believe in Copernicuss theory but ended up proving it right anyways (Brahe thought the planets revolve around the sun which revolves around the Earth) - Built observatory and collected data (mapped 700 stars) Sir Francis Bacon - Political leader in England - Empirical method - Inductive logic observation, pattern, hypothesis, theory - Father of Scientific method Galileo Galilei: - Discovered speed of acceleration for gravity - He followed Copernicuss theories but was less theoretical and voiced his opinions more - Published Dialogue on Two World Systems - He got in trouble with the Church - 1633 charged by the Inquisition for heresy, half-recanted and was put on house arrest - Improved the telescope Johann Kepler: - Assistant to Brahe - Obsessed with planets and explained their motion as elliptical and not circular - Invented 3 Laws of Planetary Motion Rene Descartes: - Deductive logic theory, hypothesis, observation, confirmation (How we know) - Invented Cartesian geometry

Sir Isaac Newton:

- Used the astronomy of Copernicus & Kepler and the physics of Galileo - Invented 3 laws of Motion - Defined gravity and its laws - Invented optics and calculus (along with Leibniz) Problems: - Religion Scientific Revolution rejects past beliefs of the Catholic Church - Politics leads to Enlightenment & Political revolutions later on

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