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1888 Chapter 4: American Political Culture Which of the following statements about the US of republic is correct? o E.

E. It has been tried without great success by man The French aristocrat who in 1835 wrote Democracy in America, a profound analysis of US political culture, was o D. Alexis de Tocqueville Alexis de Tocqueville published Democracy in America in o B. 1835 The fact that the democracy flourished in the United States can best be explained by o E. None of these (US constitution, physical advantages of the country, opportunities to acquire land and make a living. According to Alexis de Tocqueville, one of the reasons a democratic republic took root in the United States was because of the o A. Minimal taxes imposed by the government According to Alexis de Tocqueville, one of the reasons a democratic republic took root in the United States was because of the o A. High levels of taxation According to Alexis de Tocqueville, one of the reasons a democratic republic took root in the United States was because of the o E. Opportunities to make a living The text notes that if Alexis de Tocqueville had returned to the United States fifty years later, when the frontier was closed, he would have found that o B. Democracy still flourished A political _____ deals with what a government should do, while a political _____ deals with how government should operate o D. Ideology, culture The difference between political ideology and a political culture is that o C. The former deals with what government should do, the latter with sociological issues Why is speaking of a single political culture within a nation dangerous? o A. Because most nations do not have a homogenous population Which of the following about political ideology is correct? o C. People can share a common political culture but disagree on ideology In our society, government officials should be accountable to the people. This principle is known as o D. Democracy Liberty and Individualism are two key elements of o D. US Political culture All of the following are basic elements of the US political culture except o E. Economic equality The text lists three critical questions about political culture. One of these is o E. How do we know that people share the alleged beliefs The text lists three critical questions about political culture. One of these is o C. Why has so much political conflict occurred throughout history? The text lists three critical questions about political culture. One of these is o C. How can we explain actions that are inconsistent with beliefs? Race relations were described as an American dilemma by o B. Gunnar Myrdal

What was Swedish sociologist Gunnar Myrdal referring to when he spoke of Americans dilemma? o B. Race relations Gunnar Myrdal described race relations in the United States as the result of a conflict between American behavior(denying full citizenship to blacks) and the American belief in o B. Equality of Opportunity Political conflict can occur over specific policies even among those who share common beliefs. One reason for this is that o D. Many political values are irrelevant to specific controversies Political conflict can occur over specific policies even among those who share common beliefs. One reason for this is that o A. while beliefs may be commonly held, interpretations of these beliefs may differ According to the text, the persistence in our political vocabulary of the term ____ is evidence of Americans common hopes and values o B. Americanism The text uses the phrase equality of results in its discussion of economic equality in the United States and Sweden. This phrase refers to equality in o E. what people are paid Which of the following statements about economic equality applies most accurately to Americans? o B. Most Americans believe that everyone has the right to get aheadequality of opportunity. Which one in each of the following pairs are Americans more likely to tolerate? o C. Economic versus political inequality Social policy in the United States is dominated by a common belief among Americans in the o A. Ethic of self-reliance. In American political culture, the ____ view of social policy is by far the most popular o A. Individualist According to polls, which of the groups below are Americans most willing to help o C. The elderly Compared with US political culture, Swedish political culture is more deferential than participatory. This means that Swedes are more likely than Americans to o C. Value equality over liberty Compared with US political culture, Swedish political culture is more deferential than participatory. This means that Swedes are more likely than Americans to o C. Favor equality of opportunity over equality of results The text argues that the democratic political culture of Sweden differs from that of the United States because the Swedes o E. Are more deferential than participatory in their politics Compared with Americans, Japanese are more likely to o A. Stress social harmony and group cohesion in their social relations Compared with Japanese, Americans are more likely to o A. reach decisions through the applications of rules rather than discussion Japanese and Americans diverge markedly in their attitudes toward o C. Individualism Concerning the values of individualism, competition, and equality, the sharpest contrast to US political culture is found in o B. Japan

Almond and Verba found that the citizens of which country are more likely to have the greatest confidence in their nations major institutions? o D. The United States Which religious group or leader advocated constitutional amendments that would require prayer in public schools and ban abortion? o B. Moral Majority Which group attracted an enormous amount of media attention and became a prominent force in many national, state, and local elections during the 1990s? o Christian Coalition The adversarial contentious spirit of US society is related most closely to Americans belief in o A. Individual Rights Political diversity and participation In the political process in the United States was encouraged most strongly by its o E. Religious Diversity Early competition between the Federalists and the Democratic-Republicans ended by establishing the principle that o D. Democracy could survive a change of ruling parties Opposition between ___ established the principle that democratic politics could survive the transition of power from one party to another o B. The federalists and democratic republics around 1800 Which statement is incorrect o E. none of these

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