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Campbell 1

Stephanie Campbell Mrs. Stine English 10c; 4th Hour 21 May, 2013 Mice an En ings !obert "urns once #rote $%he best plans o& Mice an Men,' (&ten go a#ry,...) *3+,40-. "urns #rote this poem, $%o a Mouse), in 1./0 a&ter estroying the nest o& a mouse #hile plo#ing his &iel . He 1ne# that he ha probably 1ille that mouse an #ith this 2ohn Steinbec1 #rote a no3el. %he no3el Of Mice and Men is &ille #ith the &oresha o#ing o& ba en s, 4ust li1e that o& the poor little mouse. 5rom the beginning o& the no3el 6ennie, the mentally challenge main character, #as 1no#n &or acci ental homici e o& mice. 7long #ith that #e 1no# that 8eorge an 6ennie #ere run out o& the last to#n &or 6ennie9s beha3ior to#ar s a girl an that there is only one, &lirtatious girl on the ranch. :& #e put all these things an the title together #e can begin to pre ict the possible outcomes that coul occur. %here is also another &oresha o#ing going on #ith 8eorge, 6ennie, an the title. 8eorge an 6ennie ha3e a plan' ream to $...ha3e a little house an a couple o& acres an9 a co# an some pigs...) that they are #or1ing &or throughout the no3el *14; ch. 2-. %hey #ere #or1ing an sa3ing money up to buy their o#n lan an 6ennie #as going to ten rabbits. "ut #e ha3e to loo1 bac1 at the title to 1no# that this is a plan 4ust li1e that o& the mouses9 &rom the poem. Steinbec19s title choice prophesies the ba en ing o& the biggest plot in the boo1. %he title, also, hints to#ar s the en s to other characters li1e Curley an his #i&e. Curley9s #i&e gre# up #anting to be &amous an ha the option to be, but only #hen those options &ell through i she marry Curley. 5rom there they ha a ba marriage an relationship

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all aroun . Curley9s #i&e #as not happy an you coul tell she #as not the 1in to put up #ith that &or long. 7 itionally, her beha3ior to#ar the #or1ers li1e 8eorge an 6ennie such as $;(h<9 =Curley9s #i&e> put her han s behin her bac1 an leane against the oor &rame so that her bo y #as thro#n &or#ar .) begins to present possible ba en ings *31; ch. 2-. Curly himsel& &oresha o#e a ba en ing because o& his senseless anger to#ar s 6ennie an the &ight they ha . Curley #as the 1in o& guy that ha a short guy comple? an coul be 3ery angerous. He o#ne his #i&e an together they coul be ea ly to the other characters. 7nother character #hose &ate is being &oretol throughout the no3el is Can y. Can y #as the ol man #ith a missing han an a og. %o Can y his og #as his best an only &rien an #as lost #hen Carlson shot him. @e can compare the &rien ship o& Can y an his og to that o& 8eorge an 6ennie. "est &rien s #ho ha3e no one but each other, an in the en $.. 8eorge raise the gun an stea ie it, an he brought the muAAle o& it close to the bac1 o& 6ennie9s hea ...), they lost that as #ell *10B; ch. B-. :n this instance Can y an his og #here &oresha o#ing the en ing o& 8eorge an 6ennie9s relationship. "ase o&& o& the min set i& Can y a&ter losing his og #e coul ma1e an assumption about #hat #ill happen to 8eorge #hen he #al1s a#ay &rom the bo y o& 6ennie. Cno#ing the origin o& Steinbec19s title choice it is easy to pre ict the outcomes o& many Of Mice and Men characters. Many o& the characters ha3e reams an plans that 4ust on9t turn out &or them. !obert "urns poem #as a li&e lesson an Steinbec1 #as able to apply that to his no3el #ith &oresha o#ing an emonstrate true li&e through his characters. Most boo1s en #ith

a happy en ing an that is #hat you e?pect #hen you begin to rea this boo1, but as !obert "urns once #rote $%he best plans o& Mice an Men,' (&ten go a#ry,...) *3+,40-. (ur i ea is li1e a plan an our thoughts an &eelings at the en o& this boo1 #here as1e#. :t is 1in o& li1e the title is pre iction ho# #e #ill be at the en o& this no3el.

Campbell 3

@or1s Cite Steinbec1, 2ohn. Of Mice and Men. De# Eor1F Genguin "oo1s, 1+3.. Grint.

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