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Name: Alexandria Fern Site: Little Minds Learning Center

Description of Activity: Children are given different foods and paint etc to make food art!

ype of Activity: !rocess Art Age gro"p: #$#%& N"m'er in gro"p: (#

)pening *"estion+,nvitation+!rop+Finger !lay:

Can -e paint -ith food. ,nvite children to stamp/ paint/ s0"ish/ etc fr"its and vegeta'le1s on paper or on the food itself%

Concepts 2 Skills: Children -ill create and design their o-n art "sing food and paints!

*"estions to ask: No real 0"estions sho"ld 'e asked% Let kids interpret things for themselves

!roced"re: Children are given a variety of foods% Mostly fr"its and vegeta'les and edi'le paint% hey are enco"raged to make -hatever kind of art they -ant to!

Materials Needed: 3di'le paint 4safety reasons 'eca"se it is -orking -ith food5 6ariety fr"its 6ariety 6eggies

!erformance Standards: 7% Creativity and imagination $7%el%# expresses self creatively thro"gh m"sic/ movement/ and art%

!otential 8"idance echni0"es Needed: 9emind children not to eat the food% his doesn1t have to 'e strict 'eca"se of the edi'le paint

WITC Instructor Use Only: +# Activity !lan is developmentally appropriate +# Activity !lan is comprehensive +( !rofessional presentation+spelling 2 grammar is correct

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