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Lesson Plan #1

Author: Allison Schultz Date created: 10/13/2013 10:13 PM EDT ; Date modified: 10/14/2013 10:55 PM EDT

Vital Information Subject(s) Grade Le!el "bjecti!es Language A ts !English" # a$e % Stu$ents &ill e'ie& an$ e(e()e the $i**e ent *o (s o* *igu ati'e language Stu$ents &ill a++l, thei -no&le$ge to c eating thei o&n *o ( o* *igu ati'e language Stu$ents &ill + esent thei e.a(+le to the class an$ teach thei class(ates a)out thei *o ( o* *igu ati'e language


Dis#la$: /olla+se All E.+an$ All PA% Penns$l!ania Academic Standards Subject: 0ea$ing1 2 iting1 S+ea-ing an$ Listening Area 1&': 3ualit, o* 2 iting Grade 1&'&(: # a$e % Standard A&: 2 ite &ith a sha +1 $istinct *ocus4 5 6$enti*, to+ic1 tas- an$ au$ience4 5 Esta)lish a single +oint o* 'ie&4 Area 1&): S+ea-ing an$ Listening Grade 1&)&(: # a$e % Standard A&: Listen to othe s4 5 As- + o)ing 7uestions4 5 Anal,ze in*o (ation1 i$eas an$ o+inions to $ete (ine ele'anc,4 5 Ta-e notes &hen nee$e$4 Standard *&: S+ea- using s-ills a++ o+ iate to *o (al s+eech situations4 5 8se co(+lete sentences4 5 P onounce &o $s co ectl,4 5 A$9ust 'olu(e to +u +ose an$ au$ience4 5 A$9ust +ace to con'e, (eaning4 5 A$$ st ess !e(+hasis" an$ in*lection to enhance (eaning4 Standard +&: Pa tici+ate in s(all an$ la ge g ou+ $iscussions an$ + esentations4 5 6nitiate e'e ,$a, con'e sation4 5 Select a to+ic an$ + esent an o al ea$ing4 5 /on$uct inte 'ie&s as +a t o* the esea ch + ocess4 5 : ganize an$ +a tici+ate in in*o (al $e)ates4

,aterials And -esources

-esources Mate ials an$ esou ces: +a+e an$ +encil to ta-e notes Ma -e s const uction Pa+e Technolog, esou ces: S(a t )oa $ Po&e Point Im#lementation

Lesson Procedures

14 :+ening !2 (inutes" ; Tell class the (ain +oints o* the class1 such as e'ie&ing *igu ati'e language an$ a++l,ing it in thei o&n &o $s ; Point out to the class that the, ha'e stu$ie$ *igu ati'e language )e*o e1 an$ that the, ha'e a +oste *ull o* these -e, co(+onents4 Tell the( that the e.a(+les 6 &ill )e tal-ing a)out a e all * o( this )oa $ 24 Lesson !15 (inutes" ; Sta t o** &ith a *e& e.a(+les o* *igu ati'e language in a +o&e +oint4 8se these e.a(+les as a &a, to ) ing co((unit, into the class oo(1 as &ell as a++l, the *igu ati'e language to Legen$ o* Slee+, <ollo& ; #o th ough one e.a(+le o* each o* the 13 uses o* *igu ati'e language4 #o th ough the( again1 this ti(e &ith t&o o+tions4 As- stu$ents to hol$ u+ eithe one o t&o *inge s to assess thei -no&le$ge o* each te ( 34 Assess(ent !25 (inutes; = (inutes to ) ainsto ( an$ c eate1 an$ 1% to + esent" ; As- stu$ents to +ai u+4 The, &ill +ic- a ca $1 an$ this ca $ &ill ha'e a *igu ati'e language te ( on it4 Stu$ents ha'e to co(e u+ &ith an e.a(+le o* this te (1 an$ &hen co(+lete$ &ill + esent it to the class4 The class(ates &ill guess &hich *igu ati'e language te ( it e+ esents4 44 /losing !2 (inutes" ; E.+lain that each +ai nee$s to + esent thei e.a(+le an$ + e'ie& *o the ne.t $a,



14 As stu$ents go th ough the e.a(+les o* *igu ati'e language1 the, &ill ha'e to +ic- one o* t&o o+tions *o an ans&e 4 6 &ill assess the &hole class ), ha'ing the( hol$ u+ one o t&o *inge s1 an$ see ho& the class is un$e stan$ing the in*o (ation4 24 Stu$ents &ill also c eate thei o&n *igu ati'e language e.a(+le4 As the stu$ents gene ate this1 6 &ill ci culate a oun$ the oo(1 o**e ing gui$ance4 Then the, &ill )e assesse$ )ase$ o** o* thei + esentation o* thei e.a(+les4 The est o* the class &ill )e assesse$ ), &hethe o not the, guess &hich t,+e o* *igu ati'e language it is4

Lesson Anal$sis and -eflection

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