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Parent Name F/O or M/O (Student Name) Reg: No: Section: Department o Management Studie! Sat"#a$ama %ni&er!it# C"ennai

T"e Director' Sat"#a$ama %ni&er!it# C"ennai ( )**++,

Re!pected Sir / Madam Su$: Con!ent -etter or p-acement o m# daug"ter/ !on t"roug" %ni&er!it# campu!. ( Reg.
M# !on / daug"ter Mr./M!.//////////////. Reg No/////////// 0i!"

to get p-aced t"roug" %ni&er!it# campu! recruitment ce--. 1ence "e /!"e 0i-- attend t"e re!pecti&e coac"ing and training o ered $# t"e %ni&er!it# or t"e $ene it o t"e !tudent2! career.

Signature o t"e Student

Signature o t"e Parent

(Contact Num$er o Parent!) .

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