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Book Nook

Ideas for Using Books to Support Anti-Bullying and Teasing

Llama Llama and the Bully Goat By Anna Dewdney Llama Llama and the Bully Goat is a story about Llama Llama and his friends dealing with Gilroy Goat, who is a bully. Gilroy the Bully Goat laughs at other animals during circle time, calls names, and throws dirt during recess. Llama Llama has to learn how to deal with Gilroys behaviors. When Llama Llama tells calls him a bully and tells him to stop, Gilroy realizes that his behavior isnt acceptable. This book teaches children how to stand up to bullying and how to be tolerant of someone who needs a second chance. (Ages 3-5.) Examples of activities that can be used while reading Llama Llama and the Bully Goat and throughout the day to promote anti-bullying: Before reading the book, talk about what bully means. Ask the children if theyve ever been bullied before or if theyve ever bullied someone else. How did it make them feel? What did they do to feel better? Ask them to think of a time when someone might be bullied at school? What should they do if they see someone else being bullied? Read the title of the book and see if the children can predict who the bully of the story is and who is going to be bullied. While reading the story, talk about each instance when Gilroy picks on a student in the preschool. Use pictures on a Velcro strip to make a visual of Gilroys bullying behaviors. As you read, have the children stick a picture of each time Gilroy is a bully onto the Velcro strip. After reading the book, ask the children to identify the pictures, and what bullying action is taking place within that picture.

Activities: Art After reading the story, have the children create animal lacing cards. The animal lacing cards can be outlines of Llama Llama and Gilroy. The outlines would work best if they were laminated with holes punched evenly along the edges. The children would simple use a string to sew the outline of these characters. The children will focus on fine motor skills and concentration with this activity. Dramatic Play - Provide materials / props for the children to act out the Llama Llama and the Bully Goat story. Each child can have a different animal mask, one llama, one goat, and different animals from the story. Ask the children what they would do if Gilroy said a mean thing to them? Take turns with each child. Ask them how they left when they were Gilroy? Have the demonstrate how to nicely deal with a bully.

Book Nook
Language Arts After reading the story, speak with the preschoolers about ways to deal with bullying. Make a list. Once finished making a list on how to deal with bullying, make a list on how to be a good friend. Display both of these lists in the classroom as a daily reminder for the children. They wont be able to read the list but they will remember making it together and the message behind it.

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