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a M.A.

in Leadership Capstone Presentation by

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This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.
This is my story, this is my song,
Praising my Savior all the day long.

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Blessed Assurance, 1873

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Personal Prole 4
Resume 5
Strengths 7
Personality Type . 8
Competency Documentation 9
Introduction 10
Competency Based Learning . 10
Examination of Individual Competencies 12
Person of Integrity and Spirituality . 12
Mentor 15
Strategist .. 18
Change Agent . 20
Educator 24
Team Builder . 26
Mobilizer 29
Person of Academic Inquiry 31
360 Degree Results . 32
The Culmination Paper . 35
Introduction 36
Development . 36
Inuence . 39
Philosophy .. 43
What now? . 44
Website 46
Screen Shot & Link 47
References 49


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Leadership, M.A. December 2013
Azusa Pacic University // Azusa, CA

English B.A. | Writing Concentration | Psychology Minor May 2012
Azusa Pacic University // Azusa, CA

Work Experience

Freelance Writer & Blogger November 2012 - Present // Orange, CA
Mange, design, and compose writing pieces for both personal blog and freelance projects.
Currently serves as a member of the Content & Creative Team at ROCKHARBOR Church.

Bakery Specialist & Manager July 2012 - Present
Rockwells Cafe & Bakery // Villa Park, CA
Communicate with customers from the initial ordering process, to deign and planning, to the nal
delivery/pick up.
Assist in the design, set up, and management of private and public catering events throughout Orange

Program Representative // Enrollment Department May 2012 - October 2012
Azusa Pacic Online University // Azusa, CA
Served as the initial point of contact and customer service representative to potential students.
Provided academic and educational guidance and assistance to inquiring students and applicants.
Maintained on-going, proactive, and professional communication via email and phone to current and
prospective students, internal and external contacts, support staff, and faculty to enhance the students

Admissions Processing // Undergraduate Admissions September 2011 - May 2012
Azusa Pacic University // Azusa, CA
Input information of prospective student into PeopleSoft data base.
Prepared admission material and packets to be sent to prospective students.
Organized incoming applications and application material.

Undergraduate Alpha Intern // Orientation & Transitions December 2010 - December 2011
Azusa Pacic University // Azusa, CA
Created, planned and implemented the Bridges program for Azusa Pacic University.
Worked with the Director, Assistant Director and Program Coordinator to plan Fall and Spring Student
Planned and administered the hiring process of student leaders.
Helped create and foster an environment of belonging and commitment for both student leaders and
individuals entering the university.
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714.280.3762 |

Alpha Coordinator // Orientation & Transitions December 2009 - December 2010
Azusa Pacic University // Azusa, CA
Worked closely with other Alpha Coordinators and Director of Orientation & Transitions.
Planned and coordinated weekly meetings with students in both group and individual context.
Served as a mentor and spiritual leader to students in leadership positions on campus.
Assisted in the implementation of Azusa Pacic Universitys Beginnings course.

Music Assistant // School of Music December 2008 - December 2010
Azusa Pacic University // Azusa, CA
Assisted in daily task and duties of the the School of Music Department.
Coordinated, assisted and managed weekly concerts and musical productions for both the university
and the local community.
Oversaw the organization and maintenance of the Azusa Pacic Library of Music.

Experience Abroad

Taiwan July 2011

Traveled as a representative of the Orientation & Transitions Department at Azusa Pacic University.
The focus of the trip was to help faculty and staff of Tunghai University implement a student
leadership program, similar to that which is present at Azusa Pacic University.

Haiti June 2010 - July 2010

Traveled on behalf of Azusa Pacic Ofce of World Missions. Helped with recovery efforts and
reconstruction post the 2008 earthquake. Help plan, direct and manage an Art & Dance Camp for
orphans recovering and grieving from the loss of parents and family. Portion of the time was also
spent teaching English and assisting in local schools and orphanages.

Dominican Republic June 2010 - July 2010

Traveled on behalf of Azusa Pacic Ofce of World Missions. Assisted the eld directors of
Santiagos Sharing The Vision Inc. Task included construction and community development.
Portion of the trip was also spent traveling to local churches to assist in their continued effort and
development to grow and reach the local community.

Additional Information
Excellent verbal and written communication skills | Speaks Spanish
Highly motivated, organized, detail-oriented, able to strategically plan and multi-task.
Quick learner, consistent work ethic, positive attitude and exible
Procient in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook // Procient in Apple Pages, Keynote,
Numbers, and Calendar

References Upon Request
STRENGTHS | According to StrengthsQuest





People especially talented in the Achiever theme have a great deal of
stamina and work hard. They take great satisfaction from being busy
and productive.

People especially talented in the Strategic theme create alternative
ways to proceed. Face with any given scenario, they can quickly spot
the relevant patterns and issues.

People especially talented in the Arrange theme can organize, but
they also nd exibility that complements this ability. They like to gure
out how all the pieces and resources can be arranged for maximum

People especially talked in the Deliberative theme are best described
by the serious can they take in making decision or choices. They
anticipate the obstacles.

People especially talked in the Belief theme have certain core values
that are unchanging. Out of these values emerges a dened purpose
for their life.
(Clifton, Anderson, & Schreiner, 2006)
PERSONALITY TYPE |According to Myers-Briggs
(Keirsey, 1998)






IDEALIST | The Counselor

Seek meaning and connection in ideas, relationships, and material
possessions. Want to understand what motivates people and are
insightful about others. Conscientious and committed to their rm
values. Develop a clear vision about how best to serve the common
good. Organized and decisive in implementing their vision.

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Competency Documentation
The M.A. in Leadership program at Azusa Pacic University is one that allows
students to transcend their learning from the classroom into both their professional and
personal lives. The program is based on the belief that leadership is enhanced when an
individual is developed and able to seek continual growth in their competencies. The M.A.
in Leadership program is based and committed to eight specic competencies: Person of
integrity and spirituality, Mentor, Strategist, Change agent, Educator, Team Builder,
Mobilizer, and Person of academic inquiry. The specic facets of the the Masters in
Leadership program are focussed on these eight competencies and are designed to
develop holistic leaders that will eventually go on to impact their own specic spheres of
inuence. What follows in a reection on the importance of competency based education,
as well as a personal reection and examination of growth throughout these eight
Competency Based Learning
Over the past several decades, leadership development and eduction has shifted
its roots to a competency based approach. The goal of a competency based education or
program is to assist individuals in their growth towards a desired goal or outcome, by
providing several competencies in which are believed to support the desired growth or
purpose behind an organization. For example with the Masters of Arts in Leadership
program at Azusa Pacic University, the goal of the program is to assist student in the
development of both leadership skill and knowledge through the eight competencies. With
this hope that in doing so a greater impact will be made globally by the production and
supporting of emerging leaders.
Competency models have been helpful to both individuals and organizations in
developing leadership skills. Competencies help individuals by: Summarizing their
experience and insight of seasoned leaders, specifying range of useful leader
behaviors, providing a tool that individuals can use for their self-development, and
outlying a leadership framework that can be used to help select, develop, and
understand leadership effectiveness (Hollenbeck, McCall, & Silzer, 2006, p. 492).
With the M.A. in Leadership program at Azusa Pacic University, a competency approach
provides clear communication of the organizations values and expectations, in terms of
leadership development. The display of expectation through competencies, allows the
individual to self evaluate and establish plans for needed areas of focus and development.
As with most organizational structures and theories, there has also been a negative
or hesitant response to competency based education within the educational and business
domain. There is a belief that in providing a list of competencies, that effective leadership
will not be adequately described nor do all competencies function in perfect
synchronization. Which in many ways these concerns are correct, for effective leaders are
not the sum of a set of competencies, however long or broad the list. Leaders, like the rest
of us, are particular mixtures of pluses and minuses, the effectiveness of which changes
over time and with circumstances (Hollenbeck, McCall, & Silzer, 2006, p. 389). Which
leads to a very important distinction between competency versus character, or what is
innate within the individual versus what is gained in the learning environment. As Silzer
(2006) notes,
I would go further and underscore the importance of the interaction between these
two sets of variables [personal and situational]. As we have learned in the longs-
standing nature versus nurture debate in psychology, behavior is a product of not
only person attributes and situational variables, but also the interaction between
them [] (p.402).
Thus this distinction lends to dening the purpose of a competency based approach to
leadership training and eduction.
Competencies themselves will not create great leaders. Rather it is the individuals
character in combination with the experiences they have both personally within the
leadership development program. It is not my belief that Azusa Pacic University assumes
that any individual through the drilling of a competency based education will automatically
consider for a great leader. However, I believe there is belief that the mix between an
individual that displays a potential and passion for leadership in combination with the MaiL
program will be in the makings of a competent leader.
Examination of Individual Competencies
Person of Integrity and Spirituality.
Integrates the conceptual foundation and daily living that characterizes an individual who
leads with integrity and personal spirituality.
Out of the eight competencies of the Leadership, M.A. program, the competency of
Person of Integrity and Spirituality is the one in which I have seen the most growth and
signicant impact on my leadership. When I came into this program I was at a place in life
in which I was very confused about a lot. I had just graduated, and had been experiencing
change in every dimension and facet of my life. I came into this program, seeing it as an
opportunity to not only further my paradigm on leadership, but expand my self awareness
of who I am, and what God created me to do. As I moved throughout the program, and
was exposed to different theories, readings, authors, individuals and enlightening
conversations, I began to realize that God was doing a work that was far beyond simply
expanding my view on leadership. God began to reclaim His victory over my life, give
meaning to past crucibles that I simply accepted as pain, and showed me more of who He
is through deeper self-awareness.
As I began to accept the journey that God had brought me to and was leading me
through I began to recognize signicant transformation in my spiritual life. Christian
spirituality involves a transformation of the self that occurs only when God and self are
both deeply know. Both therefore, have an important place in Christian spirituality. There is
no deep knowing of God without a deep knowing of self (Benner, 2004, p. 20). As I
began to go back over my past and look to the future, take assessments, read text that
resonated with my heart, I began to understand more and more of who God is in my life. I
have been able to appreciate dimensions of Gods character that I had yet to fully
understand before this program, because of the value that is placed on this competency
within the program.
Beyond simply learning to become a person of greater self-awareness for the sake
of my spiritual life, I was able to grow within this competency, in my ability to recognize
how this blind spot in my self-awareness (had I let it go on for much longer) could have in
turn negatively impacted my attempts at authentic leadership.
Without self-awareness, it is easy to get caught up in chasing external symbols of
success rather than becoming the person you want to be. It is difcult to regulate
your emotions, control your fears, and avoid impulsive outburst when you feel
threatened or rejected. Without being aware of your vulnerabilities, fears, and
longings, it is hard to emphasize with others who are experiencing similar feelings
(George, 2007, p. 71).
At the end of the day, I want to leave a legacy as a leader that led out of the fullness of his
life, a life that gave testament to Gods victory over his life. The only means to do this is to
seek to become a person of deeper spirituality and integrity. For me personally in order to
do this, I needed to learn to accept my story for what it is and live out of the fullness of
who My Creator designed me to be.
This is a competency that when I began the program was at a Competent level
according to my 360 Degree survey, and now leaving the program I am at a Accomplished
level. By no means do I see this as an ending point, for the spiritual journey is one of a
lifetime, therefore will never be fully accomplished. However, my time in this program has
allowed me to further make the connection between my spiritual life and the means by
which I lead. Allowing myself to go on a journey of greater self-awareness, has allowed me
to become better skilled at assisting my peers in similar experiences. In a solidifying of my
personal beliefs of who I am and who God created me to be, I am growing to become a
more competent leader amidst what often times is chaos and uncertainty.
Applies the theoretical understanding and commitment to both be mentored and be a
mentor who is committed to developing others.
Leaders are highly complex human beings, people who have distinctive qualities
that cannot be sufciently described by list of traits or characteristics. Leaders are dened
by their unique life stories and the way they frame their stories to discover their passions
and the purpose of their leadership (George, 2007, p.xxvii). As I have developed both as
an individual and specically as a leader, I would argue that the latter portion of Georges
quote is not possible without the role of a mentor. It is workings of a mentor or individual of
signicant inuence, that a leader learns to frame their stories in such a way that they are
able to discover their passions and the purpose of their leadership. For this is a task that is
impossible outside of relationship with other people.
When I began this program, I was at a Basic Level according to my 360 degree
review when it comes to the competency of Mentor, and in completion of the program I
have grown to a level of being Competent. I have always had an awareness for the need
and signicant value of key relationships within ones life, however my time in this program
has allowed me to recognize key elements within the relationship between the individual
and their mentor, and the resulting impact on leadership development. Some of those key
elements include the distilling of information from one individual to another, the raising up
of a recognized potential, and a provided accountability. Mentoring is best described as a
reciprocal and collaborative learning relationship between two (or more) individuals who
share mutual responsibility and accountability for helping a mentee work toward
achievement of clear and mutually dened learning goals (Zachary, 2005, p. 3). The key
elements here being reciprocal and collaborative, for without the two the relationship
between mentor and mentee does not function as described by Zachary.
One of the major ways in which I have grown within the competency of Mentor, is
learning what it means to be mentored. Much of my past and current experience both
professionally and personally has allowed me the privilege of being able to mentor some
amazing individuals seeking to grow in various facets. However throughout this program I
have been able to recognize areas of desired growth within myself and have sought out to
be mentored by individuals that could speak into those areas of my life. This is not to say
that I didnt have mentors in my past, however this program has encouraged me to
specically seek out the wisdom of individuals who display strength within an area that I
desire to grow. More importantly when those relationships are established to have a
specic plan of action. Setting goals, clarifying expectations, and dening roles and
responsibilities provides a frame or standard for monitoring progress and measuring
results (Zachary, 2005, p.121). This idea of coming to the relationship with a clear set of
expectations and goals, and following through to monitor those set goals has been a key
learning for me within this program, specically when it comes to my own personal growth
and development. It has allowed me to recognize specic areas within my life that I want to
grow and encouraged me to make tangible goals that allow me to track my progress.
Another element of both the competency of Mentor and my leadership
development that was eshed out during my time in this program was the power of
vulnerability with my story - our story - His story. Vulnerability is the birthplace of love,
belonging, joy, courage, empathy, and creativity. It is the source of hope, empathy,
accountability, and authenticity (Brown, 2012, p. 34). For so much of my life, I had come
accustomed to only sharing the parts of my life that made sense, all the while ignoring the
parts that I was ashamed of or caused to much pain to recollect. However, as I have gone
through the program and as Browns quote recognizes, when we fail to be vulnerable we
nd ourselves doing more damage than good. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable,
specically within the mentoring relationship, we allow for our true selves to be developed
and held accountable. For even as George notes, Reframing our stories enables us to
recognize that we are not victims at all but people shaped by experiences that provide the
impetus for us to become leaders (George, 2007, p. 15). As I have learned throughout my
mentoring relationship that this reframing process occurs within the conversations
between mentor and mentee.
Mentoring, is what I believe part of my calling is on this earth, but specically to be a
mentor that encourages others to tell and live their stories in a way that is authentic and
true to the person they are at their core. To be someone who shares the wisdom and
encouragement that has been spoken into my life, into the lives of others. To remind them
that growth and development is possible within the context of each individuals life. A
reminder that we believe in Emmanuel, God with Us. A God that is with us and uses us
exactly how we are. My hope would be that when my time on this earth is over that I have
left a legacy with those in whom I have lived life with and mentored. A legacy not for my
own sake, but rather one that begins with those who mentor me and is passed on to
those I mentor - all the while encouraging others to live lives that allows them to be seen
and to be courageous.
Organizes oneself, others, and essential resources toward the achievement of a clearly
articulated strategy.
The competency of Strategist is the one competency other than Mentor that is in
very close alignment with my strengths. Having the strengths of Achiever, Strategic and
Deliberative as my top three strengths, many of the markers of this competency are
practices that I naturally nd myself doing as a leader. Strategist is one that when
beginning this program I was already at a Competent level according to my 360 degree
survey. In completion of the program I would say that in review of my most recent 360
degree survey I am at the latter end of Competent moving into Accomplished. For I dont
believe that it is possible for one to be fully Accomplished, there is always room for
improvement. Being a competency in which I felt skilled at coming into this program, I feel
that my time in this program and my experiences within my the positions I carried
throughout the program, allowed me to gain more experience at putting this competency
to work.
Characteristics that mark a leader as a Strategist include: being an individual whom
displays personal mission and life strategy, the ability to set goals and see that they are
accomplished, and one who can organize individuals within a group to function in a
manner that is productive and successful. One of the biggest tools in this area of
leadership development has been an awareness of my own personality and strengths. For
as Marcus Buckingham notes in his discussion on strengths, you have to fully own your
own genius before you can responsibly offer it up to others (Buckingham, 2011, p. 196). It
was through a hybrid of the assessments given during the program and the experience
that I had over the past year that have allowed me to better understand myself to better
those I lead and manage. Shortly after I began this program, I found myself leaving a
previous job, due to personal reasons, which in turn allowed me to be out of work for a
period of time. As ironic as it may seem, this period of not working, allowed me to refocus
my own personal mission and life goals. It gave me time to set some foundation down on
the person I felt I had become and who I wanted to continue to be. During this time I was
able to look at my specic strengths and make strategic plans on what I wanted my future
to look like and where I wanted to begin to invest my time. Looking back I can not
emphasize enough how crucial it was for me to take the time to focus on my own self-
This time of self-awareness allowed me to become a better leader and have a
greater impact in the areas I began to invest. My most recent position that I have served
within is as a restaurant manager and lead specialist at a local bar and cafe in Orange
County. When coming into the position the organization was undergoing major changes in
both their leadership and their vision. Feeling a little intimidated by the fact that this position
was my rst experience within the restaurant and catering industry, I simply began to do
what was natural. I began to use my own understanding of strengths to begin to position
individual employees in a manner that allowed them to still feel valued and a contributor
despite all the major changes that were occurring. Discouraged and disempowered
employees never make enterprises winners in a globalizing economic environment. But
with the right structure, training, systems and supervisors to build on a well communicated
vision, increasing numbers of rms are nding they can tap an enormous source of
power (Kotter, 2012, p. 119). As I conveyed to both upper management and the
owners of the restaurant, what we wouldn't want to occur would be to have discouraged
and disempowered employees during a time of such transition for it would only impact the
business in a negative manner. With their support and understanding, I began a process of
seeking to know the employees with greater understanding and assisted them in nding a
niche within the organization that allowed them to feel heard, valued and empowered.
As I move forward into the future, I want to seek out more opportunities both within
my personal and professional life that allow me to become a more effective leader, when it
comes to strategic planning. The competency of Strategist as mentioned previously is one
that in many ways comes natural, however I want to continue to test and grow my skills
within this area. For as I do I will simply be able to rene and better my own skill set, in turn
positively impacting any further organization I will become a part of. The underlying goal
would be that as I go about my life and specically my leadership in this manner, it would
encourage others to do the same.
Change Agent.
Formulates the know-how to help individuals and groups to solve problems and pursue
positive change.
I have always been someone who has valued the change process, even prior to my
experience within this program. However, through specic text and experiences, this
program lends better understanding as to why I nd myself supporting and valuing
participation within the change process. When I think about my personal experience or
views towards change it comes back to the fact that I was confronted with deep change at
a very young age. In loosing a parent at a the age of fteen, I came to realize very quickly
that people, relationships, circumstances, and environments will change outside of ones
control and often understanding. However as I have journeyed through this program I have
been able to gain a better understanding of my role within the change process both on an
personal level and organizational level.
One of the major developments within my views on change is the relationship
between personal change and its relationship to organizational change or ones impact on
a change process. There is an important link between deep change at the personal level
and deep change at the organizational level. To make deep personal change is to develop
a new paradigm, a new self, one that is more effectively aligned with todays
realities (Quinn, 1996, p.9). In order for one to understand the change process or have
inuence on others to participate within a change movement, one needs to know how they
personally are impacted by change and come to a place were they can navigate the
change process in a healthy and strategic manner. So much of ones role as a leader
begins with the internal work that needs to be done, and the change process is no
different. Deep change requires more than the identication of a problem and a call for
action. It requires looking beyond the scope of the problem and nding the actual source
of the trouble. The real problem is frequently located where we would least expect to nd
it, inside ourselves (Quinn, 1996, p.13). As Quinn echoes throughout his text, the change
process is often one that begins by looking inward before we look outward. Change in all
its complexities impacts and effects each individual in unique manners, therefore as leader
we learn to lead people through change by rst learning how we ourselves are effected by
such transitions.
As much as the change process can be so ambiguous and unpredictable at times,
my time in this program allowed me to understand that despite the unknown there are
some denite steps of action that can be taken to better transition through a change
process. useful change tends to be associated with a multistep process that creates
power and motivation sufcient to overwhelm all the sources of inertia (Kotter, 2012, p.
22). In his text, Kotter provides an eight-step process on successfully managing change on
the organizational level. When reviewing the process, the key portion of the process lies in
within the beginning phases or what Kotter calls defrosting the status quo. Key elements
of the initial half of the change process include: Establishing a sense of urgency, Creating a
guiding coalition, Developing a vision and a strategy, and Communicating the change
vision (Kotter, 2012). The reason this portion of the change process resonated with me so
much, is it spoke to my strength of Arranger. One of the key elements of leadership that is
a passion of mine is the individual make-up in its relation to the interconnectedness of the
surrounding relationships. To arrange individual in a manner that effectively allow them to
hone in on their specic skill set all the while beneting the group. This is an element of the
change process that is essential.
A example of this would be a recent situation that occurred within a small group
that I am involved with at my church. As a member of my church volunteer staff I am part
of what ROCKHARBOR calls a Life Group. The goal of this group is to function in a
manner that allows for each member of the group to participate in living out the gospel in
tangible ways, beginning with community. It is my belief as an individual and furthermore as
a leader that real community invokes knowing others - really knowing them - and being
known ourselves. It involves learning from each other about the life of Christ and who we
are in Him. It is a challenge to see our relationship and those we surround ourselves with
differently. Thus as this being the goal of a Life Group, I was approached by several other
members within the group that they felt that due to a lack of commitment and focus from
the groups leadership, we were no longer function in a manner that was accomplishing our
said goal. Thus, as a member of the group who made a commitment to the well-being of
all members the group, I needed to gure out a way to strategically initiate an effective
change process. With my knowledge of the change process, as well as my understanding
the complexity of change, I began to defrost the status quo (Kotter, 2012). I knew that
with a group who's goal is to tend to the spiritual and emotional lives of those in the group,
my approach had to be both cautions yet deliberate in establishing a sense of urgency.
Through several meetings with both those leading the group as well as fellow participants,
a vision was established and a strategy to communicate that vision was put into play. Over
a short period of time through the strategic navigating of the change process, I was able to
assist the group in regaining a sense of both personal and corporate vision and use that to
refocus the group to function in a manner that was both healthy and benecial.
Through the combination of research on change theory and my personal
experiences with various change processes, I have been able do develop some key
elements that I believe enhance my leadership and allow for me to be an effective change
agent. The rst element comes out of the way I see leaders, and want to be known as an
individual and that is remember that relationship are of greater value than strategy and
theory. What I mean by that is that beyond seeing a situation as simply a change process,
it is key for a leader to remember they are dealing with people. Individual people who are
all unique in their own way, and whom carry with them emotions. Which leads to my
second major development of understanding and that is that a change process is more
than simple logic. Emotions and and the uniqueness of the individual impact situation far
greater than we often give credit. Thus a leader must always keep in mind that there is
more impacting the situation than what is on paper and meets the eye. Lastly, when it
comes to the change process, a leaders actions are far more persuasive than what you
say, especially in developing a sense of urgency and vision. People are more often than not
going to respond to what they see over what they hear.
Therefore in conclusion, in having a deep understanding of how change both
impacts the individual and knowing how one responds in both situations allows for one to
be an effective change agent.
Demonstrates and understands theory-based skills to effectively educate other adults in
ways that are authentic, appropriate, and engaging.
Education and the learning process are two domains in which I am very passionate
about. The concept of the education and the hindrance to equal access of education are
topics in which I often nd myself investing and learning more about. This program
however has allowed me to further my understanding within another facet of education,
adult learning. As a leader, one needs to posses the ability to communicate information in
a manner that in understandable and allows for fellow individuals to understand and make
that learning applicable. In turn allowing them to feel empowered and make better uses of
their resources, strengths, and skill set. When beginning this program I was at the Basic
Level when it came to the competency of Educator. However, as I complete the program I
leave with a Competent understanding.
Much of my growth within the competency of Educator is in part to my better
understanding of the education as not only an opportunity for greater wisdom but rather a
means for personal and spiritual formation, as well as a vehicle in which societal change
can be brought about. The purpose or end of dialogue education is learning; the end of
learning is personal and social transformation toward peace. Such an assumption
demands uncompromising congruence between the means and the end (Vella, 2008, p.
xxii). This acknowledgement that there is signicant power in education and transformation
due to the time spent within the learning has been key in my development as a leader. It
has become a constant reminder that when I choose to engage adults in the learning
process and I am intern engaging them in an opportunity to change the world. Through
this program it is the perspectives of men such as Myles Horton and Paulo Freire that have
greatly impacted and transformed my views on education. Their belief that, real liberation
is achieved through popular participation. Participation in turn is realized through
educational practice that is both liberator and participatory, that simultaneously creates a
new society and involves the people themselves in the creation of their own
knowledge (Horton & Freire, 1990, p. xxx). The thoughts and hard work of such
individuals has not only impacted my views on education but encouraged me be a leader
that advocates for education as means for global change.
As mentioned previously another aspect of my development within this competency
is rooted in seeing education as a spiritual journey. To be a leader than does not simply
encourage individuals to seek out more knowledge but to seek out truth. To teach is to
create a space in which obedience to truth is practiced (Palmer, 1993, p. 88). The
competency of Educator is one in which I feel there is still as signicant amount of growth
that can occur. My time in this program has provided me with several foundational
elements that have help me to even more so secure the importance I place on being an
advocate of education. I want to be a leader that allows adult learners no matter what age
or educational level and/or education experience, to come and learn. To be a leader that
provides a safe place, both in the physical set up a learning environment, but even more
so in a manner in which individuals can feel safe to ask question and seek out truth
according to their learning style.
Team Builder.
Employs the knowledge-based prociency as a consensus builder in various diverse teams
settings. Values and utilizes individual and group differences for collaborative engagement
and conict resolution in the pursuit of the groups goals.
As much as leadership is seen as a personal growth experience, that experience is
marked by ones ability to unite individuals, amidst their own journeys, towards a common
goal and purpose. This competency is one that I felt I was able to have signicant
experience putting to use prior to this program. It was through the reecting of past
experiences in combination with the learning in the classroom in which I was able to gain a
better understanding of what it means to be a Team Builder. When I began this program I
was at a Competent level and through my experience in the program, I leave being at an
Accomplished level.
From my freshman year at Azusa Pacic to my nal year, I was involved in some
form of a leadership position with the Ofce of Orientation and Transitions. Every position I
held within the ofce, required some form of team-building on my part. Every team I was
part of was formed randomly, therefore drawing on the adaptability skills of all in the group
to learn what it meant to be part of a network of individuals. I have always been good at
the one on one and being intentional with my relationships, however, my experiences
within The Ofce of Orientation and Transitions taught me how to use my skill of being
intentional and detailed in the one-on-one to strategically structure and motivate a group
towards a common goal. The key learning lesson within my college experience is that
team building and the strengthening of relationship within a group all comes down to
intentionality. To seek to tend to the heart of the individual and not simply their immediate
Connecting is deeper and more lasting than just communication. When you are
communicating, one person has to speak and the other has to hear. But when you
are connecting, the intention of the speech and the speaker, and the intention of the
listener and how empathetically he actually listens, actually matter. Connecting is
not aimed at intellectual capital it is aimed at emotional resources. To connect, one
must aim for the heart, not the wallet. And this will build relationships that endure,
not merely eeting (Coleman, 2013, p. 14-15).
When it comes to team-building a leader must understand that their relationships in the
one-on-one and and the intentions within these many relationships will manifest itself
within any team-building effort. A leader that is known for caring about the matters of the
heart, and are known for having the intentions of others in mind, will more likely succeed
when it comes to being a Team Builder and navigating any group conict. For even as
directly noted by Kotter (2012), one component is necessary: trust. When trust is
present, you will usually be able to create teamwork. When its missing, you wont (p. 63).
Intentionality that builds trust, is essential to the team building process.
When thinking about team-building there are many experiences that come to mind,
but one in specic that was key to my views on this competency was my missions trip to
Haiti. In order to be the facilitator of team building I believe you have to know what its like
to be the recipient of the workings of a leader that can effectively build up individuals in
order to unite them towards a specic goal. During my undergrad, I had the amazing
opportunity to travel to Haiti shortly after the devastating earthquake that destroyed a
majority of the country. I was part of a small team under the supervision of two leaders,
that led our travels from the United States, and through the Dominican Republic, eventually
ending in Haiti. Too many to list, there were a variety of external circumstances that began
to take a toll on both individuals and collectively as a group. To this day one of the
highlights of this entire experience was the manner in which our two leaders, Chad and
Chaili were able to keep the team united despite the surrounding chaos. The ways in
which they both were intentional in seeking to serve each individual, allowed for each of us
to respect and trust them when it came to leadership as a group. It also showed me that
group conict and disruption is much easier to navigate when these relationships are in
When it comes to the competency of Team Builder, many factors come into play,
yet for me personally the underlying values of respect, trust, and intentionality are always at
the heart of a successful Team Builder. It is my hope that as I grow beyond this program
that I can continue to be someone who seeks to know the hearts of the individuals and
groups I lead. For it is there that passion and motivation stems and if one can tend to the
matters of the heart, they can in turn lead individuals towards a unied goal and a unied
Integrates appropriate practice to move individuals and groups forward through
communication that is clear, suitable, and motivating.
Another competency in which I have had signicant growth is within the
competency of Mobilizer. A signicant marker of a leaders success is their ability to
inuence a group in a manner that allows everyone to see the need for their role within the
organization and move them in forward that is motivating, effective and respectful. At the
heart, is the aptness to get those within the group to recognize the power of collaboration,
that the leader themselves is familiar with. As well, it empowering in a manner that calls out
the unique strengths of each individual within the group, and encouraging them to lead out
of a place of authenticity to who they are.
The rst major learning within this competency is the power of collaboration. Keith
Sawyer (2007) in his text, Group Genius, discuss the importance of collaboration. Sawyer
begins by dispensing the idea that one gifted individual is the key to all solutions.
Were drawn to the image of the lone genius whose mystical moment of insight
changes the world. But the lone genius is a myth; instead, its group genius that
generates breakthrough and innovation [] Collaboration drives creative because
innovation always emerges from a series of sparksnever a single ash of insight
(Sawyer, 2007, p. 7).
This is a truth that resonates with the heart of a leader, for if a leader could ultimately do
everything on his own, there would never be a need for peers and followers. Therefore in
my growth as a leader it is my goal to go into every situation or challenge with the mindset
of, how can WE as a group collaborate to produce the most effective solution?
The second major learning within this competency is the power of individual
strengths and skill sets. More importantly as a leader learning to encourage those I lead to
lead out of those specic skills. What is effective and authentic in the hands of one person
looks forced, fake, and foolish in the hands of another (Buckingham, 2011, p. 7).
Comparison is an evil vice within todays society, and leadership and group dynamics are
not immune. As I have seen within my life, I am personally most effective when I work out
of my own knowledge, skills, and strengths, and not when I am working to emulate the
gifting of another. Therefore as I lead or even within my personal life, I want to be an
individual who encourages others to seek deeper self awareness that they may be able to
lead in a manner that is most consistent to their true self.
Person of Academic Inquiry.
Demonstrates the ability to do Masters level academic research and writing.
Lastly is the competency of Person of Academic Inquiry. If there is a competency in
which I had to pinpoint as an area of desired continual growth, it would be this
competency. As much as I have signicantly grown in both my ability to write and
communicate at a Masters level, there are still several areas within the domain of
academic inquiry I want to further explore. I contribute a portion of this desire for further
growth due in part that I did take the research course until my nal term. Its was my
experience within this the Research Methods course, that I was made aware of the power
of research and its relationship with leadership development.
Prior to my experience within the program I had a respect for the research process
but do to the lack of great personal experience I had yet to develop a familiarity. Part of my
new found awareness and familiarity with the research process is gaining a deeper insight
on the elements that make up the research process, from the various means of gathering
information, to the details of a literature review, to the the means by which one can display
gathered data. In part much of my unfamiliarity with the research process was due to the
overwhelming concept and task it seemed to be. However, through the help of my
professors and their encouragement to spend time within relevant research and
furthermore to engage with the process, I have come to appreciate the practicality of the
Furthermore, not only have I personally become more familiar with the research
process I have been able to discover specic topics within research that are of interest to
and my leadership development. My nal research paper for the Research Methods course
was a brief highlight of my passion and interest in Millennials. Other areas include the
concepts of resilience and their relation to crucibles, and more specically Millinneials and
their spiritual lives. I have come to read text from researches such as Bren Brown author
of Daring Greatly, and Michael Lindsay author of Faith in the halls of Power. In doing so I
have been exposed to signicant means to which research impacts the domain of
leadership studies. Ultimately, encouraging me to seek opportunities beyond this program
to engage with the research process and seek to make an impact with this eld as I further
develop as a leader.
360 Degree Results

1 = Bellow Expectations | 2 = Basic Level | 3 = Competent | 4 = Accomplished
Self Rank
Others Rank
Self Rank
Others Rank
Person of
Integrity &
3 4 4 4
Mentor 2 3 3 4
Strategist 2 3 3 4
Change Agent 3 4 4 4
Educator 2 3 3 4
Team Builder 2 4 3 4
Mobilizer 3 4 4 4
Person of
2 4 4 4



. _ .

The Culmination Paper
The past year has been an experience that has impacted my life in ways that
cannot be summarized on paper. When I rst began this program I knew that I would learn
theory, have examined research and have gained further knowledge on the concept of
leadership. What I did not expect was that my time and experiences within this program
would be the antagonist of growth and transformation in about every facet of my life. The
time I have spent within the Leadership, M.A. program at Azusa Pacic has been the
source of transformation within my professional, personal, and most importantly spiritual
life. The spiritual life, in other words, is not achieved by denying one part of life for the
sake of another. The spiritual life is achieved only by listening to all of life and learning to
response to each of its dimensions wholly and with integrity (Chittister, 1991, p. 16). The
words of Chittister speak to my heart and my experience, in that my time within this
program refocused my attention on living a wholistic life, and more importantly learning to
embrace my entire story. For it is out of the wholeness of life and the entirety of my story
that God provides both the passion and ability to lead.
Early in my experience within this program I was confronted with two concepts that
from that point forward set the trajectory of both my views and experiences within the
program and as a result shaped how I see myself as a leader. Those two concepts being
the understanding of crucibles and the power of vulnerability. Robert J. Tomas (2008) in his
text writes, While experience matters, what matters more is what one makes of
experience: how a person comes to recognize in a crucible experience that something
new or important is happening, to see beyond the discomfort, perhaps even the pain, of
new and unexpected information and to incorporate that information as useful knowledge,
not just about that world but, as likely, about oneself (Thomas, 2008, p. 5-6). When I
entered the program I had a deep familiarity with the possibilities of lifes crucibles and the
impact they have on ones life, however this program challenged me to see the pain I had
experienced in a new light. On that same note, in order to address those past experiences
and understand them, I was forced to welcome and furthermore embrace a life of
vulnerability. If we want greater clarity in our purpose or deeper and more meaningful
spiritual lives, vulnerability is the path (Brown, 2012, p. 34). For the majority of my life up
to the point of beginning of this program, I had become all too familiar with skipping over
the parts of my life that required me to acknowledge deep pain, shame, heartbreak, or
most importantly live out of the fullness of who I am.
One of the rst text that I was exposed to in beginning potions of my program was
David B. Benners text, The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call of Self-Discovery. In his
text Benner invites his readers through a journey of self discovery and understanding, while
making clear connection on the value this self-awareness has on our spiritual lives and the
ways in which we lead.
Leaving the self out of Christian spirituality results in spirituality that is not well
grounded in experience. It is, therefore, not well grounded in reality. Focusing on
God while failing to know ourselves deeply may produce an external form of piety,
but it will always leave a gap between appearance and reality. This is dangerous to
the soul of anyone - and in spiritual leaders it can also be disastrous for those they
lead (Benner, 2004, p. 20-21).
This realization by far has had the most impact on my spiritual life, and leadership journey.
It was never out of ill intention that I had failed to go on such a journey of self-discovery,
however as Benner notes, a failure to do so does damage to the soul and those we lead.
So it is there in that realization that I would note the beginning of my leadership
development began.
On an even deeper level my leadership development is not simply credited to a
journey of self-discovery but more so to seeing God make the clear revelation how that
journey impacts my leadership, and my ability to live out my calling. On a large scale and
to put it simply, it is my purpose on this earth to live out the Gospel, to give witness to a
God who moves in power. To tell the story of a King who left His throne and came to die
for me, and when I choose to not tell my story in its entirety, I fail to give witness to this
reality and this truth. In his text, Telling the Truth: The Gospel as Tragedy, Comedy, and
Fairy Tale, Frederick Buechner discusses the importance of living a life that gives witness to
the entirety of life.
to say anything that really matters to anyone including themselves, they must say
it not just to the public parts of us that considers interesting thoughts about the
Gospel and how to preach it, but the private, inner parts too, to the parts of us all
where our dreams, the inner parts where thoughts mean less than images,
elucidation less the evocation, where our concern is less with how the Gospel is
too be preached that with what the Gospel is and what it is to us. They must
address themselves to the fullness of who we are and to the emptiness too, the
emptiness where grace and peace belong but mostly are not, because terrible as
well as wonderful things have happened to us (Buechner, 1977, p. 4).
Although difcult at times, this program and its goal to develop leaders rooted in the Truth
of who they are in God, set me on a journey of self-awareness, and self-ownership. To
learn what it means to live a life that tells the entirety of who I am, why I see the world the
way I do, and why I lead the manner in which I do. More importantly to know why I am
who I am, to know why I see the world the way in which I do, and to know why I lead the
manner in which I do.
When I think of the various factors that have inuenced my leadership development
an eclectic group of theories and individuals come to mind. Throughout this program I was
exposed to new theories as well as giving greater context for theories I had previous
knowledge of, such as the servant leadership theory. I was introduced to new individuals
who have left their legacy on history in a variety of ways, all the while being given the
opportunity to look back on familiar gures and expand on their impact. My personal
leadership philosophy as much as it is reective of my own personal experience, it is very
much the legacy of those who have gone before me. I think this clarication is crucial for
several reasons but most importantly, I believe we live in a era in which, instead of looking
for someone who is trustworthy, weve entirely dispensed the idea of trustworthiness. No
one is trustworthy (Metaxas, 2013, p. xvi). In living and leading in such a manner, our
society has allowed people to believe their is no absolute truth and that their are no role
models great enough embodying. It is a false reality I refuse to except and hope in allowing
legacy to be a key inuence on my leadership, I can assist to repaint a different reality. One
in which the individual story, and the means by which men and women lead can be seen
as examples of the Kingdom breaking in, stories that can serve as encouragement to live a
life of courage and fulllment from surrendering their life to a higher purpose.
The leadership theory that has impacted my leadership philosophy and
development the most would be the servant leadership theory.
[Servant leadership] begins with the natal feeling that one wants to serve, to serve
rst. Then conscious choice brings one to aspire to leadThe difference manifest
itself in the care taken by the servant - rst to make sure that other peoples highest
priority needs are being served. The best testis: do those served grow as
persons; do they while being severed, become healthier, wiser, freer, more
autonomous, more likely themselves to be servants? And, what is the effect on the
least privileged in society; will they benet, or, at least, will they not be further
deprived? (Greenleaf, 1970, p. 15).
As a Christ follower, my ultimate role model is Christ, further more as Christ being my role
model a large component of my personal calling is to live out my purpose in a manner that
models Christs life. When reading through the Gospels, each of the authors (Matthew,
Mark, Luke, John), make a point to emphasize the servanthood of Jesus. As a follower of
Christ, I do not simply believe that it was written in such a matter for dramatic effect of a
warm feeling inside, but rather emphasized because we are called to live in such a manner.
In connection to my theological beliefs and beyond, it is my ultimate goal in
leadership to lead in a manner that seeks to put the needs of my peers before my own.
[] servant leadership is unique in the way it make altruism the central component of the
leadership process [] It is the only leadership approach that frames leadership process
around the principle of caring for others (Northouse, 2013, p. 234). It is a leadership
theory that puts the concern of others before oneself, the call of all Christ-followers, and it
is a form of leadership that is applicable at all levels. It is leadership in which the leader
postures themselves in manner that is set on focused on serving others.
As mentioned previously beyond theory there are several gures, both historical and
present that have greatly impacted my views on leadership. Individuals such as William
Wilberforce, Eric Liddell, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Bren Brown, and Malala Yousafzai; just to
name a few. Beginning with Wilberforce, an individual who lived a life that was not done
out of his own strength but through reliance on God, and furthermore, assured that the
victory was not his own but of Gods doing. Wilberforce also lead in a manner that testied
to the power of community, and as a result ended the slave-trade. Wilberforce was able
to do all he did because of his reliance on a solid community of devout Christian brothers
and sisters. WIllberforece was not what we might call a Lone Ranger Christian [] On the
contrary, he thrived in the community of his fellow Christians and sought them out for
strength and support and advice (Metaxas, 2013, p. 49). Wilberforce is an example of
someone who asked them self the honest questions, and through the wrestling and
answering those questions he led in a manner that impacted the lives of thousands upon
thousands. Another individual that lived in a manner similar to Willberforce is Eric Liddell.
The majority of why people know and remember Liddell today is because of the sacrices
he made as a leader in the public light. Mainly known for his refusing to run his best event,
the 100 meter dash, because it fell on a Sunday (the Lords day), yet still managed to win
the Olympics. The God who endowed the young Scot with outstanding athletic ability
would bring glory to himself through Liddells refusal to use these gifts ad the very moment
the worlds eyes were on him (Metaxas, 2013, p. 58). Liddell is someone who lived a life
with his faith at the center, and allowed his personal beliefs to guide his actions regardless
if they were seen as socially acceptable. Then you have someone like Dietrich Bonhoeffer,
famous Christian theologian and key individual in the plot to kill Hitler. A man who went to
his execution peacefully singing praises to God, being so certain that he was dying for his
lifes calling and purpose. A life that serves as an example of sacrice and servanthood.
Moving to the present, two individuals, women to be specic, that have had an
impact on my leadership philosophy are researcher Bren Brown, and education activist
Malala Yousafzai. Quoted earlier, Bren Brown and her research on the topic of
vulnerability and shame have greatly impacted the way I see myself, the way I live my live in
relationship to others, and as a result has impacted my views on leadership. For as she
says, What we know matters, but who we are matters more. Being rather than knowing
requires showing up and letting ourselves be seen. It requires us to dare greatly, to be
vulnerable (Brown, 2012, p. 16). It is through the reading of her text and going through
Browns research that I was able to come to a wholistic view of myself and my leadership.
Then there is Malala Yousafzai. Often times when we think of those who impact our
leadership we think of individuals who are much older and have had many more years of
life experience. However, that is not the case with me and my admiration for Malala. At age
sixteen Malala is just as much an inuence on my leadership as those whom I have
previously mentioned. She is someone who was also an individual that lived in such a way
that publicly displayed her lifes calling, and as a result almost was killed. Yet despite
almost dying remains certain of her calling. By giving me this height to reach people,
[God] has also given me great responsibilities. Peace in every home, every street, every
village, every country - this is my dream. Education for every boy and girl in the world [] I
am Malala. My world has changed but I have not (Yousafzai, 2013, p. 313). It is by her
story and the way she chooses to lead, that makes me believe in the ability of one
persons voice to inspire and change the world.
In reection of both my development and inuence throughout the leadership
program the following is what I come to see as my personal leadership philosophy:
Self Awareness | a leader must display a level of self-awareness or display
a journey toward self awareness, for it is out of this self-awareness that
one nds the passion that motivates them and a purpose behind ones
Authenticity | a leader must display not only a sense of self-awareness but
an acceptance of self that leads to deeper authenticity, a decision to live
and lead from a place of vulnerability that allows for greater respect and
communion with those they lead.
Belief | a leader must display a set of core values and beliefs that are
unchanging and unwavering despite the chaos a leader is bound to
Passion | a leader must display an awareness of their specic gifting and
strengths and how they can be put to use toward a specic niche within
ones specic organization and context.
Sacrice | a leader must display a life of sacrice and servanthood, for
leadership is not for the uplifting of ones own needs but rather the needs
of those they lead and serve.
Humility | a leader must lead from a posture of humility, which displays a
recognition of a life of continual learning and understanding that one will
never fully be accomplished or arrive at a place of complete
What Now?
As I complete this program I am somewhat overwhelmed with possibilities of where
God could potentially lead me. However as I a have gone throughout this program I am at
peace in knowing that wherever He leads this programed has allowed me to gain a deeper
sense of who am I am, and who God has gifted me to be. There are several areas or elds
of work that are deep passions of mine, one of those being the atmosphere and individuals
that make up a higher education context. Throughout my undergrad and through my
graduate studies it has been made evident that there is a passion within me to see the
young adult experience and encounter life in a new way. To be exposed to learning and
paradigms they had yet to think of prior to them stepping on a college campus. Therefore
if I can use my strengths and God given talents within the context of student affairs and
higher education, I know I will experience a joy that comes from living out ones calling.
Beyond my personal vocation, I want to be someone who continue to learn, and
experience new things. Whether it be the possibilities of a new job, or new experiences, it
is my hope that I may stay relevant with both current research and text within the
leadership. Although this is the end of my time within the M.A. in Leadership program at
Azusa Pacic, I have a deep sense that this is just the beginning of what I have yet to learn
when it comes to my own leadership development, and thus I look forward to what the
future holds.





You can visit this website at:



Benner, D. G. (2004). The gift of being yourself: The sacred call to self-discovery. Dowers Grove,
IL: InterVarsity Press.
Brown, B., (2012). Daring greatly: How the courage to be vulnerable transforms the way
we live, love, parent, and lead. New York, NY: Gotham Books.
Buckingham, M. (2011). StandOut. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
Buechner, F. (1977). Telling the truth: The gospel as tragedy, comedy, and fairy tale. New York,
NY: HarperCollins.
Chittister, J. (1991). Wisdom distilled from the daily: Living the rule of St. Benedict today. New
York, NY: HaperCollins.
Clifton, D. O., Anderson, E., & Schreiner, L. A., Ph.D. (2006). StrengthsQuest: Discover and
develop your strengths in academics, career, and beyond (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Gallup
Coleman, K. (2013). One question: Life-changing answers from today's leading voices. New
York, NY: Howard Books.
George, B. (2007). True north: Discover your authentic leadership. San Francisco, CA: Jossey
Greenleaf, R. K. (1970). The servant as leader. Westeld, IN: The Greenleaf Center for Servant
Hollenbeck, G. P., McCall, M. W., Jr., & Silzer, R. F. (2006). Theoretical and practitioner letter:
Leadership competency models. The Leadership Quarterly, (17), 398-413.
Horton, M., & Freire, P. (1990). We make the road by walking: Conversations on education and
social change (B. Bell, J. Gaventa, & J. Peters, Eds.). Temple University Press.
Keirsey, D. (1998). Please understand me II: Temperament character intelligence. Del Mar, CA:
Prometheus Nemesis Book Company.
Kotter, J. P. (2012). Leading change. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review Press.
Lindsay, M. (2007). Faith in the halls of power. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Metaxas, E. (2013). 7 men and the secret of their greatness. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson.
Northouse, P. G. (2013). Leadership: Theory and practice (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE
Palmer, P. J. (1993). To know as we are known: Education as a spiritual journey. New York, NY:
Sawyer, K. (2007). Group genius: The creative power of collaboration. Philadelphia, PA: Basic
Thomas, R. J. (2008). Crucibles of leadership: How to learn from experience to become a great
leader. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Press.
Quinn, R. E. (1996). Deep change: Discovering the leader within. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-
Vella, J. (2008). On teaching and learning: Putting the principles and practices of dialogue
education into action. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Yousafzai, M. (2013). I am Malala: The girl who stood up for education and was shot by the
Taliban. New York, NY: Hachette Book Group.
Zachary, L. J. (2005). Creating a mentoring culture: The organizational guide. San Francisco, CA:

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