Project Management Templates

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Blank Project Management Templates Saving Time! Saving Money! Saving Stress!
Please feel free to copy any of the attached documents. You can alter any of them to suit the needs of your specific project or organisation. f you want information a!out the services provided !y Project "gency please call #$#% &&' (('' or email events) our we! site is

*ote+ in supplying these templates, Project "gency cannot !e held responsi!le for how they are completed!

Project management templates from Project "gency - please alter to suit your needs

Listed below are some forms you will find on the next pages. Please complete the forms as appropriate. Please note, completing the forms is an aid to help you deliver your projects, not an end in itself. Page *o. Defining Project Responsibilities ta!eholder "nalysis $ilestone %hart $ilestone Report (ariation )orm Ris! Log ,usiness %ase )orm Project Definition )orm or P.D Project Reporting )orm 2ighlight Report %hange %ontrol )orm %hange %ontrol Log "ctual ( Planned Project management chec! sheet 3 # & ' * + /0 /1 /3 /# /& /' /*

3hese project management templates have been produced for open distribution to anyone. Please feel free to pass them onto friends or colleagues. 3he forms have been used by professional staff at all levels 4 staff who have to deliver projects. ome of these projects are small 5uic! delivery 6less than a month7, others large long term projects which cost significant sums of money. 8e would be delighted to hear how you used these forms and how useful they were in supporting the delivery of your project. Please email Do loo! at where you can find a range of information, products and services. )inally, good luc! with all of your projects and we would be delighted to tal! with you about any project management issues you may have. %all on :## 60710 +#' **'' or email
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.efining Project /esponsi!ilities


T"S3S4"5T 6 T 0S

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Stakeholder "nalysis
3he purpose of sta!eholder analysis is to inform the project manager and sponsor who should contribute to the project, where barriers might be, and the actions that need to be ta!en prior to detailed project planning. Stakeholder Their interest or re:uirement from the project ;hat the project needs from them Perceived attitudes and4or risks "ctions to take

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Milestone 5hart
$ain milestones;phases shown on higher chart, and sub<milestones for each phase on charts below T M0 <in suita!le units =days, weeks, months, etc.> M 20ST1*0S /esponsi!ility

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Milestone /eport
Project= Date of $ilestone meeting;discussion= .elivera!les due .ue date

"ction to take to !ring delivera!le or task !ack on schedule

> / ? Red flags @off plan < describe in detail= 5uality, cost, timeA " ? "mber @is almost off schedule or will definitely be off schedule BC3D= you may need to agree the precise definition before useA ? ? Ereen flags @to plan or better < show savingsA

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6ariation Aorm
"ctivity name 4*o. .escription .ate to !e delivere d /evise d est. B454T /eason for delay. B454TC 0Dplain 0ffect on project


Project ponsor Project $anager Date

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/isk "nalysis
Score as follows, for Likelihood and Impact: 2igh ? 3, $edium ? 1, Low ? /

*ature of /isk or Encertainty

2ikelihood Figh4 Medium4 2ow

mpact Figh4 Medium4 2ow

2ikelihood D mpact <Score>

"ctions re:uired and who will take responsi!ility to manage the risk

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Business 5ase Aorm

Please complete the form below and submit it to your project sponsor. ,ac!ground to the project 6PLD" D FDDP ,R.D)7

Eeneral aims6s7

.nitial Ris!s

Dxpected Cutcomes

,enefits of running with this project

.nitial estimates of cost and time G= 3ime= Cutcome of the business case

Decision from 6x x7


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Project management templates from Project "gency - please alter to suit your needs

Project .efinition Aorm <or P .>

Project Title=
.nsert actual sponsor name Put here a very Sponsor+ brief title State !elow the link with the corporate agenda - the actual wording please. Put here the actual words in the corporate agenda 4 showing the lin! with this project

Project Background+

3he bac!ground to the project. Dnough information to inform the reader.

Project Benefits+

"n outline of what the benefits are to the organisation, individuals or sta!eholders in delivering the project 3he specific objectives for the project. BC3D= the objectives can be one line or more detailed text.

Project 1!jectives+

Project .elivera!les+

8hat you will be delivering at the end of the project. BC3D= these are the what you will have at the end of the project, e.g. a report, a building, improved service levels etc. This project will include+ This project will not include+ 3his section defines the boundaries of Planning details should not be included at this the project. stage.

Success 5riteria+

2ow you will measure the success of the project. BC3D= the success criteria must be measurable. Dxamples here can be specific 6a s!ill which the project team must have7 resources, or a legal deadline 4 BC3D= only include time and money if you can 5uantify them. 3he assumptions you are ma!ing in putting this document together. 8ho fulfils this role and what they do.


3ey "ssumptions+

Project Manager+

Project Sponsor+

8ho fulfils this role and what they do.


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Project management templates from Project "gency - please alter to suit your needs

Project Board4Steering ?roup Mem!ers+

8ho fulfils these roles and what they do. BC3D= may not be appropriate for all projects

Project Team Mem!ers+

/esource 5osts+

Budget 1ther 5osts+

Total costs 8attach a !reakdown of the overall !udget9 ("3>4 ome projects may have important ("3 issues. 2ave you spo!en to accountancy to discuss theseH Start .ate+ Signature of Project Manager+ "pproval from Sponsor+ 5ompletion .ate+ .ate+ .ate+

)or your organisation, you will need to liaise with your )inance people in order to
develop financial information that will inform project delivery. 3he data on this form in relation to finance needs to be fine tuned to your organisational and project management needs

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Project /eporting Aorm Project Title+ Project ponsor= Project $anager= Bumber=

Progress /eport /"? Status@+


Report Bo. /0. 4 "MB0/ 4 ?/00*

Tasks, Milestones, 1utcomes delivered this period

3as!s, $ilestones, Cutcomes %omments Plan

%ompletion dates

Major /isks and ssues .nclude an assessment of the impact and any actions ta!en

/ecommendations and /e:uests for .ecisions or Support

Tasks, Milestones, 1utcomes scheduled for neDt period

3as!s, $ilestones, Cutcomes %omments Plan

%ompletion dates


"Major concern - escalate to the next level" lippage greater than /0I of remaining time or budget, or 5uality severely compromised. %orrective "ction not in place, or not effective. Jnli!ely to deliver on time to budget or 5uality re5uirements "Minor concern bein activel! mana ed" lippage less than /0I of remaining time or budget, or 5uality impact is minor. Remedial plan in place. "#ormal level of attention" Bo material slippage. Bo additional attention needed

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Highlight/Progress Report
Project Name: Reporting Period: Prepared by: Project Description: !ey Deli"erables #ompleted this period !ey Deli"erables $utstanding this period
Deli"ery Date

PROJECT NAME Project Manager: Date Prepared: Project Sponsor: RAG Status R Project Phase: dd/mm/yyyy 0

Project nd Date:

!ey Deli"erables %or ne&t reporting period

Deli"ery Date

Ris' Management )og No Ris' Action/Status )og No

(ssue Management (ssue Action/Status Re* No

#hange Management Details Appro"ed

+inancial Statement #apital Source ,udget Actual Remaining


Re"enue +orecast Source ,udget Actual Remaining


&ternal +orecast Source ,udget Actual Remaining



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5hange 5ontrol Sheet

Project Title Project Manager %2"BED RDKJD 3 Criginator Phone= .tems to be changed Description of change 6reasons for change, benefits, date re5uired7 Date of re5uest %hange re5uest no.
allocated b! $han e $ontroller

Project *um!er


Dstimated cost, and time to implement 65uotation attachedH Les

Bo 7

Priority ; %onstraints 6impact on other deliverables, implications of not proceeding, ris!s7

%2"BED D("LJ"3.CB 8hat is affected 8or! re5uired 6resources, costs, dates7

Related change re5uests Bame of evaluator %2"BED "PPRC("L "ccepted Deferred %omments Rejected Bame igned Date Date evaluated ignature

%2"BED .$PLD$DB3"3.CB "sset .mplementer Date completed ignature

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5hange 5ontrol 2og

Project Title Project Manager %hange numbe r Description of change Date received Date evaluated Date approved Date completed Project *um!er

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"ctual 6 Planned
"ctivity Planned Time "ctual Time .ifferenc e Planne d 5ost "ctual 5ost .ifferenc e

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Project management templates from Project "gency - please alter to suit your needs

Project Management = 5heck Sheet

%mend this $heck Sheet to s&it !o&r project

B %C$$DB3 & ' 2ave you identified the critical path for the projectH 2ave you developed a communications plan and included its component parts into the Eantt chartsH "re you continuing to carry out ris! analysis throughout the projectH "re 5uality standards highH 2ow do you !nowH L B %C$$DB3

"+ S0T EP = * T "T 1*

/ 1 3 # Developed the business caseH .s a full options appraisal necessaryH .s the project in line with the strategic planH 2as the project received sign off by sponsor or project boardH

* +

B+ S0T EP = .0A * T 1*
/ 1 3 # & ' * + 2as a P.D or project definition form been completedH "re roles explicit and documentedH "re levels of authority clearH 2ave you carried out a sta!eholder analysis and planned accordinglyH 2ave you assessed ris!s and put a plan into action to monitor themH "re you clear what is driving the project Kuality, %ost or 3ime 6/ only7 2ave clear project review procedures been establishedH 2as planning started for a start up wor!shop 6or series of wor!shops7H 3eam selection < have you got the correct mix of s!ills and professional experienceH

.+ .02 60/Y
/ 1 3 # & ' 2ave you identified the appropriate type of control 4 loose versus tightH Project reporting 4 are you clear who reports what and to whom and howH Do you have a clear procedure for managing changeH 2ave you developed a planned versus actual scheduleH 2ow up to date is itH 3olerance 4 have you an agreed tolerance figureH (ariations 4 are these 5uic!ly flaggedH

0+ 521S0.1;* "*. /06 0;

/ 1 3 # & Post project review has been plannedH Learning identifiedH .s the project still delivering the benefits intendedH .s there a case for abandoning the project 4 off schedule or delivered a significant part of itH Dnd of project review reports are produced and circulatedH /*

5+ .02 60/Y P2"** *?

/ 1 3 2ave you bro!en the project down into its component parts 4 wor! brea!down 2ow accurate are your estimatesH .f a low percentage then recalculate. 2ave you developed a milestone chart or produced a Eantt chartH

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Project management templates from Project "gency - please alter to suit your needs # 2ave you developed an overall project budgetH 2ave you sought advice from financial experts

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Services provided !y Project "gency

Project "gency provides a wide range of services. ome of these are listed below=

Delivering practical project management training= o o o o designed to ensure project managers and project team members understand the processes and s!ills to deliver effectively customised to meet specific needs 4 really targeting organisational needs wor!ing with project teams focusing on delivering a specific project 4 alongside developing their team s!ills running PR.B%D1 5ualification programmes or PR.B%D1 training wor!shops

Developing in<house project management systems i.e. a customised project management system ensuring consistency of approach < complete with templates Running briefing sessions for project sponsors so they can understand their important role in projects %arrying out audits of projects 4 after project completion, end of stage or an audit of internal project management approaches. Crganising and running start up wor!shops for groups pre project 4 ensuring projects get off to a really effective start Developing effective business cases. Dffective project leadership. 8or!ing with senior managers identifying the !ey projects for the organisation and their priority .ndividual coaching support to project managers and project sponsors Developing programme management strategies and establishing project @programmeA support offices

Please do visit our web site for further company information or call 010 +##' **'' for further information
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