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Picture of me as Jr. Pro Coach

Benchmark: Teamwork/Communication Skills: TC103: Anticipate the impact of actions or words on others

Ever since I can remember, the boys varsity basketball team has served as coaches and tau ht the ame to youn kids throu h the Jr. Pro basketball !ro ram. The !ast three years I have had the honor in kee!in this tradition oin and makin an im!act on youn childrens lives. It was always a ood time teachin the correct way to !erform certain tasks and the correct way to be a teammate with ood s!ortsmanshi!. "othin felt better than seein the !ro ression the athletes went throu h. #hen s!endin time with these kids, we were around a different rou! of !eo!le than we were used to. They were youn and knew less about the world, some of which they shouldnt learn until they are older. $or this reason, we coaches had to %TC&'() antici!ate the im!act of actions or words on others. #e had to make sure that we were not talkin ina!!ro!riately or behavin the wron way* we did not want the youn kids to re!eat bad words or actions to their !arents. It was our +obs to be leaders and have our !layers com!ete in a !ositive way. Even our littlest actions could have had a lar e im!act on their future com!etitive lives. In a work settin , I will be called u!on as an o!tometrist and as a boss to be a leader. It will be my +ob to teach others the ro!es and to antici!ate the im!act of actions or words that I may have with my em!loyees. I must also antici!ate the im!act I may have on my !atients* I may have youn er clients that I will have to behave a!!ro!riately towards. It is always ood to learn im!ortant life lessons when you are youn * these lessons will lead you to have a better life. ,ife lessons that you learn are often from !eo!le that you can trust and these !eo!le often become your role models. -ein able to antici!ate how your actions or words mi ht affect what others do or how others see you as a !erson is one of those im!ortant lessons.

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