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Xie 1 Ricky Xie Kristen Foster CO150.003 Nov 18th, 2013 College E !c"tion# $t!

y %&ro" or $t"y 'o(e )n " Ne*+,e"r -"rty *ith (y Chinese co(-"ny, one o. (y .rien s e/cite ly tol (e th"t he *"s very h"--y. 'e s"i , 01hen ) .irst "rrive "t %(eric" .ive ye"rs "go, there *"s .e* Chinese -eo-le here "n he .elt lonely so(eti(es. No* ) "( so gl" th"t so ("ny Chinese co(-"triots c"n get together "n cele&r"te the Ne* ,e"r, *hich 2!st ("kes (e .eel "t ho(e. ) en2oy this -"rty " lot.3 4h"t is "&sol!tely tr!e. No*" "ys, there "re " gro*ing n!(&er o. -eo-le *ho h"s eci e to go on "n .inish their !n ergr" !"te st! y in "nother co!ntry inste" o. sitting "t ho(e. For inst"nce, the n!(&er o. intern"tion"l st! ents in 5$ is no* !- to 816788 .ro( the ne*est re-ort, *ith " 9 -ercent incre"sing r"te :O-en ;oor 2013<. %s overse"s college e !c"tion is &eco(ing " (ore "n (ore -o-!l"r choice "(ong st! ents, -!&lic, -"rents "n st! ents in -"rtic!l"r, st"rt to think highly o. overse"s st! y "n .oc!s their "ttention on this iss!e. )n the (e"nti(e, they *on er *hether st! y "&ro" c"n &e " &etter o-tion .or their teens to s!rvive in the society *ith "n incre"sing co(-etition. On one h"n , st! ying in " .oreign co!ntry oes re=!ire " high t!ition .ee, *hich c"n &e " .in"nci"l &!r en .or so(e ."(ilies. >oreover, it ("y &e i..ic!lt .or st! ents to overco(e -otenti"l c!lt!re shock "n integr"te into " str"nge society *ith !n."(ili"r l"ng!"ges. On the other h"n , st! ents "re e/-ecte to receive &etter e !c"tion in their host co!ntries, *hich c"n enor(o!sly &ene.it their .!t!re c"reer. 1h"t?s (ore, e/-eriences o. living in " loc"l co((!nity o. host co!ntries c"n "lso hel- st! ents -ro(ote their e(otion"l evelo-(ent. )n (y (in , st! ents sho!l go "&ro" to contin!e their college e !c"tion.

Xie 2 4o st"rt *ith, st! ents "re "&le to receive high+=!"lity e !c"tion i. they go "&ro" . 4here "re " lot o. " v"nce colleges "ro!n the *orl th"t st! ents c"n "--ly .or. %ccor ing to The World University Rankings, there "re 26 %(eric"n !niversities in the to- 50 *orl !niversity list, "long *ith 10 .ro( E!ro-e "n 7 .ro( %si", incl! ing so(e ."(o!s !niversities like '"rv"r .ro( 5$ "n O/.or .ro( @rit"in. For e/"(-le, '"rv"r is reg"r e "s " sy(&ol in the e !c"tion .iel . 4he @!siness College "n >e ic"l College in '"rv"r is to- r"nke "(ong %(eric"n 5niversities :'"rv"r 5niversity<. $ince '"rv"r is " rese"rch !niversity *ith 0so(e very *ell+ kno*n schol"rs "n e/-erts "s ."c!lty3, st! ents c"n get "ccess to receive high =!"lity e !c"tion .ro( the( "n co((!nic"te *ith the( ."ce to ."ce *hich ("y ("ke the i..erence in st! ents? .!t!re st! y lives :Aer("<. F!rther(ore, " lot o. t"lente "n s-eci"l -eo-le enroll in '"rv"r e"ch ye"r, hel-ing cre"te " co(-etitive "t(os-here *hich enh"nces st! ents to eng"ge in "c" e(ic le"rning :Aer("<. 4he i..erence o. e !c"tion &et*een ho(e co!ntries "n host co!ntries c"n hel- -eo-le ch"nge their "c" e(ic ro!tines. %s ) "( " st! ents .ro( Chin", ) .eel th"t the o-en style o. %(eric"n st! y -ro(ote (y "c" e(ic -er.or("nce. 4he Chinese e !c"tion syste( consists o. strict r!les, " &!nch o. ho(e*ork "n rote le"rning, *hich ten s to .orce st! ents s-en (ore th"n eight ho!rs " "y on st! y, even in their holi "ys :C"sh<. 1hile in %(eric", the le"rning style is (ore o-en, .le/i&le "n connecte to the re"l li.e. Boing "&ro" c"n not only hel- st! ents get &etter e !c"tion, &!t "lso give the( "n o--ort!nity to h"ve " &etter -re-"r"tion .or their .!t!re c"reers. )n " s!rvey "&o!t the (otiv"tion o. st! y "&ro" , "&o!t 60 -ercent o. the 5K res-on ents hol "n i e" th"t h"ving "n overse"s st! y e/-erience c"n give the( "n e ge in getting " s"tis.ie 2o& :$h"r("<. 4hey &elieve th"t overse"s e/-erience c"n hel- the( 0st"n o!t3 *hen co(-eting .or " -o-!l"r 2o&. 1h"t?s (ore ,"ccor ing to " s!rvey con !ct &y )E$ %&ro" , " le" ing non+-ro.it org"niC"tion o. st! y

Xie 3 "&ro" -rogr"(s, it sho*s th"t 0ne"rly 60D o. st! y "&ro" "l!(ni .o!n their .irst 2o&s *ithin si/ (onths o. gr" !"tion co(-"re to only 86D o. recent college gr" !"tes in the gener"l -o-!l"tion *ho .o!n 2o&s *ithin " ye"rE st! y "&ro" "l!(ni e"rne F9,000 (ore in st"rting s"l"ries3:GR1e&<, *hich in ic"tes th"t overse"s st! ents o h"ve strength in .in ing " 2o& co(-"re to those *ho oes not h"ve " st! y+"&ro" e/-erience. >e"n*hile, soci"l acculturation is another gift that students can get benefit from overseas experience, *hich ("y -l"y "n i(-ort"nt role in their c"reer. %s people continue living abroad, they will gradually become familiar with the new habit and new culture. These tough adaptive processes will often lead to the form of independence, " "-t"&ility "n &etter glo&"l !n erst"n ing :GR1e&<, *hich "re the key skills th"t "re tho!ght highly o. &y co(-"ny ("n"gers. Fro( *h"t ) t"lk "&ove, *e c"n cle"rly .in o!t th"t st! y+e/-erience is &ene.ici"l in .in ing 2o&s. F!rther(ore, st! y "&ro" c"n "lso hel- st! ents -ro(ote their e(otion"l evelo-(ent. %s " Chinese st! ent *ho is no* st! ying in 5$, ) notice th"t there "re so(e h!ge ch"nges on (y li.e. 1hile st! ying in 5$, there is no -"rents "cco(-"nying yo! "n no&o y *ill ins-ect yo!r st! y -rocess. )t is "ll o!r !ty to &e in e-en ent "n t"ke c"re o!rselves, &oth in st! y "n in "ily li.e. ) ("n"ge (y o*n st! y sche !le. ) le"rn to cook .or (ysel.. >oreover, ) !se to &e shy *hen (eeting (y %(eric"n cl"ss("tes "n s"y little !ring gro!- st! ies, *hich c"n !n er(ine (y "c" e(ic involve(ent. ) .orce (ysel. to &e o-en+(in e "n o!tgoing. No* ) c"n &reeCily t"lk *ith (y %(eric"n .rien s. 4hese ch"llenges 2!st enco!r"ge (e to evelo(ore -erson"l skills "n strengthen (y " "-t"&ility. >e"n*hile, in the "rticle 0$t! ying %&ro" @oost $t! ents? E(otion"l ;evelo-(ent3, the "!thor e/-l"ins "&o!t the ch"nge o. st! ents &e.ore "n ".ter going overse"s. 'e "rg!es th"t going "&ro" .or higher e !c"tion hel-s st! ents

Xie 8 0 evelo- e(otion"l st"&ility "n o-enness3. :1oo < $t! ents *ho integr"te s!ccess.!lly into " i..erent c!lt!re ("y .in it e"sier to co-e *ith ne* sit!"tions "n ("ster ch"llenges. :1oo < % (itte ly, st! y "&ro" c"n &ring so(e tro!&le to st! ents in so(e *"y. One o. the (ost vit"l ."ctors is high t!ition. For inst"nce, in Color" o $t"te 5niversity, the t!ition .or " co((on st! ent *ith 15 cre its is "&o!t 25 tho!s"n oll"rs, *hich c"n &e " &ig &!r en .or intern"tion"l oll"rs

st! ents :4!ition<. )n '"rv"r 5niversity, the tot"l t!ition c"n &e !- to 82 tho!s"n

:'"rv"r 5niversity<. 1orth still, high t!ition 2!st .orces intern"tion"l st! ents to gr" !"te .ro( college in 3 ye"rs inste" o. 8 ye"rs :Hi(eneC<. 'o*ever, ) on?t think this is s!ch " serio!s iss!e th"t c"n -revent st! ents .ro( going "&ro" . %ct!"lly (ost intern"tion"l st! ents c"n get schol"rshi-s .or( their !niversity. %ltho!gh (ost schol"rshi-s c"n only cover -"rt o. the t!ition, it oes re !ce the &!r en o. ."(ilies. %s " intern"tion"l st! ents in 5$, ) get " schol"rshi- o. 8 tho!s"n oll"rs e"ch ye"r. 1h"t?s (ore, st! ents c"n "lso .in -"rt ti(e 2o&s on c"(-!s to s"ve

so(e (oney. )n Color" o $t"te 5niversity, it oes o..er v"rio!s 2o&s to intern"tion"l st! ents, *ith the s"l"ry &et*een 6 oll"rs -er ho!r to 20 oll"rs -er ho!r :R"(1e&<. 4h"t is not " &ig "(o!nt o. (oney, &!t in so(e *"y, it c"n re !ce the .in"nci"l -ress!re o. intern"tion"l st! ents. >"ny "rg!e th"t the ("l" 2!st(ent o. st! ents in the !n."(ili"r society c"n h"r( st! ents? -reci-it"tion on c"(-!s. % rese"rch "&o!t the st! y lives o. Chinese st! ents in %(eric" h"s sho*n th"t th"t in" "-tion o. ne* environ(ent "n ins!..icient l"ng!"ge "n co((!nic"tion sills hin ere the( .ro( " 2!st(ent in the host society :$hi<. 4his is *h"t ) "lso "gree. 1hen ) .irst "rrive in 5$, ) *o!l like to live in (y o*n *orl +++sitting in the roo( &e.ore the screen -l"ying g"(es "n ch"tting *ith .rien s ."r "*"y in (y ho(eto*n. ;!e to ins!..icient l"ng!"ge skills "n the l"ck o. kno*le ge o. %(eric"n co((!nic"tive c!lt!re, ) h"r ly *"lke o!t "n s"y 0hi3 to (y %(eric"n neigh&or living ne/t to (e. 'o*ever, even tho!gh *e "re not ."(ili"r

Xie 5 *ith the ne* l"ng!"ge "n c!lt!r"l &"ckgro!n , *e "re gr" !"lly le"rning those "s *e contin!e o!r overse"s st! y. 1hile *e co((!nic"te *ith loc"l -eo-le, *e "re -r"cticing o!r l"ng!"ge. 1hile *e "re invite to " -"rty, it is " *"y to get ."(ili"r *ith loc"l c!lt!re. )t is tr!e th"t in" "-tion o. ne* environ(ent "n ins!..icient l"ng!"ge "n co((!nic"tion sills !n er(ine their -reci-it"tion, &!t there "re ch"nces every*here th"t *e c"n t"ke " v"nt"ge o. to &etter .it into host society. Every coin h"s t*o si es. % (itte ly, going "&ro" .or college st! y oes cost " lot o. (oney. %n there is no o!&t th"t st! ents *ill enco!nter i..ic!lties in (ost "s-ects. 'o*ever, *h"t st! y "&ro" c"n &ring to !s is inv"l!"&le. $t! ents c"n receive higher e !c"tion "&ro" . %lso, it en"&les st! ents to e..iciently h"ve " -re+-re-"r"tion .or their .!t!re c"reer. Fin"lly, the h"rsh lives in 5$ 2!st -rovi e "n o--ort!nity .or !s to steel o!r *ill. $ince the co(-etition is incre"sing r"-i ly recent ye"rs, these &ene.its c"n "ll hel- !s s!rvive in to "y?s society.

Xie 7 1ork Cite C"sh, H!stin. 04he Chinese E !c"tion Gro&le(# % ;is-"tch Fro( ;"li"n3 The Huffington Post. %OI :5K< Ii(ite , 20 Fe& 2013. 1e&, 18 Nov 2013. 0'"rv"r 5niversity3 US News. 5.$. NE1$ J 1ORI; REGOR4, n. . 1e&, 19 Nov 2013 Institute of International Education. )nstit!te o. )ntern"tion"l E !c"tion, 11 Nov 2013. 1e&, 19 Nov 2013 Hi(eneC, H!"n C"2ig"s. 0)ntern"tion"l $t! ents F"ce @!r en o. 'igh 4!ition, Ii(ite Fin"nci"l %ssist"nce.3 oston.co!. @oston Blo&e >e i" G"rtners, IIC, 9 Octo&er 2013. 1e&. 16 Octo&er 2013. PRWe . Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC, 24 March 2013. Web, 12 No 2013. Ra!We .Colorado !"a"e #ni ersi"$, n.d. Web, 1% No 2013. $h"r(", &o'ana. (1h"t (otiv"tes @rits "n %(eric"ns to st! y "&ro" K University World News. #ni ersi"$ World Ne)s, 0* March 2013.Web, 12 No 2013 $hi, Xingsong. LNegoti"ting Go*er "n %ccess to $econ I"ng!"ge Reso!rces# % $t! y on $hort+4er( Chinese >@% $t! ents in %(eric".L "odern #anguage $ournal 65.8 :2011<# 595+588. %cade!ic Search Pre!ier. 1e&. 12 Oct 2013. The World University Rankings. 4$I E !c"tion It , n. . 1e&, 18 Nov 2013. 04!ition3 &olorado State University. $t! ent Fin"nci"l $ervices + Color" o $t"te 5niversity, n. . 1e&, 16 Nov 2013 Aer(", >"nish". 010 to- re"sons to choose '"rv"r 5niversity3 #earnhu . Ie"rnh!&,n. . 1e&, 16 Nov 2013

Xie 9 1oo , H"nice. 0Studying Abroad Boost Students motional !evelopment3 Psych&entral. Gsych Centr"l, 5 H!ly 2013. 1e&, 12 Nov 2013.

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