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A Religion Adventure

Written By: Alayna Burns

Laiba: A 13 year old girl who travels along the silk road with her brother Aaban: Brother of Laiba, seems bratty at first, but is really protective Mom: The mother of Laiba and Aaban. She dies because of Black Death. Merchant one and two: try to sell objects to Laiba and Aaban Must have an accent but they must be different Captain Bill: Becomes friends with Laiba but Aaban distrusts him. Also talks in a southern, but pirate accent Muslim Man: captures Laiba and her brother and nearly kills her brother Jailer: Is like a slave but very kind hearted and performs at her brothers funeral. Jail Breaker: Risks his life so that Laiba can be free and live a life along the Silk Road as her dream job Police man: Accidently saves Aabans life. Talks funny and is barely understandable.

Scene One
(Laiba and mom enter) Laiba: (excited) I cant believe I get to go on a ship and by myself to!!!!! Mom: Yes but you must be careful. For there are many diseases out there. But you wont be alone. Laiba: (confused) What do you mean? Mom: Im sending your brother Aaban with you. Laiba: Thats so unfair. Im 13 years old. I dont need my 16 year old brat of a brother traveling with me. Aaban: (after eavesdropping casually walks in) SO, I know Laiba doesnt want me tagging along but I hear things. Laiba: (trying to hide her fear) L-like what? Mom: Aaban, no jokes, what do you know. Aaban: Well, there are new religions out there. Like the Manicheisms, Nestorianism, ISLAMS. Mom: Whats the deal with the Islams? Aaban: Why would I be so important to a 12 year old Laiba: 13 Aaban: (as if he didnt make the mistake) girl who doesnt need her brother saving her life. Laiba: (Fearful) Well, maybe you can save my life, but I would die happy.

Mom: Laiba! Your brother is going with you whether you like it or not. (to Aaban) Now what else have you heard. Aaban: (satisfied) Well, there are these Islams. The Chinese disagree with their beliefs and so do we. Laiba: (muttering) tell me something I dont know Aaban: Anyway, theyve decided that the Chinese are too big to attack so theyre going to attack us, the Muslims. Mom: (worried) What do you mean attacking? Aaban: Their going to take us and make or should I say FORCE us into their religion Laiba: (Feared) W-what are the-th-they going to d-d-do to us if we rerefuse them? Aaban: Kill us. Mom and Laiba: (gasp) (together) Thats not right! Mom: Im going to go get some rest, I think Im coming down with something (Mom exits wearily and nearly faints from tiredness) Aaban: (to Laiba) So, still think your brave enough to go without me? Laiba: (worried sigh) Fine, but you have to protect me deal. Aaban: Deal (Laiba and Aaban shake hands and exit.)

Scene Two
(Aaban enters and Laiba is trailing behind) Aaban: Hurry up Laiba we need to talk about some stuff. Laiba: What kind of stuff? Aaban: (looking around cautiously) Ill tell you when were in our room. Laiba: But I want to know Aaban: (covers Laibas mouth) Its personal O.K. and now is not the place. Laiba: (muffled through Aabans hand) Fine (Aaban enters their room and gently shuts the door behind them) Aaban: So you know about the Islams, right? Laiba: Yes. What about them? Aaban: There are a lot of them around and if they even hear our names, theyll kill us on the spot. Laiba: So what do we do? Aaban: We change our names, and worship God and Mohamed in secret. Laiba: What will we change our names to? Aaban: Ive been doing some eavesdropping Laiba: (Mutters) Like always Aaban: Hey! Were partners now and Ill respect you and youll respect me. Laiba: O.K. Aaban: So, my name will be Christopher and yours will be April. Laiba: (say dramatically) April is a month, not a name.

Aaban: Fine, you can be Charlotte Laiba: OK I like that name. So, what about praying before breakfast dinner and supper. Aaban: Ummmm Well just do it in our heads as we eat. And Mohamed will know its so we can spread our religion and live. Laiba: Alright, sounds good to me Aa I mean CHRISTOPHER Aaban: Lets get some rest before we set sail and have protocol, CHARLOTTE. But dont say our names like that, say it normal. (Laiba and Aaban rest)(Laiba is still asleep when Aaban goes to wake her) Aaban: Charlotte, CHARLOTTE. LAIBA!!!!! (Laiba jumps and falls off the hammock she was sleeping on) Laiba: Waaa! AABAN DONT WAKE ME UP LIKE THAT! I OUGHT TO (Aaban cups his hand around Laibas mouth) Aaban: (Whispering) I am no longer Aaban. I am Christopher, you are Charlotte. We are still brother and sister. Nod if you understand. (Laiba nods and Aaban takes his hand from her mouth) Aaban: We have a meeting with the captain because they put down the wrong names. For some reason they put down Aaban and Laiba. But our names are Chris and Charlotte. Laiba: O.K. Im glad that we are going to get close to the captain. We might get special treatment. Aaban: I dont trust him. He always seems like hes drunk. And his breath is worse than a fish who ate a dirty sock. And nothing should stink more than that. Laiba: Whatever, lets just get going (Laiba and Aaban are escorted to the captains room and see two chairs and a desk and take a seat)

(Captain Bill enters swaying with a bottle of Champagne) Captain Bill: So youre the two fellas who dont have the correct names. Aaban: Yes sir. Our real names are Captain Bill: Ho there, slow down your not in any rush. Let old Billy tell you a story Aaban: But sir Laiba: Id love to hear a story Mr. Bill Captain Bill: o.k. and this is a true one. Well, before I left home to sail these seas, I was about 21. And I had a horse, a cow that went moo, a sheep, 20 chickens, and a pig. The horse was just grazing out in the field with the cow only a few feet away. The chickens were in their coops, except for one. By the way, Chickens are terrible witnesses. Anyhow, the sheep was hungry and all we had was 59 pieces of bacon. I stole the bacon, which was raw, and fed it to my sheep. She seemed satisfied, but she wasnt. My pig was eating his slop and the sheep caught sight of his rear end. She stood drooling and I said Wow rabies is a serious issue. Lets take you to the vet. I was just about to go tell my wife, when the plump sheep ran as fast as his little legs could carry him. He attempted a jump into the pigs pen and failed miserably. Instead, he jumped and tripped over the fence into the pigs slop. I watched helplessly as he slowly rose to his hoofs and took a bite of the pigs rear end. The pig struggled but was eaten alive. Have you ever seen that? Aaban and Laiba: No. Captain Bill: Good its something no man should ever see and the one thing I learned that day, and probably the most important lesson I learned as a farmer, was to never feed a sheep raw bacon. Aaban: Well, as long as youve made the change, well be on our way. Captain Bill: Ok have a good day. Laiba: Bye I hope to see you again.

Scene Three
(Aaban and Laiba arrive and they are dazzled by everything) Merchant One: How would the pretty girl want a beautiful jewel embodied in a beautiful chain necklace? A low price for such a nice Muslim girl. Laiba: Actually Im Aaban: Charlotte. Dont you remember our deal? Merchant: You werent going to say you were (say disgustedly) Islam. Aaban: No, no we were wondering if you knew where we could find a job. Merchant two: Hello my precious children. Buy a precious fish from me and maybe you can get a precious job working for precious me. (Coughs) Laiba: (while Aaban is talking to the first merchant) That would be wonderful. Im Laiba and thats my brother Aaban. Merchant two: Those are Islam names. So youre a... Aaban: (Aaban knocks out the second merchant and threatens the first) You listen to me. My mother is not well, in fact she may die. Knowing this, she sent me and my sister away so we wouldnt die. Please dont call the guards, its hard enough being us. Merchant One: ISLAMS GUARDS!!! Muslim Man: Did someone say (disgusted) Islams? Merchant two: (Gets up warily) Yes. Those two are the Islams Muslim Man: Well, well, well, well. I ought to kill you both. But Im feeling nice today, so Ill just kill the girl. Aaban: over my dead body. I volunteer, but you have to promise not to kill her.

Laiba: (croaked voice strained with tears) No, Aaban it was my fault Ill take the blame. Muslim Man: I will choose. I choose the Aabosh boy. Laiba: AABAN Muslim Man: (draws sword from his belt) This is what you get boy. Police Man: Holt. Dont kill these innocent children. What be your purpose for killing them? Eh? Muslim Man: What other reason is there except that theyre Islam. Police Man: I will escort them to jail and you will watch your actions. You hear? Muslim Man: Yes sir. Police Man: Now, follow me. Laiba: Excuse me sir, but how is it a crime to be an Islam. (Sudden Gunshot) Police Man: Dont you say that word. On hearing that word, people try and find the voice who said it and then they kill the soul that belongs to that voice. Laiba: Yes sir.

Scene Four
Jail Keeper: Here we are. There is no shouting, you are served 2 meals a day, you do not speak unless spoken to, and you only call if someone is sick or injured. Aaban: Yes (cough) yes sir Jail Keeper: Do you understand Laiba: Yes, but I have a question for you. Jail Keeper: Yes? Aaban: (cough) do not speak (cough) unless spoken to. Laiba: (ignoring him) Are you a slave. Jail Keeper: (Sigh) Any one you meet that works is a slave. But I am a true slave. Laiba: But you have such a kind heart Jail keeper: Here that does not matter all that matters is (makes money motion with finger) money. Aaban: (croaky voice) Laiba there was a telegram, but I did not tell you because I knew you couldnt handle it Laiba: What is it? Aaban: (cough) Its mom, she got what they call Black Death. Jail Keeper: Thats a disease that causes you to have headaches and pains. Aaban: (cough) Yes. You also have pains, coughing, and then soon the Jail Keeper: Swellings appear. They start out as bumps then they Aaban: (cough) turn black Jail Keeper: split open

Aaban: and ooze puss and blood Laiba: But you have everything but the bumps. Jail Keeper: People with Black Death do not normally live. Aaban: Mom died and Im afraid I will meet a similar fate. Laiba: What!!! This cant be happening. Not now, not here. (In a few days Aaban passes away and the Jail Keeper performs a memorial service for him. A few days later the Jail Keeper gives Laiba some good news) Jail Keeper: I told my friend what was going on with you and he said that he would help. But he would need to know your favorite girl name that isnt Islam, and your dream job along the Silk Road. Laiba: Really, thats great!!! Tell him Charlotte, a musician, and thank you. Jail Keeper: Will do, and how old are you. Laiba: When I started, I was 13, but now I am 16. Jail Keeper: O.K. I shall tell my friend at once. Laiba: thats great!!! Jail Keeper: (get down on one knee) Will you do the honors of becoming (brings out a ring) my wife? Laiba: (Surprised) Yes, once I am out of these bars, I will marry you. Jail Keeper: I have a feeling that it wont be long. Tomorrow, be prepared to bust out of here.

Scene Five
Jail breaker: So youre ready for me Jail Keeper: As ready as can be Jail breaker: O.K. so Im supposed to distract the guards, you take Laiba out, and I try to escape. Jail Keeper: Yep Jail breaker: Then lets do this Jail Keeper: (Find Laibas cell and get her out.) Laiba: Whats going on? Jail keeper: Were breaking out of here. Laiba: Wont they catch us? Jail Keeper: If all goes as planned, then no. Laiba: Then lets get out of here faster than a rabbit escaping a fox! (Jail keeper and Laiba find their way out but pass the Jail breakers body on the floor, with a shot through his stomach) When Laiba and the Jail Keeper make it out, they have a wedding and Laiba becomes a musician along the Silk Road with her husband.

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