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Gabrielle Goldhaber EDMT 330 MW 12:30pm-1:20pm

Project 3 Lesson Plan: The Story of Lon Po Po

Michigan Common Core State Standards ELA

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.3 Describe characters in a story (e.g., their traits, motivations, or feelings) and explain how their actions contribute to the sequence of events.

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.3.9 Compare and contrast the themes, settings, and plots of stories written by the same author about the same or similar characters.

Objectives Students will be able to describe characters in a story using digital concept mapping using inspiration as a tool. Students will be able to compare and contract the themes, setting and plots of stories using a Venn diagram drawn on an iPad.

Grade Level 3rd Grade

Prior Skills and Knowledge

Ask and answer questions from a story such as, who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text.

Describe how characters in a story respond to major events and challenges. Read and write at a third grade reading level or above. Prior skills on iPad apps and use. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.

Statement of the Authentic Problem to be Solved: Schools are facing financial and achievement problems leading, in the extreme, to school closures and emergency managers. As future teacher, students in the initial teacher preparation program need to understand these issues and how to translate them into local action to preserve and enhance student achievement while maintaining or reducing costs. The task is to plan and implement a Teach-In including a case study of a relatively successful school district compared to one in financial and/or achievement trouble to be used in a Teach-In about these issues. (From EMU online)

Grouping Strategy o Narrative During todays ELA lesson we will be rotating in 3 groups. Each group will be rotating to each of the three stations I have laid out for you. Before we

begin rotating to the stations we will be reading aloud the story Lon Po Po. After weve read the story of Lon Po Po we will go over the characters, plot, theme, problem and solution using our hand strategy we learned earlier in the year. Once we all understand the ideas from the story of Lon Po Po the first group will work with the computers to create a concept map of the character plot and themes as well as who the characters were in the story and how they directly affected the events in the story. I will be working along side this groups as well as going around the room to help. My concentration will be to give direction on how to use inspirations as a tool to achieve mastery of our objective. Once you understand how to use the tool you will be able to create your own concept map to show me what youve learned about the story we read in todays lesson. We must remember that inspiration is a tool for what we know about the story so if you arent clear about the story let me know so you can read it again independently and we can switch you into another group that will use the computers last. Since computers are limited please make sure we respect our classmates time on the computer and be quiet while they are working with the computers. The next station we will be using the art notepad again off the iPads. At this station you will compare and contrast the stories, Lon Po Po with the story we read last lesson Little Red Riding Hood. You have the opportunity to compare them any way you want as long it is formatted in a way that you know what your comparing and contrasting. This can be a Venn diagram, or list, etc. Once I have given the directions for the computer work I will be over to assist you with the

iPads, but we should already know how to use the iPads from last week. Finally, while the other two groups are working with the computers and iPads, the third group will be quietly working on spelling words practicing hearing the words from a partner and writing the correct spelling on a separate piece of paper. o Group Timing

In the time we have to complete our lesson each groups will have equal amounts of time at each station and 1 min added for transition time. It is important that each of you is aware of when your moving to another station to make sure everyone gets time on the computer. Specific Lesson Plans o Concept Mapping

Students must follow instruction on how to use concept mapping to demonstrate their mastery of the objective set for this lessons target. Since we know the ideas from the story we can now learn how to transfer the information weve learned into our inspiration concept map. We will begin by creating a new bubble for the title. Then we will click on the bubble and add another named characters. Click on the characters button and add bubble for each of the characters. Once we know how to use each of the different features of concept mapping I will leave it to you to decide how to layout your concept map to tell me about the story and the characters. I will check back to receive feedback of what

ideas the student has about how they will layout their concept map. If they are completely off-track I will guide them back on track, but majority of computer time will be independent and creative. o Spelling Words

Students will have the freedom to complete the task at hand as they see appropriate and useful for their needs. For example, if they want to write them out or if they want to say them verbally to a partner. This strategy will enable the students to learn affectively and keep them working based on their needs. o iPads Students will use the iPads as a tool to compare and contrast the story of Lon Po Po and Little Red Riding Hood. They will use the art notepad as a tool, but are able to create their own layout while still comparing and contrasting the two stories. Assessment Students will be formatively assessed throughout the lesson. They will also receive homework to assess what they can recall from the story by completing a worksheet on the story of Lon Po Po. This homework will not be graded. I will assess it in a group meeting that will be held during the next class period using reading and writing stations.

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