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K.nnrr A.

xenny Bingham

('thrd @ommirfte {sfldtdtrbr Fonss

9e4r ot {tl,e rdatild (803) PO Bor I 1367 TELTPIONE 7ra'll la ROOM5I9 BLA-IT HOL]SE O]:FICEBUTLDINC 6!tmdi!, 5@ 29211 (303) FAX#: 734-3795

Marc2 h0,2013
TheHoiobbie william Chunley Colunbi4 SC29201 VIA HAND DELIVERY

Detr RepEsentarive Chmlet: This letcr is a resrone to you inquiry conce ins the Ne ofthe siale planeto bnns a wihess lo teslift on House Bill 1101 befoF the gouse of Reprsnlalives JudiciaD Subcominee on Constitutional las. This lctter is atr inlorbal lrter of rdvicc lnd does not hold any precedentillvalu, It is nol lhe opinionof rhe House ElhicsConnite bul ratber a letterof advicebased on tle prcvisios ofthe sbb Etnics Ad and$e comilee's pa$ inlerprcbrions of the Acr provided for in prior fomal opinions. Ir is inpod&t to nole lhat slail has nor had rhe oppoduny md does no1offer e opinion on rules or regllations adopFd by the Aesnaulics Cohnission oi o$er povnions in statel3w outsideof the Ethics Acr.

Basedon lhe infomation you haveprolided, dal the wiinesswould testiry befoE a House subcodnittee md alter leviewi.s lhe Eldmi provhionsoflhe SiareElhicsAct you aB adlised TheErhics Act does plme. Sraffcmor spealto olher norspecifically addre$tbeuseofthe srare slalules plane. TheEfoe, it n the or prccedues oubidede EthicsAct rgadineuseofthe state opinionof ErhicsComnittestalTthat you would nol be comitting . violalioDof the Soulh plde be ued to tlosport a wirness CdolinaBhics Act by requstine rhestate to a $bconminee

I honethatdrishasfullr ans*cFd Iolr qucslion. ia rcrcis mrlhin-scls.lhal _rorn.r rc.Luirc please feelfEe ro corl.ct me itanl rime.

L* 0.*-

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