Slideshow Ryandebrovner

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How do humans recognize sound?

by Ryan Debrovner

How can we tell these sounds apart:

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Sound recognition happens everyday.

Music is one commonly recognized sound.

Repetition of sounds helps to remember sounds we hear.

Sound recognition helps us to

remember how to speak accordingly.

Theres more

This is one of the main reasons why deaf people have a hard time speaking correctly.

When people cant recognize voices, it is known as phonagnosia.

When we speak, we project sound waves. Those sound waves are carried to the ear, then are processed and stored in the brain.

How the Human Ear Processes Sound

Sound enters the ear canal through the auricle*.



Theres more...

Then sound is transported to the tympanic membrane*.

*Eardrum and more...

After that, it is then carried to the cochlea.

and more...

Sound is then signaled to the auditory cortex.

And one more...

The hippocampus stores the memory of those sounds.


the role of the

stores long-term memory help us to navigate.

Acoustic encoding is when sounds are processed, memorized, and stored in the brain.

*inaudibly, in the mind

Our memorys input is sub-vocally* repeated to make it easier to remember.

Sound takes more processing than you think to be encrypted in your mind.

The auditory area and visual area work together to create a visual image of a person.

auditory area = voice and its owner visual area = persons face

Multiple Sensory Modality: When two or more senses act like one.

There is no such thing as complete silence.

Hearing and recognizing the different sounds from our everyday lives helps us to interpret and differentiate them from other sounds we may hear.

Summary: Excellent work, Ryan! Great graphics. Concise and clear summations of complex ideas. This is work in which you should take pride.

Semester science grade: A+

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