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Journal Entry

(3) Excellent
The topic of the journal entry meets the requirements of the assignment. __There are 10-12 posts to the journal. __Each journal entry provides a very descriptive weekly update on how it relates to their daily life and photo journal. __Journal entries are dated for each observation. __Entries correspond with a specific picture. __Each journal entry is at least one full paragraph, and is neatly typed. Photos relate to the task of the project __Captions are used to describe each photo __The organization of your photos is clear and easy to follow. ___The spelling, grammar, and punctuation are accurate in this journal. ___Pictures go well with the text and there is a good mix of text and pictures.

(2) Acceptable
The topic of the journal entry somewhat meets the requirements of the assignment. __There are 7-9 posts to the journal. __Each journal entry provides a brief description on how it relates to their daily life and photo journal. __Some journal entries are dated for each observation. __Some entries correspond with a specific picture. __Each journal entry is at least one a couple sentences, and is typed with a few errors. Photos somewhat relate to the task of the project __Some captions are used to describe each photo __The organization of your photos is somewhat clear and easy to follow. ___There are spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors throughout the journal. ___Pictures go well with the text and there is somewhat of a good mix of text and pictures.

(1) Needs Improvement

The topic of the journal entry does not meet the requirements of the assignment. __There are 5-6 posts to the journal. __There are a couple of journal entries provide descriptions on how they relate to their daily lives. __Journal entries are not dated for each observation. __Entries correspond with a specific picture. __Each journal entry is typed with several errors. Photos do not relate to the task of the project __No captions are used to describe each photo __The organization of your photos is not clear and uneasy to follow. ___There are multiple spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. ___Pictures do not go well with the text and there is not a good mix of text and pictures.

Photo Entry

_____ /40 points

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