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Matthew Whiteford 12/17/2013 Block #7 Mrs.


Leadership: Pope Francis

Soon after the resignation of Pope Benedict XVI. Archbishop Francis, of Buenos Aires, was elected to be the new pope of the Catholic Church on March 13, 2013. It wasn't long before the new pope capture the hearts and minds of all those who follow him. Pope Francis is truly the ideal leader for the church. His holiness was a humble man since his days as an Archbishop. With information provided by the catholic news agency. They say Where, "he lived in an apartment, cooked his own meals and took public transit." As a leader for his follow Christians. He's setting a good example. In addition, each year during Holy Week as archbishop, "he washed the feet of different social outsiders, including AIDS patients and the incarcerated." This is a sign of good faith and proof that he thinks everyone deserves a chance at salvation. These acts of kindness should inspire not only Christians, but everyone to be a better person. Teaching people to do good and be good from setting examples is definitely a quality of a good leader. My leadership quality would without a doubt be recognized as setting a good example. And just like the pope, I would not become conceited about my good qualities. I merely wish to serve as an example. My outstanding grades and attendance record would serve as a good example to others to become better students. However, I don't want to sound arrogant when

mentioning this. Not only would that demotivate others from becoming their best, but it diminishes the quality of leadership. Furthermore, as a Christian, the pope stays tried and true to his message about being a good person. To be a man of my word is something I want prove as a good leader. The ability to set a good example, and stay true to your word are traits that are useful and appreciated anywhere at anytime. It didn't matter what the job or task at hand is. Traits like these will never let anyone down. In the future, I plan to become a welder, so I need to create good welds for others to learn from. Moreover, honesty is always the best policy because if I mess up welding a project. I must take responsibility and learn from it. To prove to others that I will not lie to them. Setting a good example is one of many qualities that make a good leader.

Work Cited
No name. "Some interesting facts about His Holiness Pope Francis." catholic news agency. CNA. No date published. Web. 16 December, 2013

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